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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2022   #451
you'd have money to maintain your shack

Actually Ha Ha Hairy, Jims house is much much bigger than the miniature flat that you use to live in there in Warsaw.
Much nicer with a large yard that you don't have.
Perhaps you would like to share with us why you were evicted from your grubby little shack.
We won't laugh at you to hard. Hahahahahaha !
Speaking of which, money bags, did you ever payoff that $1000 debt of yours that Pigsy bought of yours ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Jul 2022   #452
with a large yard

Don't forget about your outdoor bathtub! I don't have one of those. Shall i give the map coordinates so people see for themselves the bathtub outside your shack?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2022   #453
Don't forget about Jim's outdoor bathtub! I don't have one of those.

Anyone within a 100 meters of you are very well aware of that already. P.U.
I heard when you get on public transit you have it all to yourself because you stink so bad. :-/

Shall i give the map coordinates so people see for themselves the bathtub outside your shack?

Humor us and post pictures of the dump you live in instead.. Hahahahahaha!
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Jul 2022   #454
I heard

Jimmy, you really do need to stop listening to the voices in your head. They're why you punched that nun in the face. They're why part of your court files are sealed and you're obsessed about other people sexually abusing their children. They're why you've ended up living with a convicted pedophile who refused to tell the police the name of the other member of his nonce ring.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2022   #455
Speaking of which, money bags, did you ever payoff that $1000 debt of yours that Pigsy bought of yours ?

Since you ignored my question, I will take it as a "NO" which means Pigsy still owns you.
Do you think the stock Li (which I bough 200 shares of for $29) will hit $39 today, Ha Ha Hairy ?

you're obsessed about other people sexually abusing their children.

You are just as guilty by taking the video of the grown man rolling around on the floor with those young boys, Ha Ha Hairy.

I can understand why you are feeling so guilty of shame.

who refused to tell the police the name of the other member

Not everyone is a Snitch like you are.
Actually that makes him more of a man than low life you are.
But then again you got a plea of only doing six months in the Pokey instead of five years in prison by giving up your cohorts name that we all know so well around here.

Come on Ha Ha Hairy, the market opens in five minutes, "will Li be up or down from $38 ?"

Why did I know that Ha Ha Hairy would vanish with that question. LMMFAO !
Oh, and by the way Ha Ha Hairy, Li opened at $38.55 which is almost $10 more a share than I reported what I bought it for last month.

Hairy, I need your expert opinion on whether I should sell or not. LOL
Damn, all the good posters have left and all that is left are you simpletons' to mock.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Jul 2022   #456
Since you ignored my question, I will take it as a "NO" which means Pigsy still owns you.

Is your question: is Deepak dumb enough to buy unsecured disputed debt that's a decade plus past being enforceable? LOL! You dumb fvck! Why do you think company advertise debt for sale? Because it's such a good investment? Well, I suppose by your standards a decent investment is one that you buy for 97 and sell for 85.

Li opened at $38.55 which is almost $10 more a share than I reported what I bought it for last month.

It's hilarious how desperate you are for people to believe you bought things you clearly never bought. You'd have been boasting the second it cracked 20 if you had bought at 29. You're so dumb you boast about a stock you tipped at 217 hitting 140!

Now, walk into town and beg for change so you can buy some nails and tarpaper to fix the roof of your shack. That will be by far the best investment you can make.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2022   #457
is Deepak dumb enough to buy unsecured disputed debt that's a decade

Oh, so you do admit that you scammed someone out of some money then and don't plan on paying your debt off.
Boy aren't the walls talking now of what kind of a dirty bastard you are.

for people to believe you bought things you clearly never bought.

Well i did jealous hairy and it is posted and recorded.
And even if I didn't, the day that I tipped Li at $29 it is still recorded.
Old posts don't lie like you do Hairy now do they. Hahahahaha !
So I tipped it at $29 so perhaps you would like to tell us what it closed at today Ha Ha Hairy.
I will save you the time and embarrassment dumb fvck, it closed at $38.18....up .15.
Hey Hairy, when you gonna tip a stock here ? Hoot !
He isn't folks, he is just a drunk that likes to bully people from behind his keyboard, huh Khristopher.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Jul 2022   #458
you scammed someone out of some money

We can add "disputed debt" to simple percentages and graphs to the long list of things Jimmy doesn't understand. An actual debt is one which can be enforced.

what kind of a dirty bastard you are.

