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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Sep 2022   #541
Eh ?

I just outlined that Poland is the worst performing stock market in the world,

And I just explained that every country in world stock markets are tanking.

And I just explained the Polish laws and taxes that caused that, which have no parallel in the US

So, our new taxes and laws have nothing to do with our markets ?
Should America blame it on PiS too ?

You guys are at a dead end with blaming the PiS this time.

Get a grip, Buddy
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Sep 2022   #542
I just explained that every country in world stock markets are tanking.

And it is only getting worse every day now.
The Recession is in full bore with no end in sight until after the elections.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
16 Sep 2022   #543
It is not so bad in Europe - German and French markets are down 7 percent for the month v 13 percent fall in US.

Poland performing poorly and 10 percent down for the month, mainly because of the proposed extra tax on stock profits.

On our stocks - Siemens down. 6 percent for the month - it will fly when the war finishes, Apple down 13 percent and I see it"s been heavily shorted recently. I am hanging on to both though.

Things I have bought thus month - Linde, General Dynamics, Costco
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Sep 2022   #544
Apple is down 20% here.

Things I have bought thus month - Linde, General Dynamics, Costco

All very good choices IMO.
Thanks for the tips.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2022   #545
Thanks for the tips.

General Dynamics

they are getting huge order from the US Defense esp with the war going on.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
16 Sep 2022   #546
I'm keeping Apple because of the walled garden with iTunes but I think iPads and Macs are running out of steam and I think the new iPhone is way overpriced

Anyone who spends 6000 zloty on an iPhone 14 has no right to complain about their gas bill going up
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2022   #547
they are getting huge order from the US Defense

I think I heard something like 880,000 rounds of 155 alone.
AAPL is a good buy right now at $150 IMO.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Sep 2022   #548
Apple is down 20% here.

The quality of apple has really gone downhill. My newer MacBook Pro sucks compare to my old one. iPhone blows too as Im ready to buy a Samsung Galaxy.

Not worth their high prices at all!
cms neuf  2 | 1945
18 Sep 2022   #549
So looking at my six selections I am doing OK the last month

only one is not beating the market

Pekao Down 7 percent
Biedronka Down 3 percent
SAP. Down 9 percent. My broker is always telling me to sell
Schlumberger Up 3 percent
Dexcom Up 2 percent
Siemens. Down 7 percent

JR your two are lagging the market

Apple. Down 14 percent
LI. Down 24 percent

Still - lets take a raincheck at Christmas. Apple might recover. No idea about LI, but for electric vehicles in general the recent frauds are creating a bad impression.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2022   #550
JR your two are lagging the market

I am totally out of the market as the Recession has started and for the next year is only going to get worse and worse.

I needed a break anyways to regroup.
Farmland is looking very good right now.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
27 Sep 2022   #551
What? Thats nuts JR - three months ago you were challenging me for stock picks.

I gave you some, bought yours for fun and now you are heading for the hills ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Sep 2022   #552
Three months ago the market was not tanking like it is now because the Feds keep raising interest rates.
I will even admit that I took some modest losses which would have been a lot worse if I would have stayed in.
Gas jumped a half dollar a gallon yesterday so hang on, I'm afraid it's gonna be a bumpy ride for the next year.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
28 Sep 2022   #553
But you coild have guessed that when you made your tips ?

Or they could have showed up in those charts you buy ?

Interest rates rises were obviously needed to prevent inflation
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Sep 2022   #554
"Guessed" is the key word there.
What tips ? My personal choices ?
Again, "could have" are the key words there.

Interest rates rises were obviously needed to prevent inflation

Again, "obviously" is the key word that I disagree with.
Raising interest rate is only making things worse. imo
The American people are very resilient so time will tell without using words like guessed and could have.
I am even thinking of jumping on some AAPL again @ $150. (Day trader)
It sure isn't like the good old days when C.D.'s were paying 16.5%. $$$$$
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Sep 2022   #555
Apple is at $145 right now making it hard not to hit that buy button.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2022   #556
No two ways about it, the Market has been tuff this year.
Stock market losses wiped out $9 trillion from Americans' wealth so far this year.
Are you missing Trump yet ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Sep 2022   #557
Why do you think it has somehing to do with Trump?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2022   #558
Because with Trump we were much better off economically.
Remember, gas was at $2.00 and now it is over $4.00.
Don't get me going Z.
I did buy back into some Apple yesterday at $145 as I have no self-control anymore.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Sep 2022   #559
Gas would still be at $4.00 today even with Trump as president.

Are you a gambler, JR? The risk is enormous now, so isn't it better to abstein from the Exchange (as you said yourself some time ago)? Or are you a market addict? And why Apple and not something else?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2022   #560
Gas would still be at $4.00 today even with Trump as president.

