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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jul 2022   #481
It's estimated that 95 percent of Day Traders don't make money

Depends on what source you are using.
My source says up to 20% of day traders make money.
And before I answer that question....Ha Ha Hairy will accuse me of boasting.
First cms, I have been doing this for over 35 years, every day, just for fun.
I have learned a lot of little tricks to the trade and made a modest amount doing it.
Second of all I don't know how many times I have repeated that I use trading charts that I buy once a year that cost around $5,000.

Now listen this time because I am tired of you hounding me on how I consistently come up with winning stocks.

(Watch what the billionaires are buying) Wait, I already told you this six times haven't I.

And here is the other tip I gave you FIVE years ago.

I have found it is not healthy to trade stocks without using trading charts

So pick, dig, repeat, hound, pester, needle me all you want, you ain't getting anymore coaching from me because the jealous Low Life Losers here have taken the fun out of this thread.

Back at the start of this thread dolno made over a $100k on one stock that I tipped and Cargo made $75k on another stock that I tipped here.

The Joke, Milopox and Ha Ha Hairy turned green with envy so they decided to destroy this thread by diminishing every post I make and by taking it Off-Topic and our infamous Mod let them do it.

So fvck it cms, I have naturally lost interest and am copping Novi's attitude with this pop stand.
Good luck with your assets my friend.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
18 Jul 2022   #482
Well to be fair, LI is up 6 percent last 5 days. Same as my first pick Siemens

Rest of mine are a mixed bag

I also read 20 percent making money from Day Trading when I was younger but the 5 percent came from Motley Fool

In Poland the tax and fees on day trading are higher than long term investing. Plus we have a volatile currency
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2022   #483
Lets compare your SAP stock with my AAPL stock.
Both are software companies.

You say that on July 5th your siemens was worth 97 per share.
On July 6th my AAPL was at 138 per share.
Lets watch both stocks and see how they progress.
So hypothetically a hundred shares of your SAP was worth 9700
A hundred shares of my AAPL is worth 13800..
So lets keep an eye on the both of them so we can banter each other just for fun.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2022   #484

(When you get time that is) Hoot !
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2022   #485

Too much work which is useless. This thread is off topic - when it loses members` interest, one day it will be archived like hundreds of others before.
Vincent  8 | 800
19 Jul 2022   #487
(When you get time that is) Hoot !

It could have been an interesting thread, even if it is an off topic thread. It simply not worth my time to go through 17 pages deleting posts at the moment. I might find time in the near future, but I fear it will become more trashed as days go by.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2022   #488
I fear it will become more trashed as days go by.

Not if I don't respond to the immature pricks.
All you would have to do daily is delete their diminishing posts as they make them.
Deal ?
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2022   #489
delete their diminishing posts as they make them.

Don`t be silly. Nobody is going to bother with this deleting idiocy in an off topic thread. There are more interesting things to do in life.

Is your name Vincent ?

No, but once I had a student called Wincenty. Ha!
Vincent  8 | 800
19 Jul 2022   #490
Not if I don't respond to the immature pricks.

Don't respond to anyone not posting about shares, and we'll see.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2022   #491
Don`t be silly.

There you go Vincent, your first one that is Off - Topic by the immature man child, the vagina boy himself.

Here is another one that we can do.

Your SLB on July 12th was 37.
July 12th my DVN was at 52.
Both oil company related stocks.
So hypothetically if we each bought a hundred share yours would be worth 3700 and mine would be worth 5200.
Lets watch those two also and I am going out on the limb for this one even though I still own DVN just like you still own SLB.

So lets keep watch on both of those so we can banter too. :-)
Once bite me gets out of office I predict my DVN will sky rocket when the extraction permits on Federal lands start getting handed back out.

Well to be fair, LI is up 6 percent last 5 days.

Yeah, well, Li is down 3% today so there ya go. lol

Oops, that was another one.
Li is down over 7% today. :-(
cms neuf  2 | 1943
20 Jul 2022   #492
OK - will keep an eye on those !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2022   #493
My colleagues and I use to pick stocks way back when.
One day we made a round target like a pie and divided it up into 12 equal sizes/pieces.
We wrote a different stock (that we hadn't picked) in each one of those pieces.
Then we would get the first client through the door to throw a dart at it.
AND surprisingly the slot the dart hit did just as well or better than what we picked.
Now we have trading charts that are made up by retired successful professional stock brokers.
These guys all have over 40 years each in stock trading and know how to research stocks.
(Then I research them again before I buy them)
They still like to play the market, like I do, so a bunch of them got together, formed a business and decided to make up weekly trading charts on their expertise and sell them to people like me to improve our odds in the market.

