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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Lazarus  3 | 364
7 Jul 2022   #391
Yet another meltdown from Jim. If only he'd given even a hundredth as much attention to maths classes as he gives to PF, then he'd be able to correctly calculate 33% of 126.

As for stock tips, by far the best given here is to short anything Jim tips as a buy and buy anything he says not to buy. For example, Mr SixTimes said he'd never buy Siemens when Siemens was at 95.46 and right now Siemens is at 97.59!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Jul 2022   #392
Yet another meltdown by mixed up HaHa Hairy who still refuses to give us a stock to tip.
Repeat - Repeat - Repeat !
He suffers from an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).

Siemens - its the worst performer in my portfolio this year, down 33 percent

You claim to have SIE stock worth 95 euro per share which is down 33% would make your buying price 126 euro per share.

I'll go slow for you Ha Ha Hairy, 33% of 126 is 41 and 126 - 41 = 85 which was close enough for all hypothetical practical purposes without getting pencil and paper out.

(Well except for a knit picking troll climbing up someone's leg to Bait with it.)

We are still waiting for you to tip a stock Ha Ha Hairy.

Lazarus, reading back over your posts, it seems you only post messages to belittle and bait.

You seem to be on the ball for that one but not on the ball for doing something about it, Vincent.
Why you have let the ass hole trash this thread is beyond belief.
Joker  2 | 2447
7 Jul 2022   #393
Yes, he is clueless and everyone is getting quite bored with his repeat repeat repeat parroting.

Youre the one that is clueless as I was talking about you! LOL

Rince, repeat and Krakawwwwww Parrorting. Stop blaming ppl for exactly what youre doing, you sound just like a whiny Democrat!

I found the T-Shirts youre selling. I dare you to Walk through Chicago wearing a Johnny Reb shirt. Do you even know who he was?

Why you have let the ass hole trash this thread is beyond belief.

Its off topic, wannabe Mod and besides nobody cares.

Jim tips as a buy and buy anything he says not to buy.

He will give you a tip to buy and change his mind a few hours later telling you to sell it.......

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Lazarus  3 | 364
7 Jul 2022   #394
85 which was close enough

Perhaps to you buying at 95 and selling at 85 is close enough to making a profit.
Your problem is that you added to 95 33% of 95, and got 126. But, as any grade school student can tell you, that's not how percentages work. You needed to divide 95 by 0.67.

Whoever heard of a day-trader that can't calculate percentages?!

Talking of day-trading, Siemens now up to 97.80, so if you'd invested your life's savings when cms tipped it at 95, you'd have made a profit of zero!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Jul 2022   #395
Perhaps to you buying at 95 and selling at 85 is close enough to making a profit.

Except nobody bought at 95 and sold at 85 stupid.
That is just another lie that you are projecting.

You needed to divide 95 by 0.67.

Really, is that how you get 33% of 126 ?
Now I see why they call you Ha Ha Hairy.
And Kris, I didn't buy any SIE and I didn't sell any SIE.

We are still waiting for you to tip a stock Ha Ha Hairy.


wearing a Johnny Reb shirt.

And in this corner wearing a Red Johnny Reb shirt standing at 6 feet tall and weighing 180#'s is JOHNNY REB !
And in the Yellow corner wearing a pis s yellow shirt standing at 5'-7" tall and weighing 140#'s we have Chicken Liver Joker !
KA BOOM ! fight over with the Chicken Liver flopping on the floor with a broken nose. HooT !
Lazarus  3 | 364
7 Jul 2022   #396
is that how you get 33% of 126 ?

You were told shares were at 95 and were 33% down. You then said they had been at 126 before the 33% loss, because you don't know how percentages work or how to calculate them. It really is lucky you have no money to invest.

the Chicken Liver flopping on the floor with a broken nose

Oh dear, Jim is back to fantasizing about breaking noses again. Well, I suppose fantasizing about punching adult males in the face is marginally less vile than fantasizing about punching nuns in the face, so he is making progress towards not being a sick individual. Well done Jimmy!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Jul 2022   #397
Lazarus, reading back over your posts, it seems you only post messages to belittle and bait.

