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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2023   #601
you are both rightists. A bit different coz you personally are neutral to minorities of various kinds, while he hates them all

You got that right at least.
You may not understand our right wing political views but at least you can see the nuanced difference between me and JR Jim and some of the other posters on here.

He is hated by all of us......But he doesn't know that.....because he is too stupid.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Feb 2023   #602
but at least you can see the nuanced difference between me and JR Jim

He is hated by all of us...

We do as I hate no one. :-)
Where does all your hate come from ?
Not getting any sleep with your new grandson crying in the basement all night ?
Now get back on - topic Milopox.
Looks like you need to go back on Ignore again and here you just got off.
What an ass hole you are.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2023   #603
@johnny reb

You failed in trying to to take this thread off topic.

Hopefully the mods will do their job....
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Feb 2023   #604
I just reported you for Off - Topic Trolling
Don't you know anything about the stock market that you could contribute /
Joker  2 | 2447
5 Feb 2023   #605
I just reported you for Off - Topic Trolling


First of all its an off-topic thread and they mods dont care. Duh!

Do you really think the mods need you help?

Im surprised they dont ban you for annoying them all time..You're another poster with no life and nothing better to do.

Where is your imaginary Yacht that you're letting your friend's use?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Feb 2023   #606
.You're another poster with no life and nothing better to do.

Listen up Rat, this is my thread and you will respect it and stay On - Topic.
You trash enough threads with your busy body sticking your nose in other peoples business without having to trash my thread.

Where is your imaginary Yacht that you're letting your friend's use?

Funny you should ask.
Down in Miami right now and just buddied up with another yacht to head over to the Bahama's.
If you weren't leaving for Poland I would take you and Novi with me when I go down.
Now stay on Topic or stay out of my thread.
Joker  2 | 2447
5 Feb 2023   #607
Listen up Rat.

Youre the one that is SNITCHING by your own admission so stfu.

Down in Miami right now a

Hahahahahaha Too funny!

Lets see a pic of this yacht, remember its your turn? And were still waiting for that whopper marlin photo??????????

stay out of my thread.

Its an off topic thread and I can do whatever I want too no matter how much you SNITCH.

Just remember last time when they took your button away. Youre really pushing it again be careful.

  • istockphoto52049662.jpg
cms neuf  2 | 1945
5 Feb 2023   #608
So now I realize it was a mistake to wander into the Off Topic area. You guys can be pretty weird sometimes.

Maybe I will enter into the JR spirit and post random pieces of good luck, after they have happened. So in 1998 when I had a bit of spare cash I put about 3000 gbp into some emerging India fund. I then forgot about it, lost the documents in some house move and only last year did I track down the fund and cash out at an amazing profit - maybe 15000 after tax. Now I see I was lucky as quite a lot of that fund was in this Adani business and various other Indian things that have been tanking.

Normally I am on the wrong end of these disasters.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Feb 2023   #609
You sure are having a tuff time painting a picture to diminish my day trading success aren't you.

after they have happened.

wondering why you didn't mention your buys on our stock market thread !

I did at the start of this thread and dolno made a ton of money trusting me.
Then like you, Ha Ha Hairy did everything under the sun to diminish me.
You must have forgotten what I told you months ago.
Here, let me remind you so you can put your wondering to rest.
Take note to the one sentence in that post that I already directed to you.

So pick, dig, repeat, hound, pester, needle me all you want, you ain't getting anymore coaching from me because the jealous Low Life Losers here have taken the fun out of this thread.

Did that help so you would stop your needling me of why I don't share my buys anymore ?
I am done with your Rinse & Repeats.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
6 Feb 2023   #610
Hahahahahaha Too funny!


Lets see a pic of this yacht,

Yeah,we will have a very long wait for that!

Jim is a total dreamer.....
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Feb 2023   #611
Jimmy, do you think you have a good mother ?
My name is Milo, Mom. :-/
Joker  2 | 2447
7 Feb 2023   #612
, do you think you have a good mother ?

What does his mum have to do with anything? You really come up with some 4th grader $hit. What else to you do besides hang out here everyday?

