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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Oct 2022   #571
There should still be some color left.
Check out D&W grocery up there in Bay View for a very big and nice wine selection.
When I am up that way I always stop in as they usually have frozen grouper too.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Oct 2022   #572

I'm sticking with the 6 I picked when you challenged md in June. Of those SAP, Siemens and Schlumberger are doing nicely in this rally.

Sit on it and I will sit on my DVN (oil stock) for right now which is up 78% in the last year.

Back when I posted in July (see below) my DVN was at $52.

Yesterday my DVN closed at $69 for a $17 per share gain.
Your SLB at the same time was at $37.
Yesterday it was at $39 for a $2 per share gain.

Warren Buffet quote:
"A simple rule dictates my buying, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. And most certainly, fear is now widespread, gripping even seasoned investors."

There are a lot of undervalued stocks right now.
Don't put out a thimble when it is raining gold, put out a bucket !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Oct 2022   #573
Here is a take that I just read that I found interesting.
The Fed's scramble to hike rates and lower liquidity is draining the stock market.
The billionaire investor pointed to the Fed's delayed response to inflation, which risks tipping the economy into a recession.
So you thought the healthy fish would survive and the sick fish would die. But the Fed is draining the entire pond, so everyone's going to die.

The Fed's scramble to hike rates and kill off inflation is draining the stock market, warning that even the "healthy fish" would die as the economy and liquidity start to shrink.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Jan 2023   #574
I wish I would have posted on January 6th of this month when I bought 200 shares of TESLA again @ $109.
I am shell shocked because every time I say what I bought I get shamed by Ha Ha Hairy if it goes down which happens in the market.

Meanwhile TESLA opened this morning at $160. :-)
So in essence my TESLA made me $10,200 this month already and there are still three days left in this month.
I wish dolno was around to suggest to him that it still is not too late to jump on this one.
He bought a house with his profits from investing in TESLA when I suggested it to him years ago if you remember.
My Exon Mobile and Steel stocks are kicking quite nicely too. :-)
My Apple stock I am ashamed of which still has a long way to go to catch back up.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
27 Jan 2023   #575
Reb , I'm living happy off that last tip , buying property in Spain to avoid Polish winters which re really starting to make me ache, 10 years of polska time for a change.

Maybe someone else will listen to you here and make some money themselves, lol, but somehow I don't thinks so , most here have become negative backward thinking Buraks, too long in country lol.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2023   #576
buying property in Spain

Excellent! We wish you all the best. Settle there and never come back. :):):)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jan 2023   #577
I'm living happy off that last tip ,

TESLA closed @ $178 today dolno.
I am up almost $70 a share on it this month. :-)

Maybe someone else will listen to you here and make some money themselves, lol, but somehow I don't thinks so ,

Takes money to make money which kind of explains it. :-/
cms neuf  2 | 1943
29 Jan 2023   #578
Hey - think it's time for a 6 month check on our tips


Devon +4 percent. Not bad - matching inflation and generally moving up
Apple -10 percent. Coming back from some heavy losses but I am pessimistic about Iphone sales, product is overpriced.
Li Auto. -27 percent. Coming back a bit but this one is a disaster, the 59th of the 61 stocks I own.


Schlumberger. +53 percent. I am getting a reward for years of patience
Dexcom. +29 percent. Thank my broker for this one, i had never heard of it, but there is money in diabetes it seems
Siemens +29 percent. Russia's defeat has pushed this one up as I expected
Pekao +24 percent. The best of the Polish banks, but that's not saying much
SAP. +21 percent. This had been oversold, big installed base and good revenues
Linde +7 percent. Ok but down a bit recently and has scrapped it's German listing
General Dynamics. +1 percent. A real disappointment
Costco. -7 percent. Surprised at that but holding on to it.
JMD Biedronka -10 percent. Results are good but stock seems depressed like most Polish retailers.

6 months to go. JR's results are not disastrous but certainly not good.

