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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Mar 2024   #781
What is "God"? Define it without using the word "God".

Also, "miracle". What is a miracle?

Let me give you an example...Woman - an adult human female.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2024   #782
No matter what definition I give you, it will not satisfy you and only lead to further argument.
You being an atheist don't believe in God so therefore there can't be any definition of God. that you will accept.
With that said, why would I entertain you and Satan any further with your blasphemy.

What is "God"? Define it

The Christian definition is, The Alpha and the Omega
The atheist definition is, blank because they are blind and don't know Him.
Now get back on topic before I turn you in to the F.B.I. for going Off-Topic and being a Ru$$ian spy spewing Ru$$ian propaganda.
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Mar 2024   #783
No matter what definition I give you, it will not satisfy you

Give me the definitions that satisfy you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2024   #784
My personal Christian Faith is of no concern to you.
You give this thread some respect and get back on topic, Satan.
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Mar 2024   #785
if you give me your definitions there is still a chance that I will repent and become a believer again.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2024   #786
I only planted the seed in you, it's someone else's job to water it.
Now can we get back on topic ?
Focus Blockhead....Topic of the thread....focus.....focus....
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Mar 2024   #787
I only planted the seed in you, it's someone else's job to water it.

I am trying to water it by learning from the believers. Somehow, they evade and avoid...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2024   #788
I am trying to water it

You have no water to water it with.
You are drier than a popcorn fart when it comes to Faith And Spirituality.

by learning from the believers.

You have no intentions of wanting to learn about God.
Your intentions are simply to intentionally go Off-Topic and argue.

they evade and avoid...

Thats because Christians are not required to defend their Faith to Richard Mauzer for his entertainment.
We shake the dust from our sandals and move on to someone that does want to learn as it is written to do.
You are too "thick" to get it just like you are too thick to stay On-Topic.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
24 Mar 2024   #789
We shake the dust from our sandals and move on to someone that does want to learn as it is written to do.

That is not a Christian viewpoint,My wife and I were both brought up as Catholics, my wife still has her faith but I lost mine when my dad died when I was 15 years old.....

We both tolerate each others points of view and have been happily together for 46 years,Your views are intolerant and non christian.
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 Mar 2024   #790
God (def.): the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.

Miracle (def.): An event with three basic components: (1) It must be an unusual event that can be perceived by others. (2) It has no natural explanation. (3) It appears to be the result of an act of God.

Genius (def.): An atheist who can teach the faithful the basic elements of Christianity.

Hey, Novi, you are an amazing guy...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2024   #791
My wife and I were

You have told us that ten times now, quit camping on it as it is meaningless. 😴

Your views are intolerant

We all fall short of the glory, even nerds like you. 😮

Genius (def.): An atheist who can

Google 😈 yet can't stay On Topic
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Apr 2024   #792
Stock Market has been going crazy the last two months.
If the jealous dickheads would stay out of this thread you could see what I mean and make some money.

Remember back two weeks ago when I posted this about STLD when it opened at $138 and today it opened at $150.

Anybody else got a stock to tip ? 🤠

Would you buy AMZN for a long term investment?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Apr 2024   #793
Stock Market has been going crazy the last two months.
If the jealous dickheads would stay out of this thread you could see what I mean and make some money.

Remember back two weeks ago when I posted this about STLD when it opened at $138 and today it opened at $150.

Anybody else got a stock to tip ? 🤠

To answer your question Joker.

Amazon has gone from then (August of 22) a $140 a share until now (April of 24) 17 months later to $182 a share today, up $42 a share.
So say you invested and bought 200 shares at $140 ($28,000) you would have made $8400 on it where as if you were like Novi and invested $28,000 in a Bank C.D. at 5% you would have made $2100 on your money.

Amazon is still a Strong Buy at $182 in my opinion.
Go look at it's chart for the last year.
I guess I am not technically what you would call a Day Trader.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Apr 2024   #794
Amazon is still a Strong Buy at $182 in my opinion.

Five business days later it closed at $187 today, so if you would have bought 200 shares last week you would have made a cool $1000.
I already own it so.........😛
On other stock news......
Did you see where Shell oil is considering quitting the London Stock Exchange for New York in what would be the biggest blow to the UK's struggling stock market so far.

