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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
3 Jul 2023   #661
Prove it!

Prove it, Prove it, Prove it !
Why Mommy, Why Mommy, Why Mommy
The jealousy just drips off your face.
You would just claim that the TD/Schabb page was not mine. LOL
Oh and TESLA just closed for the day @$278 so I only am up $7000 for two days which is still enough for down payments on two Tesla 3's like the ones you claim you own.

Jealous jealous jealous. HooT !
We have yet to see you make a stock pick of your own here in this thread, why is that ?
All you do is criticize those who do make them expecting us to be 100% correct on each one.
And then when I make a laughing stock out of you, you take the thread off -topic to do a redirect. LOL
Just admit that you don't know squat about stock trading so get lost, J.J. (Jealous Joker) Hoot Hoot !
(hint & a tip) Keep your eye on the oil stocks for the next two months. Am I right joun ?
I just bought back into a couple of those this morning.
Hey Joker, go crack another cold one and fire up your bong.
Life is good. :-)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
18 Jul 2023   #662
Gold stocks are starting to go up with this inflation.
Looks like they have room to keep going up.
I still like TESLA the best however.
In just the past three months it has moved up from $150 to $290.
That's a 93% move in 3 months !
The next 3 months won't be anything like that, but I think that it will make steady progress.
I just read that they are doubling the size of their plant in Berlin taking it from 500,000 cars per year to 1 million.
Now with Tesla's new goofy looking electric truck that just came out for the public their stocks almost have to go up.
Still time to get in.
What do you think cms ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
31 Jul 2023   #663
Still time to get in.

TESLA Tid Bit !
Tesla as a company and a stock has had its fits and starts, for the most part, it's been a racecar.
A $10,000 investment in the EV maker's shares placed in late July of 2015 would have, after two stock splits, grown to a monster pile of almost $2.25 million eight years later.

How's that for share price acceleration ?
Alien  25 | 6370
19 Aug 2023   #664
share price acceleration ?

Tesla shares are said to be falling.
Novichok  4 | 8446
19 Aug 2023   #665
Tesla stock now: $215
jon357  72 | 23482
20 Aug 2023   #666
The rise in Chinese electric cars will eventually wipe them out.

  • IMG_0166.jpeg
29 Dec 2023   #667
Want to learn to trade. Are you guys into technical analysis? Do you think it works? Should I take time to start learning all this stuff like moving averages, RSI, MACD, momentum, candle sticks, or the price action theories like Wyckoff, Dow, or Elliott Wave? I started studying it, watching Youtube videos, but it's so complicated. Even if you know how to use a tool, there will be other traders that use it totally differently.

Even the most established "wave" theories are not really reliable because they are just theories, not facts. I found interesting posts on Reddit by a Polish-American trader who seems to know the technicals well and posts the revised Elliott Wave rules/guidelines. if you're interested, his website is .

Some traders claim it took them a few years to figure out a working strategy and most of them lost money before they became profitable. They say it's possible to make money if you don't know much about technical analysis, but the biggest problem is doing so consistently. Maybe it's not worth risking my money or just better to invest in CDs or bonds that are risk-free and guarantee steady payment.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
22 Jan 2024   #668
The rise in Chinese electric cars will eventually wipe them out.

China's stock market has been hit hard recently, witnessing a staggering loss of more than $6.3 trillion, with indices sinking to five-year lows.
This financial turmoil has left experts and investors concerned about the nation's economic prospects.
They need a good war to stimulate their economy.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
16 Feb 2024   #669
I had a very nice one-week investment !
I bought 250 shares of HOLO when I first heard about it last Monday at $20 a share. ($5000)
It is presently at $70 a share so I am watching it very closely as it is now worth $17,500 for a $12,500 profit in one week.
I may pull the trigger on it since the market is closed on Monday for a holiday.
You can't imagine the stress in my life sometimes.
This is why I am off on a vacation next week for some R & R.
And before the jealous insults start, there is still time to get in on this one if you have the balls to throw the dice.

There most likely will be a pull back next week and that will be the time to jump in.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
16 Feb 2024   #670
I couldn't take the stress anymore so I cashed out at $70 before the close today.
After an in depth research on this stock, I may want to hold off on my victory lap until the dust settles.
Just today, the stock has gone from $35 to over $98 and is now around $66.
I could not recommend any stock to you that is that volatile.
The company has never made a profit, and sales revenue in the latest quarter amounted to only $7 million.
They haven't reported any financials for 2023, but in 2022 their net loss was $24 million.
I think I may have gotten very lucky this week.
And next week is all SUN & FUN !
Alien  25 | 6370
17 Feb 2024   #671
$12,500 profit in one week.