I noticed that too so why do you let him keep it up, Vinny ?

Keep digging Ha Ha Hairy, you are only reiterating that you are not sharp in math either. lol

We are still waiting for you to tip a stock Ha Ha Hairy.

Come on Kris, take a jab at one so we can laugh at you some more.

Well, I suppose fantasizing about punching adult males in the face

Yup and yours is one of them.
I'd even let you take those coke bottle glasses off your ugly mug first.
KA POW ! as Har gets KO'd with one quick left jab to the nose and out like a light. HooT !
Be most enjoyable to give you some of what you gave your ex-wife from Ukraine before she divorced you.
Lazarus  3 | 364
7 Jul 2022   #398
Poor Jimmy SixTimes continues his meltdown after it's again shown that instead of being a financial genius day-trader, he can't actually work out simple percentages. If only he'd spent more time listening in maths lessons and less time fantasizing about punching nuns in the face!

As for stock tips, Jimmy SixTimes said "sell NOW" when Boeing hit 140 and the again two days ago said "GET OUT NOW !" but right now Boeing is at 141.83. So he is now Jimmy SevenTimes!
cms neuf  2 | 1943
7 Jul 2022   #399
OK JR I got a few more fro you

JMT - owner of Biedronka. 21.94 Euro today. Up nicely over the past few days. I reckon up to 27 eur by next summer as Poles look for cheap shopping

Bank Pekao - down 37 percent last 6 months but high interest rates and removal of some PIS idiots from management might help it recover
Dexcom - down 37 percent this year, a poor performer from my US portfolio, but make diabetes drugs and should be Ok if covid comes back

So you now owe 4 tips for July 23 - lets be having them
Lazarus  3 | 364
7 Jul 2022   #400
up to 27 eur by next summer as Poles look for cheap shopping

You don't see them being squeezed by the ultra-discount segment?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Jul 2022   #401
So you now owe 4 tips for July 23 - lets be having them

You must have missed the part about me being a DAY TRADER and you being a SPECULATOR.
Now if you want a short term suggestion from me I can do that but I will have to PM you because I am done making Hairy money with my expertise.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
8 Jul 2022   #402
I am done making Hairy mone

I remember this dumb real estate investor claiming to own cpl of flats(a idiot immature investors dream) and now long term stocks,lol with interest rates shooting up in Poland this idiot might make more money by term deposits.hey dumb as*s try Nest bank in Poland which right now is giving almost 5 %.

I meant this post for CMS
@CMS I dont know about Jeronimo Martin shares but they are a good tenant an A class tenants in Poland,maybe not in retail space but for warehouses they are the best.

making Hairy money with my expertise.

You fuc*king seriously think he makes money???lol forget 100k usd in Poland a year,talk about this face making 20k USD to live a low life in Poland,lol oh,he has a keyboard I forgot lol and I can bet its not even wireless.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #403
I know I am not doing anything long term right now.
These people don't listen Cargo.
They are always smarter than guys like us that have been in this game all of our lives.
Long term speculating right now with inflation sky rocketing and a recession just starting ain't my cup of tea.
At my age a safe 5% sounds very good right now for at least the next two years, if I live that long.

You fuc*king seriously think he makes money???l

Hey, he has a bicycle shop and I hear he is the best flat fixer in Warsaw.
And don't forget about his side job of teaching English to unsuspecting Polish people.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
8 Jul 2022   #404
These people don't listen

Ive been reading his posts,this idiot dont understand what a day trader means,I guess,and still rants about long term investments,just like those fuc^king brit low lives here,lol like the fooking brit fat diabetic racist(not so professional) MOD here named VINCENT.Hey Vincent go FU*CK YOURSELF .(If you have a dick)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #405
dont understand what a day trader means

I tried to explain three times and finally came to the conclusion that he was not interested in that.
All he was interested in was needling me to make a long term stock prediction.
Again I told him three times that was not my game.
I tried to be as nice as I could but with ass hole Hairy butting into our conversation with his trolling the thread got trashed and yes your buddy Vincent let it happen so fvck this place.

