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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Novichok  4 | 8702
19 Mar 2024   #751
Come on Richy, give us a stock tip we can make a $1000 on in two weeks or stfu.

I don't have to gamble to live reasonably well.

Are you going to post your 2023 trades? I mean your broker's records, not self-serving PF posts.

BTW, if my income was $500 a week, I would kill myself.
Alien  26 | 6543
19 Mar 2024   #752
$500 a week, I would kill myself.

Don't be proud, many people only earned that much. When I was still working in Poland, I earned the equivalent of $100 per month.
Novichok  4 | 8702
19 Mar 2024   #753
I graduated from "Polibuda" in Feb 1966 with an MSEE degree. My first job paid me 1500 zl a month.

Shoes - 500 zl
Shirt - 900 zl
Plastic coat - 1800 zl

As a graduate engineer, I knew how to count so by September the same year I was on a train to Amsterdam with no plans to ever come back again.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Mar 2024   #754
It doesnt seem like much money

That was income for just ONE of many of my stocks while I was on vacation, Mr. Jealous
When are you going to give us a stock tip, loud mouth ? 😡
Come on Loud Mouth, all hat and no horse. Bak Bak Bak πŸ“

Are you going to post your 2023 trades?

Only for the I.R.S. and definitely not for a Schmuck like you.
Are you going to post your income tax return statement for the last year that you worked ?
Now that would be embarrassing for your superiority complex trying to impress someone in Poland with your big engineering degree. Pfffft !
In 2018 there were over 135,000 engineers degrees given out in the U.S. so yours is nothing special, Gramps.
That degree of yours and $3 dollars could buy a cup of coffee just about anywhere in the U.S.

if my income was $500 a week, I would kill myself.

Richy, that was on only ONE stock of many that I own, and by the way ALL of my stocks are up today.
Then throw in my Pension and Social Security and Stock dividends and the interest on my bank accounts and many other investments that haul in income and I can't even spend it all.

I give away more money than I spend.
Something you and your little buddy can't comprehend.
When is the last time you threw a couple of C-notes in the church offering, or paid for several children's tuition for school without taking a selfie of yourself doing it ? lol

Novi, take your pet lacky and get out of this thread because neither of you know anything about stocks or the stock market which gives you both a huge inferiority complex to the point you only post in it to destroy the thread.

(Wait until I win the 900 million lotto tonight and then watch their meltdowns) HA !
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
19 Mar 2024   #755
@johnny reb

Anyone who plays the stock market and is not in the game,with inside knowledge, is no better than a gambler in Las Vegas and if you expect us to believe this BS about your stock market successes while you still live in a run down wooden shack in Michigan than you are an even bigger idiot than I took you for!
Novichok  4 | 8702
19 Mar 2024   #756
Are you going to post your income tax return statement for the last year that you worked ?

No. But I am not bragging here about how I just opened another CD with what amount.

In fact, I freely admit to buying only used cars that are 10 years old even though I can buy the newest LS500 today for cash without even noticing that 80 grand is now gone.

I get most of my satisfaction from the fact that my wife feels financially secure and that she trusts me. There is no greater reward for a married man.
Joker  2 | 2455
19 Mar 2024   #757
You can black out the number of shares to keep this information private.

Thats the thing... Jimmy has never backed up any of his claims of success on PF. He always demands others to do so, but not him. Its all total BS!

135,000 engineers degrees given out in the U.S. so yours is nothing special, Gramps.

What university did you graduate From all your scribblings, childish rants and schoolyard bully tactics. It comes to no surprise if you never graduated from H.S.

expect us to believe this BS about your stock market successes while you still live in a run down wooden shack

He has told so many lies boasting about himself that nothing he claims is believable.

Remember how he was complaining about his paltry Social Security benefits just a few months ago. Pan Bogaty of PF! LOL
Novichok  4 | 8702
19 Mar 2024   #758
What university did you graduate

What the idiot overlooked is that more engineers are better. If I was the only engineer in the US, I would be washing dishes somewhere.