Mine are Ok - 1 superstar, 4 comfortably beating the market, a few average and 2 in the red.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jan 2023   #579
Hey - think it's time for a 6 month check on our tips
How time flies

Devon +4 percent. Not bad - matching inflation and generally moving up
Devon is actually up +30% in the last six months from $51 to $65 per share.
Apple -10 percent. Coming back from some heavy losses but I am pessimistic about Iphone sales, product is overpriced.
I sold my Apple stock back in September, remember?.

Li Auto. -27 percent. Coming back a bit but this one is a disaster, the 59th of the 61 stocks I own.
I told you twice now that I sold my Li back in July and took my slight profit on it, SEE:

Please stop making up b.s if you want to play this game.
I posted a very accurate post to quell your b.s already, remember ?

Now, take the stocks that I kept from back then

DVN On July 27th was at $60 and today at $65 (Devon)
STLD on July 27th was $72 and today $119 (Steel Dynamics)
XOM on July 27th was $85 and today $116 (Exon Mobile)

And since I AM A DAY TRADER unlike you, I had many short term stocks that I took modest gains on.
Take the 200 shares of TESLA for example that I bought on January 6th of this month for $109 and last Friday January 27th closed at $178.
Beat that one this year
My guess is that is more than you have made total in the last six months.
I have made multiple short term trades in the last six months for doable gains.


Schlumberger. +53 percent. I am getting a reward for years of patience
On July 27th Schlumberger was at $37 in July and now is at $57
Dexcom. +29 percent. Thank my broker for this one, i had never heard of it, but there is money in diabetes it seems
Dexcom was at $86 in July and now at $106
Siemens +29 percent. Russia's defeat has pushed this one up as I expected
Siemens was at $105 per share on 27th and is now at $144.
Pekao +24 percent. The best of the Polish banks, but that's not saying much
Pekao on July 27th was $71 and today at $91.

6 months to go. JR's results are not disastrous but certainly not good.
Actually much better than yours which means I won our contest without you.
Yup, six months to go in which I may sell those stocks if I have your permission.
cms's results are about what an average brokerage firm would do for you.

Mine are Ok - 1 superstar, 4 comfortably beating the market, a few average and 2 in the red.
Mine are doable - 3 superstars 2 comfortable beating the market, and the short term still in the green on the most part.
By the way, what are your brokerage fees ?

pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2023   #580

You are a true expert. We admire you.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
29 Jan 2023   #581
My brokers fees - half a percent to buy, half a percent to sell. Polish tax 19 percent on any realized gains

I will let my stocks do the talking LOL - we can return to this in April
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jan 2023   #582
- we can return to this in April

Why ?
I already won your challenge.
Is your broker hoping for the best two out of three ?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
30 Jan 2023   #583
Like Trump win the election LOL
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2023   #584 more time and this is it explaining

Is your broker hoping for the best two out of three ?

Like Trump win the election

Yes, kinda like that except for the fact I am a DAY TRADER which means I buy and sell probably thirty different stocks a year in USD.

I buy them and only hold on to them while they have potential and once they look like they have stalled out I sell them and take a modest profit.

Not always but most of the time and enjoying doing this as one of my hobbies.
Example, I bought 200 shares of TESLA on January 6th for $109 and sold it at the open this morning at $175 and took my profit of $13,200 for a one-month investment.

You had nothing that even came close to that.
And I may buy back into it but right now I expect a pull back on it so I will wait for the correction and maybe buy back into it again next week or next month.

Meanwhile I have that money to use to reinvest into another stock that is on it's way up rather than have it just sit there for a period doing nothing like you do.

You on the other hand have a broker invest your money in EUR for you. (1USD = .90 EURO)
So when I am up 10% you are only up 9%.
He buys six stocks and holds onto them for you all year (like mutual funds) which a lot of people do.
Then there are people who buy six blue chip stocks that pay high dividends and live off their dividends not really making any money on the stock itself.