They tell you when to buy and when to sell and why.
Access to these trading charts more than pay for themselves.
Now my secret is out on how I make a supplemental income in the market.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Jul 2022   #494
Li took a beating last week. :-(
China's economy is not as strong as they want you to be believe.
The Chinese have been selling their bonds as fast as they can in the last few weeks.
Will see what Li does today and may have to dump it before I go in the red with it.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Jul 2022   #495
Now my secret is out on how I make a supplemental income in the market.

I kind of blows your claim of having such great wealth that you had to come out of retirement to make a few extra bucks. Meaning you never had the money to retire in the first place.

Please keep this thread to talk about stocks, and don't bait.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Jul 2022   #496
The Chinese have been selling their bonds as fast as they can in the last few weeks.

Chinese social media is censoring the mortgage crisis in China.
People are refusing to pay their mortgages and with the elections coming up China's economy is in one big mess.
This plays a huge effect on the stock market.
Add inflation and the coming recession to that, it makes it very tuff for investors in the market right now.
Li opened today at negative 1.37% with a very bad last week so I sold at $34 and took my $600 profit.
If it goes below $32 I may get back in.
Lazarus  3 | 364
26 Jul 2022   #497
I sold at $34

And now it's already 34.60. How do you do that?

If you have a proven source for your stock trading charts you will do alright.

Are those the same charts which rated Boeing as a buy at 217 right before it fell to 127? And then said it was a sell at 140 and now it's 155. Where does one get charts that good?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Jul 2022   #498
Hey Ha Ha Hairy, you're back with your diminishing sarcasm.
We missed you.

I sold at $34 and took my $600 profit.

And now it's already 34.60. How do you do that?

You seemed to be confused again Ha Ha so let me try to help you out here.
See the low for Li for the day yesterday was $33.50 as it went up and own throughout the day like stocks do.
The high yesterday was at closing ar $34.65.
I actually sold at $34.44 around noon time.
See how that works now ?

Are those the same charts

Actually those charts told me not to sell as Li is actually looking pretty good down the road.
Hell, I may even get back in if you think it is a good idea.
What is your tip for the day Ha HA ? Hahhahaha !

The Market is going to open in one minute and I will bet you $100 that Li will shoot up first thing from $3.60.
Wanna bet Ha Ha ?
It will probably hit $4 today.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Jul 2022   #499
I was in a hurry to beat the open so let me correct the above post.
Li was at $34.60 before the open.
I meant to say it would hit $35 today.
Right now it is at $35.35 so Ha Ha Hairy owes me $100 on our bet.
So what hot stock tip do you have for mystic Jimmy Ha Ha ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Jul 2022   #500
Where did Diminishing Ha Ha go ?
Here is more egg on his red nosed high pressure alcoholic face.

Don't bait, or the thread will get closed

Are those the same charts which rated Boeing as a buy at 217 right before it fell to 127?

And then said it was a sell at 140 and now it's 155.

Yes Ha Ha, those are the same charts that would have made you $4400 in nine days if you would have listened to them.
Now let me refresh your memory a bit here.
Remember when mystic Jimmy told you to buy all the Boeing you could at $117, remember ?
Well here, read it for yourself Slippery.

Then when Boeing hit $140 in this post I told you to sell, remember.

Boeing just tipped $140 Hairy SELL ! and take your short term profits with me.
You did buy 200 shares with me last week at $117 didn't you ?
See, I just made you $4600 just by listening to mystic Jimmy. HooT !

Oh, here it is.

Hey Ha Ha, take and wipe the egg off your toxic trolling face and disappear again unless you can tip us on a hot stock that you seem unable to do. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
26 Jul 2022   #501
Which is more surprising: the triple meltdown above or Li going up as soon as Jimmy says sell or Vincent letting Jim gst away with yet more baiting and abuse?

Li will shoot up

Of course it's actually down 3.6%

It will probably hit $4 today.