Lets see a pic of this yacht,
Yeah,we will have a very long wait for that!

He lives in a fantasyland and expects the forum to believe it! LOLOL

If he doesnt post any pics it doesn't exist. Whats the point of bragging when you wont back it up?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Feb 2023   #613
What else to you do besides hang out here everyday?

Day trade,you dumb fool
Stupid bald clown car owner with fat family,keeping tabs on people how much time they spend on line.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Feb 2023   #614
Day trade,you dumb fool

I should tell these jealous dweebs the stock that I just bought this morning that is sky rocketing right now.
No more tips from the Reb though.
Let them bully, mock, pry, poke, pester, diminish me all they want, they get nothing from me until after the fact just to rile them.

Sometimes I sell everything I have and start fresh as a Day Trader.
See what I posted last September when I sold everything.

Did I try to explain in detail as simply as I could to the bully ?
And then someone wants to hold me to those stocks as not doing so good when I have already sold them months ago.
Well no shlt genius, that's why I sold them and reinvested into something that was making money.
If he has a different strategy in stock trading then good for him.
His challenge to me of who is making the most money off their stocks is a moot challenge and he knew it.
His mission was to diminish me in order to defend myself in revealing all my stock trades so he could cherry pick them for himself.

Now you know the rest of the story.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Feb 2023   #615
Let them bully, mock, pry, poke, pester, diminish me

LOL only way they get orgasms as they lost there underwear trading stocks.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Feb 2023   #616
Cargo, I do it because it is fun and I know enough to stay in the green.
That is all that is important to me.
Stock trading is my hobby, not a job in my retirement.
Being retired with no debt and everything I have is paid for, my merry go round has slowed to a crawl while their merry go rounds spins faster and faster to keep up with the Jones's wealth.

Maybe one of these days they will figure out what is and isn't important in life.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Feb 2023   #617
MAYBE????? Yeah "MAYBE"I doubt it though.Even at his age he couldnt figure out then when????
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Feb 2023   #618
The Lord humbles everyone sooner or later to get their attention.
It could be in the form of the death of a loved one, the loss of wealth, a major physical hand cap, or many other ways until finally the light goes on to what they were put on this earth for in the first place.

Then their priorities start falling in place....... for the wise ones.
Some never learn.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
7 Feb 2023   #619
Why on earth would I cherry pick your stock tips ? They have done worse than the market, worse than putting my money in the bank,and worse than my own tips, which I just pulled out of my ass based on whatever shops I drove by on the way to work.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #620
your stock tips ? They have done worse than the market, worse than putting my money in the bank,and worse than my own tips,

Cms, I don`t get engaged so much in this thread coz stock trading isn`t my cup of tea so now I depend on experts` opinions like yours. Are you absolutely sure that johhny`s recommendation was off the mark?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Feb 2023   #621
They have done worse than the market,

How would you possibly know since I haven't posted them.
The one I bought this morning is up $4 a share today and since I bought 200 shares that is a quick $800 + plus.
I am betting that I will dump it tomorrow if it is up again.
So tell me again how my day trading has done worse than the market. lol
A couple of years I have even beaten the S&P but in your mind only 20% of day traders make money because that is what you read.

How is your TESLA doing ?
Mine is up 82% in the last month.
Thats one reason you would cherry pick my stocks. Simple
cms neuf  2 | 1945
8 Feb 2023   #622
Well again your ability to pick a winner is remarkable - only a handful of stocks had 4 dollar gains yesterday and only 3 of the top 100. To pick those - Microsoft or Boeing you would have to lay out an awful lot of capital for your 4 buck gain. Not for nervous people like me

But maybe you picked someone obscure like Cincinnati Fin Corp or Caribbean Cruises.

See you in April when we can check our stocks again !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Feb 2023   #623
Well again your ability to pick a winner is remarkable -

Contribute it to my trading charts, without them I would have to depend on paying someone like you do to do my trading for me.

Did you see where my TESLA is up another $5+ a share this morning ?
I bet you have bought some TESLA on my tip haven't you ? lol

See you in April when we can check our stocks again !