Gold closed at $2350 today.
Silver closed at $28.00 today.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #795
Amazon closed at $189 today, up another $2 share. ($2 x 200 shares is more than Hairy makes in a month)
I wonder when this bull market will come to an end so I can go on vacation.
Make money while the sun shines, work, work, work. 🤠
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Apr 2024   #796
The bull market is over, I am out of the Market for the summer.
Until interest rates and inflation come down, this country's economy is done.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2024   #797
I'm not saying that insider trading doesn't take place with our governments top officials, so I will let you decide.
Nancy Pelosi recently realized a $1.8 million profit from a stock investment in NVIDIA over the short period of 92 days.

But if Trump did it he would be charged and have that money taken away from him.
Lazarus  3 | 364
2 May 2024   #798
Amazon closed at $189 today

Mystic Jimmy strikes yet again. He "picks" a stock that every single media tipper was rating as "buy" and immediately it goes down and stays down!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 May 2024   #799
Troll Hairy is clueless about the stock market and how it goes up and down.
He has never owned any stocks and that is why he never tips one.
By the way, Amazon is up $5 a share today.
You missed out again to pay your bar tab off Hairy.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 May 2024   #800
Remember when Joker ask me if Amazon stock was a good long term stock when it was at $140 a share ?

Today, 18 months later, Amazon closed at $178.75 and still growing. March 15, 24

Today May 9th, 24 it is at $190.
So if uncle Lazarus would have bought 200 shares at $140 ($28,000) it now would be worth $38,000 20 months later for a cool $10,000 profit.
But NOoooo, Hairy Lazarus would rather ridicule, diminish and shame instead of listening.
I have a stock that is doing even much better than AMAZON but refuse to tip it so Hairy Lazarus can mock it while he never has tipped a stock here.

Has anyone seen the little troll creature lately ?
Bobko  27 | 2215
9 May 2024   #801
but refuse to tip it

Oh you tease!

Why don't you leave your retirement, and go work at Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan?

This way, you can share your excellent tips with thousands of institutional and high net worth clients, and actually get paid 8-figures a year for handing out advice.

Surely a more rewarding path than dangling tips in front of the PF crowd?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 May 2024   #802
Why don't you leave your retirement, and go work at Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan?

I like to go fishing when the fish are biting and a real job hampers that.

high net worth clients,

They mostly stick with the big Eight stocks. (Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, ect.)

Surely a more rewarding path than dangling tips in front of the PF crowd

Naw, it drives the jealous little pauper troll Lazarus into an inferiority complex meltdown frenzy which is his karma for being such a hateful person.

Don't you get a kick out of his stupid rants ?
Rumor is that he got drunk again and got thrown back in the slammer for parole violation.
Bobko  27 | 2215
9 May 2024   #803
Don't you get a kick out of his stupid rants

I get a kick out of your mere existence.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 May 2024   #804
Well thank you for such a nice compliment.
I don't care what they say about you now.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 May 2024   #805
Anyone watching gold and silver prices today ?
jon357  72 | 23654
18 May 2024   #806
gold and silver prices today

Today and every day.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
18 May 2024   #807
Rumor is that he got drunk again and got thrown back in the slammer

Rumour is that you were in the slammer recently........
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Aug 2024   #808
Rumor is your wife found your butt plug.

The Market took quite a correction in the past week.
There are some fantastic buys right now on the dip.
I think it will be a short run though as the Recession is on the horizon.
If Trump wins, I am positioned well, if Harris wins, we are all f-cked.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Aug 2024   #809
if Harris wins, we are all f-cked.

I hope she won't.

If she does, we will get what we deserve. Sure can't blame Putin or global warming.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Aug 2024   #810
If she does, we will get what we deserve.

This is what I tell my Liberal friends when they stary b!tching about the economy or border.
You voted for the incompetent M.F. and we told you so but you wouldn't listen so save your tears.

The market has been up the last two days giving us a little back of what they took.

Trump is our only hope but the Liberals STILL WON'T/DON'T get it.
They will vote for a 4th term obama again this time around.
Stupid is as Duped does. 🥴

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