Spot the genius who doesn't know if a stock is trading at $3.60 or $36.00!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Jul 2022   #502
Which is more surprising: the triple meltdown above

Sure made you look like a damn idiot didn't it.
You would think you would quit stalking and trolling me but who else would you have to abuse now that your wife divorced you.
So what is your stock tip of the day, Hairy ?
Vincent, have you gone to Lazarus's "All Posts" and count his how many of his 139 posts are are trolling me.
If you come up with 129 out of the 139 you will be very close.
Is that what you have him here for, to abuse other members ?
He should be permanently banned immediately.
Lazarus  3 | 364
26 Jul 2022   #503
who else would you have to abuse now that your wife divorced you.

More baiting from Jimmy, place your bets about what happens to him.

what is your stock tip of the day

My tip is always to short what you say is going to shoot up and go long on what you say will fall, so I'm up 3% today as the Li stock you said would shoot up is down 3%.

I meant to say it would hit $35 today.

Story of your life, eh. You meant to say something would hit 35 but you actually said it would be 4. And the reality is that instead of going up, it fell by 3%.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Jul 2022   #504
as the Li stock you said would shoot up

Are you denying that it didn't shoot up today but then came back down ?
I didn't say it would stay up.
I won that bet and you owe me $100.

You meant to say something

Yes Ha Ha, I had less tha 60 seconds to make that post before the market opened so I did make mistakes but the jest of it still was there.

Unlike you who never makes any predictions or ever tips a stock of your own.
Is that because you own no stocks ? Hoot !
Now get lost before you get a warning for trolling again.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2022   #505
I agree, Boeing would be a good investment right now at $217 today.

Hmm, how about it today?
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 Jul 2022   #506
less tha 60 seconds to make that post before the market opened

You made that post after the market opened and Li had already gone up. You tried to say it would hit 40 but aren't even smart enough to type properly.

Hmm, how about it today?

Don't you love the way Jimmy SevenTimes ignores all the seven times he was wrong about which way Boeing would go but instead endlessly boasts about his one correct prediction.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #507
You made that post after the market opened

No I did not, Liar.

he was wrong about which way Boeing would go

REALLY Ha Ha Hairy !
Boeing is up $40 a share in the last eight weeks and you lost out on making $4600 on only buying 200 shares at the time when I tipped you.

Now after just eight weeks you would have made $8000 on Boeing if you would have bought it at $117 when I told you to.
Thats more than you receive in a year from welfare.
You must feel like a real idiot.
Now what stock will you be tipping us with today, Loser ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 Jul 2022   #508
No I did not

Maybe you meant to make it before the market opened, but you actually made it after the market opened and Li had gone up. Just like you meant to say Li would go to to $40 but you actually said it would go up to $4. Of course the reality is that since you said Li would shoot up to 40 it has lost 3%. Mystic genius.

I see Li is also predicted to go up straight after opening again today, but you've now missed your chance for that to be one of your predictions.

if you would have bought it at $117 when I told you to.

Anyone who listened to you would have bought at 217 and so still be way underwater. Also, you said SELL!!! at 140, so they'd have have missed the 12% it's grown since then.

Thats more than you receive in a year from welfare

The welfare queen here is you, Jim. You should have put more of that mechanic's salary towards a pension, but you didnt, so now it's state handouts for you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #509
but you actually made it after the market opened

No, that simply is not true Ha Ha.
If you knew anything about stock trading you would know how I knew.

I see Li is also predicted to go up straight after opening again today,

Pretty safe on that statement...lmao....straight up or straight down ?
Oh god Ha Ha, you really are golden.
I just enjoy throwing more egg in your face.

Also, you said SELL!!! at 140, so they'd have missed the 12% it's grown since then.

I told YOU to sell at $140 to mock you on what you could have made at that point in time ($4600) after you diminishing my mystic skills., dimwit.

so they'd have have missed the 12% it's grown since then.

Just wait until it is back to $217 and keeps growing.
What will be saying then, Troll ?
So what is your stock tip today..... or any day for that matter, Ha Ha ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #510
Headline news this A.M.

U.S. stock futures bounce back ahead of Fed decision as investors give a pass to earnings misses from Alphabet and Microsoft

What do ya think Ha Ha, will the stock market be up or down today ? Duh !
Your final answer must be submitted before the U.S. market opens.
You have three hours before it opens to give us your expert opinion.
Can I make it any easier for you ? lmao !
Do you have any hot stocks to tip us on today ?

The welfare queen here is you

No actually it is you as you are always wearing that yellowed white faded shirt and yellow pants with unpolished worn out shoes riding that 1955 bicycle while couch surfing off your bar buddies that have free wi-fi.

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