He has told so many lies boasting about himself that nothing he claims is believable.

Unless one is Gates or Musk, there is always somebody smarter and richer so what's the point of "flaunting"? To impress letters on the monitor?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Mar 2024   #759
Jimmy has never backed up any of his claims of success on PF.

Liar !

The jealousy just drips off your face. 🀒

Now your turn Jailbird Joker, how about you post a stock for us to watch like I did ? Bak Bak Bak πŸ“
Novichok  4 | 8702
20 Mar 2024   #760 a stock for us to watch like I did...

Why did you do that?
Joker  2 | 2455
20 Mar 2024   #761
Like other gamblers, guys like you brag by reporting only the winners. Post your broker's record of your trades or STFU.

Nothing but crickets as he hasn't any proof, as predicted. Only more double-talk BS.

The jealousy just drips off your face

Your claims/word are not valid proof as you been caught lying hand over fist on this forum ad naseaum.

Nobody is jealous of you on this forum, quite the opposite. We all think youre an idiot thats allπŸ˜‚
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Mar 2024   #762
Why did you do that?

I like tipping stocks that make people a little extra income.
Hell, dolno bought a nice house with a stock I suggested to him.

Now your turn Jailbird Joker, how about you post a stock for us to watch like I did ? Bak Bak Bak πŸ“

All you can do is diminish my knowledge of the market because you have no knowledge of it or talent how it works.
You are jealous so you lash out at me with redirects of Off-Topic smack.

Nobody is jealous of you on this forum

You are the worst of them
The S&P was up .6% yesterday.
Novichok  4 | 8702
20 Mar 2024   #763
I like tipping stocks that make people a little extra income.

And I like giving people advice on how not to be woke azholes.

Memo to woke azholes: Want a baby? Get a woman because men cannot ever get pregnant, no matter how many times they hear "GFY". public service...

I like tipping stocks that make people a little extra income.

You are lying. Stock advice goes like this:
Buy X at A or less. Sell X at B or more. Stop limit at C.

Your posts brag. You also revealed what your client did. Inexcusable.
Joker  2 | 2455
20 Mar 2024   #764
Post your broker's record of your trades or STFU.

Still nothing but the same rhetoric and lies over and over.

Hell, dolno bought a nice house with a stock I suggested to him.

Get the shovels out the $hit is getting deep around here! Hahahaha. He purchased a house off your tip! Hahahahahaha

Your posts brag

All he does on this forum is brag about himself, too bad for him none of its true...LOL
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Mar 2024   #765
Your posts brag. You also revealed what your client did.

I have no clients, liar, just friends to make suggestions to.

Hell, dolno bought a nice house with a stock I suggested to him.

Get the shovels out the $hit is getting deep around here! He purchased a house off your tip! Hahahahahaha

Yes, start reading from this post #63 up to post #77 by dolno]

No not taking more chances , buying up property instead , just got another house

So there you go Joker, deny that you lying dipshit.

I caught you lying three times this week with this being the third time Jailbird Joker. (joker slinks down in his chair with smoke coming out of his ears) 🀒

Now what kind of re-direct to take the camera off your reddened lying face ? 😑 Hahahahahaha
Oh that's right, there were no camera's...πŸ™„ HAhahahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8702
20 Mar 2024   #766
I have no clients, liar, just friends to make suggestions to.

Bullshit! Friends advise friends in private. In return, friends thank friends privately.
You and Dolno are narcissistic exhibitionists.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
20 Mar 2024   #767
All you can do is diminish my knowledge of the market

Get a life man!You have zero knowledge!You may as well be playing roulette in Vegas.......


We all know who the only Jailbird on this forum really is, so stop deflecting or I will discover your details......
Joker  2 | 2455
20 Mar 2024   #768
Hell, dolno bought a nice house with a stock I suggested to him.


