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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Alien  26 | 6528
17 Mar 2024   #721
they take showers together t

They roll either in the mud together, like a herd of pigs. I suppose
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Mar 2024   #722
Then say: this thread or the thread I started.

Not Mother.
Please don't tell me what to say and quit trying to run my life.
Who appointed you class president ?

"my dick" or "my ass". You do own both, right?

Like jon said a long time ago, "You are a closet BIO sexual."
You ask to meet with me, you ask if I have a dick, and now you want to take a shower with me.
You are one sick puppy, Novi.
Get lost, I am not interested.
I m not as easy as your little perverted Chicago friend that did it with you just for a free gun.
Now get back On-Topic of my thread or please don't post in it anymore.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Mar 2024   #723
Please don't tell me what to say and quit trying to run my life.

I am not telling you what to say.
I am telling you what you said.
You said: ..."my thread"...
This is not your thread beyond the fact that you started it.

Now get back On-Topic of my thread or please don't post in it anymore.

This is not your thread.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Mar 2024   #724
This is not your thread beyond the fact that you started it.

BINGO !.....FINALLY you got it !

This is not your thread.

Hey I have an idea Dicky, LETS ARGUE !
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Mar 2024   #725
This is not your thread is not open for discussion.
Ask the Mods.

"Started" does not mean "my". Learn the difference before you post like a foreigner.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Mar 2024   #726
There you go again trying to tell me what to do again.
Your dementia is getting worse.
You are slipping Novi as I have told you six times now that you are not my mother.

Ask the Mods.

The Mods have all quit because of you.
You drove them nuts by being so rude by refusing to stay on topic.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Mar 2024   #727
You are slipping Novi as I have told you six times now that you are not my mother.

I am not your mother but I still suffer reading your posts.
I know I can put you back on my ignore list but that will not offer any relief to others.

BTW, how many times did you give me your how-to-be-a-better-man patronizing crap?
You post too much...You are rude and chase people away...

So, go fvck yourself with your Jesus superiority.

No, the guy did not walk on water, did not make water into wine, and was not much better than any TV preacher.

Actually, TV preachers are better...they bullshit for big bucks, live in big houses, and most will die from natural causes, not on some wooden cross while the omnipotent daddy is just watching...the same guy who drowned millions - indiscriminately and with premeditation...What a model of love and mercy...

I would be better as a god.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Mar 2024   #728
I would be better as a god.

You are a god with a small 'g' in your own slipping mind.

So, go fvck yourself

You just want to watch them big hairy balls don't you.
You are a faggot of the worst kind.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Mar 2024   #729
You are a god with a small 'g' in your own slipping mind.

There are many gods so I can be one of them...At least I didn't drown anyone.

You just want to watch them big hairy balls don't you.

If you had them you would meet me for lunch.
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2024   #730
Who appointed you class president ?

Who appointed you moderator?

If you had them you would meet me for lunch.

Its strange how he was too afraid to meet you, yet he thinks about you when hes taking a shower.

You are a faggot of the worst kind.

Such nasty language from Preacher Jim, what a fraud!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Mar 2024   #731
There are many gods so I can be one of them..

No, atheists don't believe in God.
You can only pretend to be a god.

If you had them you would meet me for lunch.

I do have them and no I still will not meet you period.
You make my skin crawl and give me the willies. 👾
Besides I don't date trannies.
Try asking Atch or Lenka and see if they will meet you for lunch.

Who appointed you moderator?

Someone has to be the adult here to spank you immature heathens. 🦾

Its strange how he was too afraid to meet you,

Afraid ? You were the one to afraid to meet me in my church parking lot after you threatened to meet me there to beat me up.

I was there waiting but little 🐔 sh!t yapper you never showed. HooT !
Do you think any of the girls here would want to meet him for lunch ?
Do you think any of the Christians here would want to meet him for lunch ?
Tell me, how many people here would go to lunch with him or invite him to their home ?
No essay, just names. 😴
Now get back On-Topic of my thread or please don't post in it anymore.
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2024   #732
Wil be going through Chicago (ORD) in the morning and make a connection to Fort Lauderdale (FFL) to spend the night.

Why did you fly commercial on your Costa Rican fakcation when you claim to own your own learjet? Hahahaha

Are you keeping it fresh in the hanger next to your imaginary yacht? LOL

You claimed you won the lottery as well, but has to fly coach!!!!

Why do you have to constantly brag you have all this wealth when its obvious you are a pauper?

  • 3d5bf9f63bf45217a73e.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #733
No, atheists don't believe in God.

Atheists don't accept that energy and objects can be created from nothing. This is where "God' nonsense ends.

We also don't like the concept of mass murder by drowning. That act made Hitler look good as he was more selective in choosing his victims.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Mar 2024   #734
Why do you have to constantly brag you have all this wealth

Actually it's you who constantly keeps bringing up my wealth all the time, if you noticed, do to your inferiority complex.
Is that because you see the money that I make in the stock market here ?
People like you who live paycheck to mouth talk money because you are jealous.
When you gonna post a stock tip ?
Daddy's inheritance ran out and now you suffer ion depression and had to put your wife to work.
Besides, I liked out doing your lies of you owning six homes, three Tesla's, a bicycle that goes 60 mph, and a royal estate in Poland. Hoot !