This from someone who has posted about his fantasies of violently assaulting women (for example punching nuns in the face) and grooming pre-pubescent children in the developing world. This from someone who chooses to live with a convicted pedophile. This from someone who has sealed court files dating back to a time when courts in his state only sealed files involving cases of incest.

Well i did

Sure you did. Just like you own a huge cattle ranch in Texas. You sad, morbidly obese old man.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jul 2022   #459
We can add "disputed debt"

Disputed debt ?
Is that when one guy says that you owe him money and you say no I don't ? lol
Face it Hairy, not only are you a liar but you are also a thief.
Good grief, what a Loser you are.

This from someone who has posted about his fantasies of violently assaulting women

Yeah, we know how you feel about Polish women alright and your posts prove it.
Remember this one ?

And remember to flash your tits only if they have both the colour and firmness of fresh milk.

How low can a puke scumbag go to respond to a woman in such a vulgar and abusive manner.
Or this one......

Personally I've been here 14 years and although I've slept with a lot fewer women than you claim to, none of them have been shite.

Yeah, we know your true demeanor when it comes to Polish women, Harry.
Nobody is saying that you slapped your ex-wife around when you got drunk until she finally divorced you.
So Harry, how did the stock Li do today ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Jul 2022   #460
what a Loser you are.

This from a creature so pathetic that he can't even provide for his wife in her old age, so she's forces to take care of other people's children to make a few dollars. Of course he's also so vile that he chooses to live with a convicted pedophile, so his poor wife was reported to the police for running a childcare business from an address where a registered sex offender lives. Happy to give the links enabling people to check all that for themselves

Nobody is saying that you slapped your ex-wife around when you got drunk until she finally divorced you.

Isn't that exactly what your ex-wife said about you while giving evidence under oath? Let's see what the unsealed court files say. Looks like that explains your obsession with other people beating their wives. What could explain your obsession with other people raping their kids? I wonder what the sealed court files could say.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jul 2022   #461
This from a creature so pathetic that he can't even provide for his wife

Who is that, your fantasy character "Jim" ?
His business is not my business but being a church member I am sure he provides for his lovely wife much better than you ever did for that poor abused Ukranian woman that you abused both mentally and physically.

This could explain your guilt by attacking this fantasy character "Jim" guy.
That guy ls imbedded in your pee brain and that is a for sure.
If he ever posted here, which he wouldn't, and posted your dirty laundry Hairy, you would threaten to sue him. lol

Isn't that exactly what your ex-wife said about you

I don't have an ex-wife like you do Harry so why are you asking me besides to project another of your lies.
Tell us more about that all boys Catholic orphanage that your mother dumped you in as a very young boy were you were "educated" by Catholic priest which may help us understand your warped, bitter and nasty expressions towards having sex with Polish women and abusing your ex-wife.

This may also explain why you boasted of being bio sexual and having joun and delf as your best "buddies".
Meanwhile how did the stock Li do yesterday ?
How do you think it will do today Har, up or down ?
And last but not least, what stock will you be tipping us on today ?
I know, you know better than to do that. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Jul 2022   #462
believe you bought things you clearly never bought.

Even more hilarious, he claims they are sending him commissions from their huge earnings after Jimmys amazing tips...Hahaha

Perhaps, he can show us a cancelled check?

Stock Market or Meltdown thread which is it?

He still never responded to CMS` request, nothing but crickets.........

Another summer full of lies on PF as he still hasnt left his shack!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jul 2022   #463
@ The Joke

he claims they are sending him commissions from their huge earnings after Jimmys amazing tips..

And this concerns you how ?

Stock Market or Meltdown thread which is it?

More of a Trolling and Bullying thread one would think.

He still never responded to CMS` request, nothing but crickets.........

Your ass sucks well water too, Liar !

Hey Ha Ha Hairy, did you see where the stock LI was up another .27 today and closed at $38.45 ?
No wonder you are hiding. (johnny snickers)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Jul 2022   #464
(johnny snickers

Like a lunatic in the cupboard.....hahahaha!
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Jul 2022   #465
More of a Trolling and Bullying thread one would think.

Im only going by what a real moderator of PF said, not a fake one like you!

Nobody believes any of your escapades because you never leave the forum.

To be fair, you also trashed this thread yourself many pages ago,

It seems you want one rule for you, and a different one for others.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jul 2022   #466
Nobody believes any of your escapades because you never leave the forum.

And you know this because you are concerned or just stalking me ?
You sure are infatuated with me aren't you.
Is that because I get more attention here than you do ?
Is it because you are just a little guy that everyone calls 'Shrimp' ?