Does this profit have to be taxed in the USA? Because it is taxed in Germany.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
17 Feb 2024   #672
Well of course, how do you think the United States pays for Europe's defense protection against Russia while Europe spends their tax money on free healthcare and free education on themselves.
pawian  226 | 27397
17 Feb 2024   #673
their tax money on free healthcare

Stop shamming and spreading lies. You don`t pay extra for healthcare if you first cover med insurance from your salary.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
17 Feb 2024   #674
You don`t pay extra for healthcare

Shows you what you don't know

if you first cover med insurance from your salary.

Pays part of it but not all of it LIAR and not all workers have that perk and have no healthcare at all.
For someone to claim us Conservatives are the ones ruining this forum you sure have a hard time staying on topic.
pawian  226 | 27397
17 Feb 2024   #675
not all workers have that perk and have no healthcare at all.

Each person who works on a contract pays the med insurance. If you work in the grey market, you don`t.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
17 Feb 2024   #676
Like I said, you have a hard time staying on top, even with your lies.
pawian  226 | 27397
17 Feb 2024   #677
us Conservatives are the ones ruining this forum

Yes, you are cons. Con men, more exactly!! Shamming is your life!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
18 Feb 2024   #678
Like I said, you have a hard time staying on top, even with your lies.

Shamming is your life!

And you make yourself such an easy target.

Each person who works on a contract pays the med insurance.

Who told you that lie ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
19 Feb 2024   #679
And next week is all SUN & FUN !

Well guys, see ya'll when I get back with my nice sun tan all refreshed.
I bought 300 shares of SUM last Friday February 16th at $41 a share and am going to let it ride until I get back.
Wil be going through Chicago (ORD) in the morning and make a connection to Fort Lauderdale (FFL) to spend the night.
Will have a nice dinner and hit the dog track.
Then Tuesday off to my final destination out of the country to ???? (keep you in suspense) Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2369
19 Feb 2024   #680
I get back with my nice sun tan all refreshed.

You are already tan to begin with Jamaican Jim.

Wil be going through Chicago (ORD) in the morning and make a connection to Fort Lauderdale (FFL) to

What happened to your Learjet?????? LoL
Alien  25 | 6370
20 Feb 2024   #681
What happened to your Learjet

Confiscated for taxes.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
4 Mar 2024   #682
I bought 300 shares of SUM last Friday February 16th at $41 a share and am going to let it ride until I get back.

I am back and SUM is currently at $44.22 up $3.33..
300 shares at $3.33 = $1000 profit while getting a tan. 😎
pawian  226 | 27397
5 Mar 2024   #683
I am back

Excellent! We missed you! :):):)
Alien  25 | 6370
5 Mar 2024   #684

As far as I know, he also landed on Novi's famous list.
pawian  226 | 27397
5 Mar 2024   #685
he also landed on Novi's famous list.

Really??? AmaSSing! It isn`t the same tough Novi that we knew years ago.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
6 Mar 2024   #686
As far as I know, he also landed on Novi's famous list.

Of course, Narcissist can't stand to be mocked and challenged.
Ms. Atch said it the best that I have ever heard it put in my entire life describing Narcissists.
Does this describe Novi to a "T" or what......Hoot !
Quoting Ms. Atch:
You disagree because like many Polish people, a) you are a nit-picker who likes to argue for the sake of it b) you can't admit you're wrong about something c) you're too arrogant to take advice, doing yourself a great disservice in the process. Instead of welcoming the opportunity to learn you have to prove that you're 'right'. You're not - and you never will be.

Damn it Ms. Atch, that was perfectly put.
Thank you.
pawian  226 | 27397
7 Mar 2024   #687
Quoting Ms. Atch:

Sorry, but quoting forum azholes so proudly doesn`t add much splendour to you. Quite the contrary - you become like them. :):):)
Well, in your case it doesn`t make such a big difference so.... never mind. hahahahaha buhahahaha
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
8 Mar 2024   #688
doesn`t add much splendour to you

Maybe not but she sure did knock your dick in the dirt didn't she. HOOT !

- you become like them

Better than becoming a jez like you.

in your case it doesn`t make such a big difference

I have warned you about coming on here posting while you are drunk and thinking that you are cute.
You may dazzle your students but you fall very short with adults.
pawian  226 | 27397
9 Mar 2024   #689
I have warned you about coming on here posting

Hmmm, probably you have. But my memory is getting worse with age. :):):)

your dick in the dirt

Does it mean one has such a long dick it drags on the ground???
OP johnny reb  49 | 7908
10 Mar 2024   #690
my memory is getting worse with age.

Thats why you needed a tune-up.

Does it mean

You know how to google, do your own homework.

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