So see the only way we could see who did better on their stock investing for the year is to post each of our income tax returns for the year.

Kinda like Trump, right. lol
Well we know that will never happen for one and two I didn't start this thread to compete, I started it to share some stock tips.

Stocks are just one of my many investments but stock trading is a hobby that I do for fun more than anything else.
It is certainly not my profession even though I am pretty damn good at it as you have seen.
With that said, I certainly hope that quells your, "my professional broker is better in stocks than you are" b.s. because it can't be proven plus it wrecks this thread to banter over it like children.

Thank you for your participation in this thread however and please continue posting your hot stock tips.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Feb 2023   #585
Take the 200 shares of TESLA for example that I bought January 6th of this month for $109 and Friday January 27th closed at $178.

Then on January 30th it dropped to $167 and started back up again so on the 31st I bought back my 200 shares again at $170.
I had sold my 200 shares at $178 so I had $1600 wiggle room to break even in case it started to tank which it did not.
It has been on the rise ever since and that is how I DAY TRADE.
AND I don't have to pay a Broker for doing it for me by paying him a brokerage fee.
So see, by you holding the same six stocks for all year and me day trading ..... we can't compare on who made the most money on their portfolio can we.

My stocks change weekly and yours doesn't.
You would die laughing if I told you the stock that I bought this morning. (Sketchy to say the least) lol )
cms neuf  2 | 1943
3 Feb 2023   #586
I think the idea of your challenge was that you post ideas err....before you buy the stock. And they see how they perform

Which us what I did - chose 9 stocks. Basically I took the ones that had performed badly in 2021 and assumed they would revert to the mean.

You chose 3, which have underperformed mine. Despite your charts.

And now you are telling us about the all the nice cakes you baked in the meantime.

Your understanding of forex and brokers fees is a bit surreal. I buy US stocks in USD and I buy European stocks in EUR and Polish ones in zloty. Like many Poles i have accounts in foreign currency.

Brokers fees i told you are half a percent to buy, half a percent to sell. It's Citibank Handlowy - if you know someone on the Polish market who does that cheaper and is safe I will be happy to try them.

I know Daytrading is cheaper but it's also way less safe, and there is no way I am going to risk hard earned funds on gambling. It says in their own adverts that 83 percent of day traders lose money. If you are one of the 17 percent then I salute you.

Biggest issue if all is that I don't have time for the day training. I have a business to run and that makes more than I would get earning a few pennies on risky stocks here and there. Take The opportunity cost of your time into account and it for exceeds my one percent brokers fee is that I am paying.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #587
I think the idea of your challenge was

AGAIN.....First and foremost, I never challenged you unless your name is Harry.

Keep re reading that post until you get it

You challenged me and I refused because as I have told you umpteenth time is that I am a day trader and do not hold stocks for months at a time like you do.

So the stocks that I pick today and sell tomorrow would not be relevant in six months would they.
I make my money buying and selling stocks short term, you make yours by holding them long term.
Why that doesn't sink in I have no idea.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #588
You chose 3, which have underperformed mine.

No I did not, you chose my three for me as I don't hold stocks for six months at a time.
If they start underperforming, I sell them and take my gain or loss and move on to the next one that my charts show me that is on it's way up.

I already posted that very clearly so bang on all you want to. with your lie about how I challenged you.
Remember, it was you who relentlessly want me to predict long term stocks which I don't do, I do short term investing.
I never gave you any long term stock tips as bad as you tried to get me to.
Remember ? Here are eight times (and there are more) you insisted that I was going to give you stock tips challenging me and I refused, ya ready......

JR - I am not trying to wind you up, I am just asking for stock picks.

So i am still waiting for your tips. Don't like a year? Ok lets go for 6 months Let's have yours for 8th January 2023

Give me your tip and we can compare in 2023 at end June.

- you just need to provide the name of the stock you are tipping.

What is your stock tip for )July 2023 ?

