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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jul 2022   #421
Of course not as that would be grounds for the windfall law suit that you are trying to sucker me into.
If you haven't figured that out by now you really are dim.

Although there is one obvious way you could prove me wrong.

How is that Har, should I post the video that you took of your cohort rolling around on the floor with pubescent little boys that was posted here on the P.F. ?

Talk about verifying what you call lies, aye ole boy. :-)
Or how about all those Polish women that you claimed to have screwed and then boasted that none of them were worth a sh!t.

Would you like me to verify that post of yours ?
Now scat or I will sic my dog on you.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Jul 2022   #422
WoW! A trifecta of meltdown posts.... He must have really hit a nerve to get you this frazzled! Hahaha

one rule for you, and a different one for others.

At least we know he will never become a mod... His fantasy has been totally diminished.

Rules for thee, not me,,JimmyReb
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
9 Jul 2022   #423
Your Indian friend

Hey fat racist biased brit pig MOD go youself and suck gandhis dik,hope diabetes amputate your balls(if you had any EVER) along with ya toes.LOL meantime enjoy my curry Crap when I fly over ya UK in LOT coming to Polonia.Woiuld you like a real pic of my crap in ya brit flag posted here?
cms neuf  2 | 1945
9 Jul 2022   #424
JR - I am not trying to wind you up, I am just asking for stock picks.

Like most people with a day job I don't have time or energy for "day trading" - after tax and fees you can only make a few bucks here and there, certainly less efficient than just doing some overtime

So i am still waiting for your tips. Don't like a year? Ok lets go for 6 months - I am going for business software provider SAP, down 25 percent since the invasion but a good installed base and steady revenues. Price today 89 euro.

Let's have yours for 8th January 2023
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jul 2022   #425
So Jimmy SevenTimes was only pretending to be unable to work with simple percentages and 85 is very nearly 97.

I just found the post that you are trying to confuse.
cms is the one that first posted 97, not I.
He said that SIEM dropped 33%, hypothetically but not exact which would have been 85% or there abouts at one point and it was now at 97.
See ?

[quote-cms neuf]Siemens - its the worst performer in my portfolio this year, down 33 percent because of some energy and Russia things. But I am holding on to it for one year. Price today 97 euro.[/quote]
Down 33% this year (@85) but NOW at 97.
Do yourself a favor and quit projecting lies as they only let me make you look like the fool you are.
Now Ha Ha Hairy, are you going to tip us on a stock or not since I already have make both Cargo and dolno very large amounts of money as they both have posted in this thread as well as myself over the last two years in this thread by tipping (pre picking) many stocks that have had terrific runs as seen by the post that followed those picks.

You can't make that up. GO LOOK !

You however can't even seem to pick a stock.
All you can to is diminish and bully other people when one of there picks tank.
Nobody has a 100% sucess rate in picking stock, not even mystic Jimmy ten times.
I guess those that don't do anything can't be judged can they you loudmouth troll.
Come on Troll Boy, your turn to tip a stock for cms.
I'm done being nice and making you guys money.
You're up Ha Ha Hairy Lazarus.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Jul 2022   #426
Another meltdown instead of answering cms' question.

Your credibility is lower than Bidens lol

*** has anyone noticed his meltdown are getting longer and longer. And who reads all of his incoherent diatribe?

Jimmy seek professional help!
Lazarus  3 | 364
10 Jul 2022   #427
Down 33% this year (@85) but NOW at 97.

Wow you're stupid. Siemens hasn't been below 93 this year. You're too stupid to work out simple percentages, but you want people to believe you're a day-trader. ROFL!

it is against the law to harass people with them.

So report me to the police. Go ahead.

that would be grounds for the windfall law suit

Nice of you to finally admit your lies are nothing more than lies.
If you're still in the mood for confessions, how about you tell us what's in those sealed court files?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Jul 2022   #428
@Harry & Joker,
Go Fvck yourselves !
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Jul 2022   #429
Whats wrong Jimmy? Ran out of lies and can only resort to abuse

Aren't you going to give CMS his tip? He fulfilled his end of the bargain.