, I sold a house


  • 3d5bf9f63bf45217a73e.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Mar 2024   #769
Hell, dolno bought a nice house with a stock I suggested to him.


Yes really.
Here read it for yourself.

No not taking more chances , buying up property instead , just got another house

Got you again, LIAR !
Suck on that !

Will you be going to Poland this Easter or have your unused air tickets expired after a year ? Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2455
21 Mar 2024   #770
Here read it for yourself.

It doesnt confirm anything except you trying to twist words around in your favor again.

You are the biggest compulsive liar in PF history hands down!
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
21 Mar 2024   #771
All you can do is diminish my knowledge of the market

Get a life man!You have zero knowledge!You may as well be playing roulette in Vegas.......


We all know who the only Jailbird on this forum really is, so stop deflecting or I will discover your details......

Will you be going to Poland this Easter

We all know that you won't be going Jim and that you never have visited Poland.
Because you can't afford it.... what a saddo failure!
Novichok  4 | 8702
21 Mar 2024   #772
You may as well be playing roulette in Vegas.......Jailbird

Only 1% of day traders make money. Only very few mutual fund managers beat S&P.
The only people who make it are insiders and pump-and-dump crooks.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
21 Mar 2024   #773
The only people who make it are insiders and pump-and-dump crooks.

Spot on!!! Idiots like Jimmy are just stupid gamblers.....
Joker  2 | 2455
21 Mar 2024   #774
We all know who the only Jailbird on this forum really is,

Just more of his mimicking bc he can think of anything clever or intelligent on his own. A one trick pony thats all.

We all know that you won't be going Jim

Why would anyone ever tell this idiot their travel itinerary. I have the stamps on my passport and know where I have been, which he doesn't, thats if he even owns a passport at all.

Only 1% of day traders make money.

Except for Jimmy , he never loses and is always on top! LOLOL
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2024   #775
Only 1% of day traders make money.

That is simply not true.
Why do you post such false information ?

he never loses and is always on top!

Yup, and you are always on bottom because the market doesn't take credit cards. lol
Novichok  4 | 8702
23 Mar 2024   #776

Only 13% of day traders maintain consistent profitability over six months, and a mere 1% succeed over five years.

Among those who work, 100% are profitable over five years. 1% vs 100%. Also, working is more fun than sitting at home and drinking Pepto-Bysmol.

Stress kills. No, thanks.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Mar 2024   #777

Wow!!! You stirred amasing memories now!! Do you realise I asked my former genius uni English department mate about that Pepto Bysmol when I was translating the audio script for Rat Race film 23 years ago???

And that genius friend of mine said it was cheap wine!!!!!

Pepto Bismol filled jaccuzzi in 1:05

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2024   #778
working is more fun than sitting at home

Then why do you sit home all day every day arguing on the Polish Forum, genius ?
My trading takes place between 10 am and 11 am. as a hobby and done and have the rest of the day to do anything I want to while you punch the clock 8 am to 5 pm. with an hour commute to and from plus you have a boss to answer to.

Hell, I don't even have to get out of my pajama's if I don't want to.

Stress kills. No, thanks.

I think that you may have had too much therapy.
Probably best that you don't post in this thread anymore since you have yet to mention a single stock.
Novichok  4 | 8702
24 Mar 2024   #779
since you have yet to mention a single

I don't trade because I don't have to. I don't punch the clock, either, because I don't work.
I don't pray for the same reason.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2024   #780
I don't trade because I don't have to.

I don't have to punch a clock or work either as Day Trading is my hobby.

My trading takes place between 10 am and 11 am. as a hobby

You should get yourself a hobby that keeps your brain sharp too as it has become quite apparent that it has been slipping here in the last year or so by your repeating yourself in your posts.

Have you tried praying about the onset of your dementia yet or have you 'forgotten' that you have to ask to receive ?
Take them blinders off, Buddy, and you just might snap out of your depression and actually smile before you die.
Let go and let God. πŸ‘»

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