Give us a tip for 11th September - 3 months time

Guess that should quell your lie about me challenging you. YES
You are as bad as Milopox & the Rat with your Rinse & Repeat so get Lost.

Please keep your excessive quotes to random chat. If you added traffic lights, this post would look like a street crossing.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #589
I bought 200 shares of TESLA again on January 6th @ $109.

I sold it this week @ $178, as it was due for a pullback which it did @$167 so I jumped back in when it was on it's way back up @$170.

(They call that DAY TRADING !)
Today it closed at $190.
I have made $16,200 off it in the last month which I expect if the truth be told is more than you have made off all of your long-term stocks in the last six months put together with the same amount of my $21,800 originally invested in it...... isn't it.

We will never know because you never told us how many shares of Schlumberger you owned.
(Today I bought a new stock that shows real promise but I am done sharing with you jealous people that have nothing to share back besides your relentless diminishing insults.)

Now get Lost as I am done with your badgering bullshit.
I wish you the best in your stock trading techniques.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
4 Feb 2023   #590
Where have I insulted you personally on this thread ?

See ya in April
Joker  2 | 2447
4 Feb 2023   #591
Wow! A double meltdown. I wonder why hes is so defensive? It usually means the person is lying.

I have made $16,200 off it in the last month

Sure you did, just like you have a crew sailing your Yacht across the county. Hahahahaha

You are as bad as Milopox & the Rat with your Rinse & Repeat so get Lost.

Why dont you get lost? Your nothing but a whiney biiiiiatch and a frigging Liar!
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #592
Why dont you get lost? Your nothing but a whiney biiiiiatch and a frigging Liar!

Guys. This is awful how you treat each other though you are ideological buddies. Stop it at once coz you introduce unhealthy atmosphere in the forum.
Joker  2 | 2447
4 Feb 2023   #593

Nevermind the juvenile manchild.

You are as bad as Milopox & the Rat with your Rinse & Repeat so get Lost

I was trying to be nice then you posted this....... Its ok, I dont really care about it anymore
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #594
Its ok, I dont really care about it anymore

Ha, I see my mediation worked! Good! Shake hands and be buddies again, like in the glorious past.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #595
Please keep your excessive quotes to random chat. If you added traffic lights, this post would look like a street crossing.

How else was I suppoe to defend myself against his lie that I challenged him when it was him that kept challenging me ?
Please do tell because I proved it by those excessive posts now didn't I.

See ya in April

Did you miss the part where I told you to get Lost ?
If you did, F.O. and get Lost.
I am tired of Repeating myself to your Rinse & Repeats.

Nevermind the juvenile manchild.

Oh hell no, we are going to have some fun teaching the teacher some manners.
We may just get rid of the Woke agenda b.s. here once and for all.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #596
I challenged him when it was him that kept challenging me ?

You are obsessed with this challenging. Why don`t you go out and shoot a deer to relax???

If you did, F.O. and get Lost.

Control those meltdowns, please. Go out and shoot ....... etc

I am tired

If you are tired of London, you are tired of life. Simple.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
4 Feb 2023   #597
Wow! A double meltdown. I wonder why hes is so defensive?

Because he lies so much!

Your nothing but a whiney biiiiiatch and a frigging Liar

That about sums it up!

You are obsessed

He is a nutcase and needs help
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #598
Johhny, do you need my help against your ideolo buddies who are bashing you so relentlessly??? Just say one word only and the Rohimirrim monkey riders shall answer and come to your defence!!!!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
5 Feb 2023   #599
do you need my help against your ideolo buddies who are bashing you so relentlessly???

He does need your help,although he would never seek it.
We may share some of his views but please do not label us as his ideolo buddies!

He is a trol! And a compulsive liar.

Whatever you may think of us.

We hate him too!
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Feb 2023   #600
do not label us as his ideolo buddies!

For a good reason - you are both rightists. A bit different coz you personally are neutral to minorities of various kinds, while he hates them all.

He is a trol! And a compulsive liar.

He is devil incarnate, indeed.

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