Nope, Trump had the U.S. independent of gas imports.
biden is hell bent on electric cars that nobody wants

Or are you a market addict?

More like a sucker for punishment.
I know AAPL will come back sooner or later but I may be dead first.

And why Apple and not something else?

I made a whole lot of money on Apple and keep thinking I can do it again as it was so easy the first time.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
4 Oct 2022   #561
Amazing how you always time these stock market rallies to perfection JR :) but wondering why you didn't mention your buys on our stock market thread !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Oct 2022   #562
wondering why you didn't mention your buys on our stock market thread !

Is that a requirement now too.
Am I required to cave to all the diminishing demands here about my personal life and now my personal investments ?
I will say that yesterday was one of my best days ever in the market bringing me almost back to even.
Today was almost as good. :-)

Amazing how you always time these stock market rallies to perfection JR

They call it, DAY TRADING, and every day I am watching what the market is doing and why.
Oil rose by nearly $3 a barrel on Tuesday on expectations of a large cut in crude output from the OPEC+ producer group and as a weaker U.S. dollar made oil purchases less expensive.

When my trading charts flagged that on September 30th I immediately bought into two American oil companies.
Sorry that I didn't share that with you.
It's still not to late so do your research and buy some oil stocks that are undervalued is my tip of the day.
What is yours ?
cms neuf  2 | 1945
4 Oct 2022   #563
I'm sticking with the 6 I picked when you challenged md in June. Of those SAP, Siemens and Schlumberger are doing nicely in this rally.

Apple and LI, your tips, are not doing great
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Oct 2022   #564
Moved from Random chat to here:

I'm sticking with the 6 I picked when you challenged md in June.

For the umpteenth time.......
How many times do I have to tell you, I'm a DAY TRADER (I buy and sell stocks everyday,) you are a Long Term Investor. and hold your stocks for six months or more.

I make my money by short term, and you make yours on long term.
Did ya get it that time ?

Apple and LI, your tips, are not doing great

Firstly they were not tips, and secondly that is why I sold them.
I sold Li long long ago and have bought and sold Apple several times since.
I am way up on Apple as it has more than doubled in the last two years.
Your SAP in June was a $100 a share and today it is $88.
Your SLB was $49 in June and is now at $39.
I assure you that I have made more than you have on your stocks in this rally, much more.
Your SLB was up +2.14% and your SAP was up +4.88 today, my oil stock was up +5.72%.
Like I said, last Monday was one of the best days that I have ever had.
Now for a tip, lol, my charts show your SLB (Siemens and Schlumberger ) shows a very strong buy.
Sit on it and I will sit on my DVN (oil stock) for right now which is up 78% in the last year, and more than either of yours in the last month.

Your SAP is down 34% in the last year and your SLB is up 26%.
Face it cms, I am just more successful than you are in the stock market yet you won't find me trying to belittle you.

Please reciprocate the favor.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Oct 2022   #565
Apple and LI, your tips, are not doing great

I know, that's why I sold them months ago.
Your stocks aren't doing so great either but you still own them.
You have had your money tied up at very little return while I have been using my money to make money.
My complete response to you and your post #1865 is in the stock market thread.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
5 Oct 2022   #566
This will be a short "bear run". When interest rates get popped again, the market will begin to dive. Banks are already getting nervous. Once the market dives, then the real time to make money will come around in the first quarter of next year. Thats my prediction anyway.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Oct 2022   #567
This will be a short "bear run".

Don't you mean, "bull run" ?
I concur.
I expect Wall Street will open in the red today (in five hours from now) as the short run may be over already.
Next month another interest hike and the market will do what it always does which is go down. (bear run)
Next year your cash will be king and time to invest just like Warren Buffet has always done. (Balls out)
Some are saying the market may tank as much as 40%.
And you are right PolAm, people are sitting on a lot of cash right now with nowhere to invest it.....yet.
Oh, and the wine was very doable, thanks for the tip.
I generally sip Bogle Cabernet (same price range as yours) at dinner when I have guests.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
5 Oct 2022   #568
@johnny reb
No. A Bear Run is a small run that takes place in a Bear market. It is temporary. A Bull Run takes place and is usually excessive in a bull market and that usually is followed by a smaller retreat. Bear run is not an often used term, but it represents the situation we are in to a T.

Try some Moldova wines if you can find them. Cheap and very good. Here they are like $5 a bottle, but taste like a $20 usually. My personal favorite is USA Stags Leap Cab, just can not find it here, so I bring it back with me.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Oct 2022   #569
Bear run is not an often used term,

I learned something new as I have never heard it used like that.
I drink more wine in colder weather.
I just heard that Canada got their first snow of the season. :-)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
5 Oct 2022   #570
@johnny reb
I am back your way next Tuesday for a week. Looks like the weather has still been holding out, while its been raining here for a month.

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