I thought it was June 27th which would make it one year since you challenged me.
I will have all new ones by then so we will just have to hear how successful you have been.
I wish you the best of luck and don't forget about TESLA.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Feb 2023   #624
Why on earth would I cherry pick your stock tips ?

I bet you have bought some TESLA on my tip haven't you ? lol

I see my TESLA was up $13 a share this morning but since has dropped back down to plus + $9 per share.
How much of it did you buy and at what price so we can keep track of how much you made off cherry picking my stocks.

I see that your Schlumberger is down minus 1.68% ($.93 per share) in the last month.
As a day trader I would have sold it and put it into TESLA which is up plus +75.39% ($90.87 per share) in the last month.
And if my trading charts see something doing better than TESLA I will sell it and invest in that as DAY TRADRES do.
Now be honest, who do you think makes more profit at the end of the year ?
A conservative like you who wears both suspenders and a belt or a Day Trader like me ?
And yes, I remember what you said about being a nervous Nelly and
"Biggest issue if all is that I don't have time for the day training. I have a business to run and that makes more than I would get earning a few pennies on risky stocks here and there."

Exactly and since I am retired, I do have the time and I do make more than just pennies with my trading stocks hobby.
So how much TESLA stock did you buy and at what price ?
cms neuf  2 | 1945
9 Feb 2023   #625
No i don't have any Tesla - not my kind of thing. Big tech stocks I have are Microsoft, Google, Apple, SAP - all have good cash flows and are market leaders. As you know I am more conservative because my day job is in a risky sector in a risky country in a risky currency.

Who makes more money ? Well so far, my stocks have outperformed yours. But let's wait until June

Serious question - not trolling, as a US taxpayer, don't you have to pay income tax on US stock profits if you sell quicker than 12 months?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Feb 2023   #626
Big tech stocks I have are Microsoft, Google, Apple, SAP - all have good cash flows and are market leaders.

Yes, they are called "Blue Chip" stocks, the most conservative stocks.
And if if wanted to get real conservative you could invest in Mutual funds which are all those stocks tied into one.

Well so far, my stocks have outperformed yours.

How can you say that with a straight face when you have no idea what stocks I have.
I do know my one stock TESLA has out performed all your stocks put together not to mention some others that have done very well on before I sold them DAY TRADING and moved on.

don't you have to pay income tax on US stock profits if you sell quicker than 12 months?

Absolutely - any and all money you make period, stocks or otherwise is taxed as a Capital Gain Tax.
See the chart:

Where do you think all the money comes from to protect Europe militarily and pay for the Spanish invasion.

If say an American worker like you stays out of the country for over a year, you pay no income tax on the money you earned in said country and can bring it back to the U.S. tax free.

The U.S. Government does not make only spends it.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
11 Feb 2023   #627
No that was not my question.

If you day trade you pay a higher capital gains tax than if you hold the stock for a year. Effectively it is just taxed at your regular income tax bracket.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Feb 2023   #628
Guess thats the euro thinking about paying taxes before making money,I thinlk Americans worry more about making money first and then think about paying taxes.Maybe its the tax rate or just an mentality but I still like the American thinking.
Alien  26 | 6528
14 Feb 2023   #629
then think about paying taxes

actually....then think about not paying taxes.😇
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Feb 2023   #630
If you day trade you pay a higher capital gains tax than if you hold the stock for a year.

Correct and the percentage rate depends on your income.
What happened, I see your stocks are not doing so well compared to mine.

Americans worry more about making money first and then think about paying taxes.

Exactly and he knows it, he is just baiting.
He should just hold onto them for a year and take a loss on them or small gain so he doesn't have to pay that capital gains tax on them. :-/

Me on the other hand sell mine when they start to tank and reinvest in the ones moving up and pay my taxes gladly.
You wouldn't believe some of my tax write offs that help me compensate.
All my vacations are written off as business trips to buy real-estate wherever.
My leer jet and yacht are both huge write offs as well. :-)
I just bought four new stocks this week to replace a couple of my old ones.
Do you want me to tell you which ones ? :-)

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