I saw you and your wife in Adrain's funeral memorial video.
Who's your barber ? lmfao !

Atheists don't accept

That's because you walk by sight and not by Faith like I do. 🙏
You've already posted that you want to burn in hell with Satan so put it to rest.
We all have choices to make in life thanks to God giving us a free will.
I have an idea Rich, lets argue all day again......😴
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #735
I have an idea Rich, lets argue all day again....

We don't argue. I post what every intelligent person already knows. Here it is one more time:

1. Energy and objects cannot be created from nothing.
2. "Miracles" don't happen. Only the events that are either rare or hard to explain for a while. Then we discover it was old red paint, not a blood-crying Mary.

3. God, like transgender "women", does not exist. It's a fiction created by some to feel better.
4. Faith is a state of mind and not based on facts. That's why we say I believe instead of I know. For example: I know it's Monday. Not: I believe it's Monday.

Christianity, according to Novi, can be summed in one sentence: Don't be a mean azhole.

All the rest, including the Virgin Mary on, are unnecessary add-ons and distractions that invite ridicule and derision since her being a virgin or not does not subtract from her son's message and achievements.

No, Jesus was not a son of "God". He had very normal parents, Joseph and Mary, just as you and every other human being born since the beginning of time.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Mar 2024   #736
How about my STLD stock, joker.

Now, take the stocks that I kept from back then
STLD on July 27th was $72 and today $119 (Steel Dynamics)

Think I did alright on STLD in the last two years ?
It opened at $138.46 today.
From $72 a share to $138 a share in less than two years.
Do you have any stocks that have double your money in two years ?
When are you going to give us a hot tip on one of your stocks, joker ?
Your insults and belittlements to avoid the topic have become quite apparent to your ignorance and jealousy of this thread.
This thread is of no interest to you so why do you insist on taking it off - topic with your attacks ? 🤓
There can only be one reason.........J.E.A.LO.U.S.Y.
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #737
Hey, stupid, when one is married with kids, one needs a predictable income. Stock speculation is just a notch better than gambling.

Kids, Daddy lost 10 grand today so no dinner is not an option for normal people.


Studies have shown that more than 97% of day traders lose money over time, and less than 1% of day traders are actually profitable. One percent! But of course, nobody thinks they will be the one losing out.

Like other gamblers, guys like you brag by reporting only the winners. Post your broker's record of your trades or STFU.

You can black out the number of shares to keep this information private.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Mar 2024   #738
according to Novi,

Same as,......................... another Meaningless Opinion 🤡
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #739
I am glad that you accepted the remaining 99.9% of my post #735.

Baits like this one never fail. "According to Novi" is your problem...hahahahaha...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Mar 2024   #740
"According to Novi" is your problem..

Actually it is yours as Demetia you have already posted post #735 three times now.
Either get some new material or stfu. hahahaha....
I got an idea Dicky, lets argue all day again. 🤪
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #741
post #735 three times now.

No. I posted #735 only once.
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2024   #742
Indeed. See how he lies in every post? Then hes going to start preaching again.
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #743
Hey, Joker, how do you like my idea of JR posting his past trades? Minus personal info, of course...

I think it would be a simple way to make all of us green with envy.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
18 Mar 2024   #744
it's you who constantly keeps bringing up my wealth all the time

What wealth? You live in your own fantasy world, we all know that you are an elderly poor guy who lives in a wooden shack in Northern Michigan.

Prove me wrong....... go on......
Novichok  4 | 8682
18 Mar 2024   #745
Prove me wrong....... go on......

...and post your 2023 trades...
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2024   #746
Prove me wrong....... go on......

He recently claimed he won the lottery and then was worried about some $1000 stock loss...

JR posting his past trades?

He always demands other posters supply him with info, but we both know hes full of BS.

Maybe hes down by Eagle Pass
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
18 Mar 2024   #747
Such nasty language from Preacher Jim, what a fraud!

And that is exactly why Jim refused to meet Rich, because we would all know what a fraud he is.
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2024   #748
because we would all know what a fraud he is.

Judging by his photo hes around 300lbs with bad teeth.... He didnt want Rich to get a look at his shack because all of his lies would be exposed.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Mar 2024   #749
Hey, Joker, how do you like my idea of JR posting his past trades?
I think it would be a simple way to make all of us green with envy.

I already did that numb nuts.

And two weeks later and a $1000 richer.

Now its you guys turn to post a stock so we can see what it does. Bak Bak Bak ! 🐓
Come on Richy, give us a stock tip we can make a $1000 on in two weeks or stfu.
Same offer goes for your two pet lacky's.

I think it would be a simple way to make all of us green with envy.

Oh I have already done that several times in this thread of mine.
Remember my TESLA stock that made dolno enough money to buy nice house.
If you have forgot go back in this thread and see what he posted.
That green jealousy was just dripping off you Schmucks. 🤑
But then again, it takes money to make money.
Joker  2 | 2447
19 Mar 2024   #750
And two weeks later and a $1000 richer.

It doesnt seem like much money and a waste of time for a big shot that claims he won the lottery! LOL

Remember my TESLA stock that made dolno enough money to buy nice house.

And also a yacht with a crew and learjet! WoW! What a guy! Lets not forget about your Jamaican cattle ranch as well.

Are you going water-skiing with the college coeds again this summer? Youre like a geriatric James Bond 007, Hahaha!

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