OP johnny reb 49 | 8003
18 Jul 2022 #481
It's estimated that 95 percent of Day Traders don't make money
Depends on what source you are using.
My source says up to 20% of day traders make money.
And before I answer that question....Ha Ha Hairy will accuse me of boasting.
First cms, I have been doing this for over 35 years, every day, just for fun.
I have learned a lot of little tricks to the trade and made a modest amount doing it.
Second of all I don't know how many times I have repeated that I use trading charts that I buy once a year that cost around $5,000.
Now listen this time because I am tired of you hounding me on how I consistently come up with winning stocks.
(Watch what the billionaires are buying) Wait, I already told you this six times haven't I.
And here is the other tip I gave you FIVE years ago.
I have found it is not healthy to trade stocks without using trading charts
So pick, dig, repeat, hound, pester, needle me all you want, you ain't getting anymore coaching from me because the jealous Low Life Losers here have taken the fun out of this thread.
Back at the start of this thread dolno made over a $100k on one stock that I tipped and Cargo made $75k on another stock that I tipped here.
The Joke, Milopox and Ha Ha Hairy turned green with envy so they decided to destroy this thread by diminishing every post I make and by taking it Off-Topic and our infamous Mod let them do it.
So fvck it cms, I have naturally lost interest and am copping Novi's attitude with this pop stand.
Good luck with your assets my friend.