Nice of you to finally admit your lies are nothing more than lies.

He lied on so many times nobody can take him seriously.
Lazarus  3 | 364
10 Jul 2022   #430
Aren't you going to give CMS his tip?

I hope Jim does give a tip, would be great to know what to short.

Whats wrong Jimmy?

Have you noticed how he losses the plot when those sealed files are mentioned? I wonder if this was the voice of experience:

all the child has to say is that Daddy touched me in the wrong spot. Bam ! Straight to jail Daddy goes

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jul 2022   #431

"day trading" - after tax and fees you can only make a few bucks here and there, certainly less efficient than just doing some overtime

If you only have say 5 or 10 thousand to invest, you are right.
If you are asking me what I would do if I were you in this recession with sky rocketing inflation and interest rates.....
I would buy a rental unit and rent it even if the rent money only covered the interest rates and taxes on it.
Put your overtime money on the principal amount.
At my age I don't have the time to wait for such a property to double in price someday like you do.
The stock market is not for everyone as it takes money to make money in it.
I wish you the best cms.
Lazarus  3 | 364
11 Jul 2022   #432
The stock market is not for everyone

Certainly isn't a place for people who can't work out simple percentages. Or even read a graph showing a stock's price YTD and so claims that Siemens was as low as 85, when in reality it hasn't been below 93 all year.

it takes money to make money in it.

I hope you enjoy fantasizing about all the things you could have bought if you'd been able to make your fantasy investments.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jul 2022   #433
Go fvck yourself pauper !
cms neuf  2 | 1945
11 Jul 2022   #434
But i have rental properties already and yields are low - 4 or 5 percent when inflation is 15 percent.

Investment properties look very overpriced

I will just do what I always did

When yoi going to give some tips dude ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
11 Jul 2022   #435
Go fvck yourself pauper !

Looks like Jimmy SevenTimes isn't smart enough to work out percentages or read graphs but he is smart enough to get round systems designed to stop him abusing people.

As for pauper, we can all see the value of your shack on the property records. Good luck getting anywhere to live round here for $91,200!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Jul 2022   #436
rental properties already and yields are low - 4 or 5 percent

Yes for the last 3/4 months because these fu.cking Ukranians are coming and buying properties to get there residence permits in the EU.85% of the mickey dees franchise are owned by them and even the poor ones buy Zabka etc franchise for 10/15k USD.

You can still buy some crap properties for 6/7/8 or even more then 9% but if the tenant leaves you can never rent them for the same

I would buy a rental unit

Yes,but commercial ones.Also dont forget the minimum of 5% invisible gain on the property value even if it only doubles in 20 years,but Poland in its developing stage the property prices will go up quicker,lol until unless Putin send Ruskis for a vacation.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jul 2022   #437
When yoi going to give some tips dude ?

I have answered that question six time now so knock it off.
Here, one more time just for you, Needler.

I'm done being nice and making you guys money.

I have given several stock tips that made Cargo and dolno big money yet You, Lazy ass and the Joke have not given a single one.

I would buy a rental unit

But i have rental properties already

Then buy some more as I really don't think the stock market is any place for someone that has to ask for a stock tip on a public forum.
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Jul 2022   #438
stock market is any place for someone that has to ask for a stock tip on a public forum.

Yet, you do it all the

When yoi going to give some tips dude ?

Powodeznia! Dont hold your breath.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jul 2022   #439
When yoi going to give some tips dude ?

Right after the Joke and Kristopher gives us one. lol
Don't hold your breath.
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Jul 2022   #440
I really don't think the stock market is any place for someone that

The stock market is no place for someone who can't work out simple percentages.
The stock market is no place for someone who can't read a graph and see the YTD low price of Siemens.
The stock market is no place for you.
Fortunately, you don't have even enough money to maintain your property, as shown by the property records of your county, so you can't lose any money on the stock market.

Right after the Joke and Kristopher gives us one.