Naw, Vinny just posted that because he was steamed to think how dare I call him out about him being bias.
Remember ?

It's not unexplainable, he has accumulated due to hijacking threads, and taking them off topic, baiting, and abusing other members.

You mean like Milopox, joun and Lazarus, Paulina and Pawian and PolAmKrakow who do the same exact thing yet never seems to get a warning and never a suspension ?

Come on Vincent, it is glaringly obvious to everyone who your favorites are.
Is that because they are Europeans ?
Us Americans like Rich, Dirk, Cargo, The Joke and myself seem to have a different set of rules to follow.
In my opinion it is because Rich levels the playing field here by out witting the Europeans with his mockery to make them look like fools.

He does hit a little hard sometimes but still.......
I guess us Yanks need to brush up on our "political correctness" to fit in here and ya should know by now that that is a slim chance and slim just left town.

(j.r. wipes his nose on his sleeve while glaring back with a disgusted look thinking after eight years here, next week, that he knows when he is being bullshitted)

Go look at Novi's last posts and tell us again why he deserved a suspension for it.
That's all water under the bridge now.
Vinny took his licking like a man.
Now let me ask you again, why are you so infatuated with my business ?

Hey, what ever happened to that old Tesla you bought that needed a new $15,000 battery that was such a great deal ? Urg !
And the little white clown car that needed a new front end ?
You were going to post some pictures of it when you got it repaired.
What ever happened or did you sell it for scrap ?
Why are half of your posts attacking other members here, Shrimp ?
My guess is because of your inferiority complex.
It must suck to be you.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Jul 2022   #467
Another rambling meltdown! Hahahaha

Vinny took his licking like a man.

You are clearly delusional as it was Vincent who made you look like a total fool but youre just too stupid to understand.

You were going to post some pictures of it when you got it repaired.

As soon as you post some of your pics, its your turn remember dummy? You have never posted one photo on PF yet you demand others to do so.

As Vincent said.... "It seems you want one rule for you, and a different one for others". This is spot on, nobody owes you anything around here. All you do is make up lies and you have zero credibility on this forum.

$15,000 battery that was such a great deal

What battery? I never said that, see another lie you made up out of thin air, like the thousands of others you've created. No wonder, you dont have any friends in real life and will die posting on this forum, loser!
cms neuf  2 | 1943
16 Jul 2022   #468
You didn't give me any LI tip I think - when was that ?

First time I contributed to this thread was 5th July and its down 3 percent since then
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jul 2022   #469

You didn't give me any LI tip I think - when was that ?

Two days ago post # 448, I guess you missed the, "Go with that one."

The last one that I gave you was LI.
Go with that one so you will quit needling me.
We good ?

I guess not. lol
Li will have to do cms because I am done making these Losers money.
Until The Joke and Christopher tip us on a stock, I am done posting my professional stock picks.
And with this Recession just starting you might want to get out of the market all together.
You didn't notice that in the beginning of this thread that I posted all money making stocks ?
Then the jealous Losers that know nothing about the Market, have no money to invest in it, could only diminish my mystic stock market knowledge.

As long as Vinny allows Trolling, Baiting, Off-Topic posts in this thread then join in and lets make this thread a circus too.
We good now ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jul 2022   #470
@ The Joke

What battery?

Now I know how you got the nick, "The Joke".
You are a used car salesman and really don't know that your Tesla runs on a battery ! ?
No wonder there is always a puddle of gas on the ground when you go into the gas station to fill it up. Hahahahahaha !
You posted that you would post pictures of your little white clown car when you paid someone to fix it.
Guess it hasn't been fixed yet because of a lack of funds or you are you lying again.
Nothing to be embarrassed about as many people who have been living beyond their means have run out of credit.
Will you be going to Poland this coming Christmas again ? (snickers)
Novi might bring you up to Mackinaw Island this summer to show you what wealth really is.
Google it.
Hell, I would even buy you an ice-cream cone and some fudge. Hoot !
Then we could go water skiing if you know how.
Then we could go horse back riding if you know how.
Then we could go to one of the Polish festivals in the area to meet some of my Polish girlfriends so you can test out your superior Polish. lol

Then after you had a few beers we could go over to my churches parking lot and you could show me your Kung Fu skills. LMMFAO !

What do ya say, Shrimp" ? :-) Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Jul 2022   #471
Another meltdown full of made up stories ( lies) he created about me...LOL

Hes soooo jealous of everyone else on this forum he has to make up fictitious stories only to brag about himself on a daily basis.