I have copped Novi and your attitude of like if joun, Hairy, Milo, Pawian, Joker and the rest of the immature trolls are allowed to trash our threads then fvck it, I ain't contributing anything anymore besides returning insults.

If that's what P.F. wants then that's what they will get.
Lazarus  3 | 364
8 Jul 2022   #406
the part about me being a DAY TRADER

Day-traders need to be able to make rapid and accurate calculations. You can't even cope with simple percentages, as shown by your inability to work out the starting price of a stock that's at 95 and has lost 33% of its starting price.

he has a bicycle shop

If someone has a business in Poland, they're listed in the commercial register, which is publicly available information. So you could link to that information if you weren't lying. Just as anyone who wants to show that Marge ran a child minding business from an address where a convicted pedophile lives can link to all the publicly available information which proves that. Would you like me to link to it all again?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #407
your inability to work out the starting price of a stock that's at 95 and has lost 33% of its starting price.

Shows what you know. lol

Would you like me to link to it all again?

Nobody is saying that you raped your underaged step daughter or beat your wife was the reason she divorced you and previous to that buggered little boys with your old cohort.
Joker  2 | 2447
8 Jul 2022   #408
So you now owe 4 tips for July 23 - lets be having them

Just as we though....nothing but excuses.

You can't even cope with simple percentages,

A day trader that cant understand basic math! Hahahahahaha

immature trolls

Pot- Kettle.. Same old grievances, never changes.

How much for the T-shirt?

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #409
Just as we though....nothing but excuses.

Actually we were waiting for you and Ha Ha Hairy to tip a stock. lol
What is your excuses ?
And ? Bak Bak Bak !


Would you like me to link to it all again?

Let me post yours first.

He suffers from an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).

When Hairy is not fixing bicycle flats he goes to any bar that has free wi-fi and sips the cheapest beer they have taking up space.

His British father was banished to a penal colony in Australia however little Harry was sent back to Britian where he was placed in an all boys Catholic orphanage where he became the priests "favorite" little boy.

From there he went into the military and got bullied horribly for being so insecure and so femish.
After that he moved to Poland where he could lord over, bully and live the high life where he called the Polish dumb Polish by speaking his 'affluent' English.

He is anti anything Polish and hates Poland and Polish people.
He has lived in Poland over 30 years and has never learned to speak Polish.
Finally he found this forum to bully anyone who has been successful in life because of his inferiority complex and failures in life.
Then when he ran up against the Americans here they popped his ego balloon by pis sing in his cornflakes which pushed him over the edge to the point he had all of his posts deleted under his name 'Harry' and has come back again under many sock puppets with Lazarus being the latest of them.

He has been posting under the name of Lazarus for two years here, has offered nothing but trolling but did start one thread that was almost immediately closed.

Skim through his post and you will see that 90% of them are trolling me which shows that I get under his skin like no one ever has. :-)

I may have eveen helped cause his bleeding ulcers. :-)
I live in his head as you can see by his repetitious repeating himself blabbering lies but to him they are the truth because he has repeated them so many times.

Now he wants to sue me so he will have a windfall to live the high life in Poland for the rest of his life. HooT !

What a Loser.......
O.k. Har, the floor is yours for more of your lies..........
Is this what you want everyday Vincent ?
espana  17 | 951
8 Jul 2022   #410
He is anti anything Polish and hates Poland and Polish people.

he sound like a lovely man
Lazarus  3 | 364
8 Jul 2022   #411
Another epic meltdown by Jimmy SevenTimes! He really does not like people pointing out that he can't work out basic percentages, such as the starting price of a stock that's at 95 and has lost 33% of its starting price.