No idea who they are and won't speak for them, but my two tips are:
1) Buy anything Jimmy SevenTimes says not to buy.
2) Short anything Jimmy SevenTimes says to buy. Remember him boasting about buying Li at 38? Li now at 37! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jul 2022   #441
Remember him boasting about buying Li at 38? Li now at 37!

And I am still money ahead on that stock while you are inserting your foot in your piehole again. HooT !

Keep an eye on LI.

It is presently at $37.55 and going back up.
Do the math Ha Ha Hairy
That's more than you make in a month.
(hint: if you come out to plus $1665 you will be real close) ;-)
So what is your hot stock for us today, Ha Ha Hairy ?
cms neuf  2 | 1945
12 Jul 2022   #442
Ok - Schlumberger. 37 dollars a share, up 4 percent this year

Should be plenty of upside for this oil equipment manufacturer. But i had it in my portfolio for 3 years and have never really made much from it. Maybe my patience will be rewarded.

Give us a tip for 11th September - 3 months time
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Jul 2022   #443
And I am still money ahead on that stock

No, 37.55 is below the 38 you said to buy at. Not that you actually bought any shares, you can't even afford a bag of nails.

It is presently at $37.55 and going back up.

Mystic Jimmy strikes yet again! Li now 37.28. Epic work by the day-trader who can't work out simple percentages or read a graph of YTD prices!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jul 2022   #444
No, 37.55 is below the 38

You are one daft m.f. Hairy.
One more time just because I like you.

Keep an eye on LI.
I bought 200 shares June 13th for $29

$37.55 is ABOVE $29 when I went to school but then again you were being a nice little boy for the priests in your orphanage.
It's no wonder that you are so full of hate.

Give us a tip for 11th September - 3 months time

No more free stock tips except for Cargo who sends me a percentage of his profits from them.
Joker  2 | 2447
13 Jul 2022   #445
No more free stock tips except for Cargo who sends me a percentage of his profits from them.

ROFTL! This is the funniest thing ever posted on PF!

Oh Please, I almost burst my appendix laughing!

  • 5544c52aaf8a00c35adc.jpeg
cms neuf  2 | 1945
13 Jul 2022   #446
I have given you six dude - the good the bad and the ugly.

I am still waiting for one from you
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Jul 2022   #447
$37.55 is ABOVE $29 when I went to school

Jimmy SevenTimes said 'Buy at $38' and claimed he'd bought at 29, but Jimmy SevenTimes is a proven liar, so nobody believes a word of what he says about the past.

As for school, that's a place where they teach kids how to read graphs and work out percentages. Jimmy can't do those things, he spent too much time fantasizing about punching nuns in the face and not enough time listening.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jul 2022   #448
Jimmy SevenTimes said 'Buy at $38' and claimed he'd bought at 29,

And L@@KIE here, johnny's claim is true so take your diminishing and shove it up your ass Ha Ha Hairy.

AND It is now up over $38 dillweed.
You have no patience at all and think buying stock means instant success.
It don't work that way as the market goes up and down, stupid.

As for school, that's a place where they teach kids how to read graphs and work out percentages. Jimmy can't do those things,

We see what the priest taught you in the orphanage that you were placed in after your parents disowned you by watching the video here you took of your cohort rolling around on the floor with little boys.

Pathetic to say the least.

I am still waiting for one from you

The last one that I gave you was LI.
Go with that one so you will quit needling me.
We good ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
13 Jul 2022   #449
so take your diminishing and shove it up your ass

Here we go..... forever playing the victim, when in fact he is the is hilarious!I

Pathetic to say the least

Describes you perfectly Jim.
Now stop trolling and bullying and find something useful to do with your life.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Jul 2022   #450
johnny's claim is true

Jimmy, if you had money for shares, you'd have money to maintain your shack. But instead it's falling apart so badly that its value is actually falling while average prices in your area are going up by 20% a year.

find something useful to do with your life.

Bit late for that. The only useful thing he can do now is become fertiliser.

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