I am done posting my professional stock picks.

Professional??? LOL

Perhaps, you can finally retire now after earring all those commissions from Cargo and Zhole! Hahahaha

First time I contributed to this thread was 5th July

Dont hold your breath, you'll be waiting as long as his imaginary Marlin or helicopter crash photos from his fakecation.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
17 Jul 2022   #473
Ok - so if LI counts as your tip its a bit weird but I will put 200 bucks on it, just for fun.

My rate of interest in the bank 0.25 per month. I have a transaction cost of 1 percent so it needs to be up 4 percent the year for me to make money.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2022   #474
Did you figure in the cost of living which is now about 6% ?
If you are only getting 0.25 at you bank then you are losing money on your savings.

Li as a tip was just to get you to stop needling me.
I am still invested in it but could sell it any day if my trading charts tell me to sell.
See cms, I am a day trader not a long term speculator like you.
If I was young and wanted to speculate on a long term investment I would buy all the farm land I could.
(Watch what the billionaires are buying)
Wait, I already told you this six times haven't I.
And on your $200 investment in Li, that buys you 5 shares. (Or there abouts Hairy)
So if it goes up $3 a share you just made $15 and if you have trading fees, like I do, then minus $5 to buy it and minus $5 to sell it so you made a whopping $5.

That is my opinion however you could always ask Ha HA Hairy or The Joke (who both can't afford stocks) their opinions on a stock if they had the balls to tip one instead of just diminishing mine.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Jul 2022   #475
(who both can't afford stocks)

How do you know how much money I have? Unlike you who claimed to be retired then had to come out of said retirement to try and earn a few extra bucks playing in the stock market. Go to Walmart, they could always used another old geezer as a door greeter.

If anyone is a Joke its you that cant afford to do anything else but troll a Polish forum 24/7/365 for over a decade.. Nice retirement! LOL

Take a pic of your house and Ill take one of mine and lets compare?

Thats right, you cant afford a camera as we all already know,,,bak, bak ,bak
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2022   #476
Another Echo chamber rant
Like every Sunday morning here, you are still drunk from last night and want to play the diminish the other guy game.
O.k., lets play.

If anyone is a Joke

It's the Joke himself Hahahahahaha

Take a pic of your house and Ill take one of mine

You already posted a picture of your dump.
The one with the crooked smoke stack, the outside t.v. antenna on a pole and the train track that runs thru your back yard.

REAL SNAZY place it is.
(johnny snickers to himself)
Hey Shrimp, I am on my way to church.
How long should I wait for you to show up, Kung Fu ? Hoot !
Will you be driving your Tesla that doesn't have a battery or the little clown car missing the front end. Hahahahaha !
You come by your name honestly, "The Joke". :-)
Now get out of my thread unless you want to talk stocks, Asswipe.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Jul 2022   #477
The one with the crooked smoke stack,

Not your Michigan shack that we all have seen before!

Will you be driving your Tesla that doesn't have a battery

I never claimed it was missing a battery that what's your said along with your many other lies. Both cars are fixed and look brand new:)

I am on my way to church.

You cant hide your lies from Jesus, he sees what youre doing here.

Nice Shack, Jimmy! The shed is almost as big as the house, you would be better off in a trailer park! You got the trash part down already! Hahaha

  • Jimmysshack.jpg
cms neuf  2 | 1943
17 Jul 2022   #478
0.25 a month - 3 percent annualized. Of course I have noticed that interest is lower than inflation - in Poland inflation is 15 percent and interest rates are 3 maybe 4 percent. It is the same all over the world.

I have a farm already - it was a good buy but it's not practical in Poland to buy more - you have to live in the gmina in order to buy farmland now, so I can't even buy the next door fields. Because of that the market is becoming illiquid and prices are going down.

Day trading is far more speculative than holding stocks long term. And far more difficult to get right - which is why I avoid it. It is most beneficial for banks and brokers rather than the traders.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2022   #479
Day trading is far more speculative than holding stocks long term.

I have to disagree.
If you have a proven source for your stock trading charts you will do alright.
(and they are not cheap)
There is no way I could do as well as I do without them.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
18 Jul 2022   #480
It's estimated that 95 percent of Day Traders don't make money - If you are one of the 5 percent who do then happy days. I certainly wouldn't beat the odds myself which is why I just try and buy and hold and hopefully get some dividends too.

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