In other news, when Siemens was at 95 Mr SevenTimes said "I would never buy a company where its shares are still falling." Guess the price right now. 100.30 LOL!

raped your underaged step daughter

I've been meaning to ask for a while: why are some of the court files about you sealed? The ones which involve the custody battle between you and Derinda are all open but some other files are still closed. From what I can understand, back then your state only sealed files in cases that involved extreme child abuse, such as incest. Does that have anything to do with why you're so obsessed with claiming other people raped their children?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #412
he sound like a lovely man

Who, Lazar us or Poker?
They both are full blown alcoholics that suffers from acute depression.
Their self therapy is to come here to diminish and belittle people for a release of their nasty inner ambitions and build up their suffering ego's.
Vincent  8 | 800
8 Jul 2022   #413
Is this what you want everyday Vincent ?

To be fair, you also trashed this thread yourself many pages ago, which is why it couldn't be cleaned up. Your Indian friend also didn't help your cause. It seems you want one rule for you, and a different one for others.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #414
he thinks that 126 down by 33% is 95,

So do tell us what you come up with Hairy ? :-/ lol
We are waiting, Hairy.

Siemens - its the worst performer in my portfolio this year, down 33 percent because of some energy and Russia things.
Price today 97 euro.

O.k., Hairy, one more time, REALSLOW, just because I feel sorry for you making an ass out of your math skills.
Down to 97 per share which is 66% of what it was.....are ya trackin' with me ?
This means the other 33% that it is down from would be 32 or 33% plus the 97 it is now which it = 129.of which it was before the 33% loss.

32+97 =129
Did ya get it that time so we can quit laughing at you or did it go over your head yet again ? HooT !

which was close enough for all hypothetical practical purposes without getting pencil and paper out.

You get to use a calculator as I did it in my head in a split second.
You didn't excel in math like you have some other things that the priest taught you I see.
Lazarus  3 | 364
8 Jul 2022   #415
It seems you want one rule for you,

The best bet ever is that Jim thinks no rules here should apply to him.


You said 126. But never mind. I'll explain it for you:
33% of 129 = 42.6
129 - 42.6 = 86.4, not 95
When 129 goes down by 33%, it falls to 86.4, not 95.
I'm amazed at how bad you are at maths. You really should have spent more time in class listening and let time fantasizing about punching nuns in the face.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #416
To be fair,

Well of course Vincent and thank you again.
So why didn't you say or do something at the time instead of letting the thread being destroyed ?
I mentioned it several times to you back then.

33% of 129 = 42.6
129 - 42.6 = 86.4, not 95
When 129 goes down by 33%, it falls to 86.4, not 95.

Johnny sits slapping his leg laughing as Lazarus takes his bait.
Here Har, re-read the original post.

I'll go slow Hairy, 33% of 126 is 41 and 126 - 41 = 85 which was close enough for all hypothetical practical purposes.

You are too easy Hairy. LMMFAO !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jul 2022   #417
I've been meaning to ask for a while: why are some of the court files about you sealed?

There are no court files sealed about me so you must be referring to your imaginary friend Jim.
You have his phone number and could call him if you are that concerned, Aunt Busy Body Liar.

Does that have anything to do with why you're so obsessed with claiming other people raped their children?

Step child Hairy.
Are you claiming that it isn't true about those rumors of you slapping your ex-wife around and getting caught in a compromising position with your step daughter ?

Perhaps since you like gossiping other peoples personal business you would like to share with us what caused your divorce from your lovely Ukranian wife and you missing here while rumor is that you were sitting in a prison for six months for unlawful acts.

Now please, quit trashing my thread with your trolling frustrations and lies.
I would hate to have it be said that I was the one that pushed you over the edge into committing suicide.
Lazarus  3 | 364
8 Jul 2022   #418
Johnny sits slapping his leg laughing as Lazarus takes his bait.

So Jimmy SevenTimes was only pretending to be unable to work with simple percentages and 85 is very nearly 97. If anybody believes that, would you like to buy a bridge? Or lend me $97 million so I can repay you $85 million next week with $5 million in interest?

trolling frustrations and lies.

Everything fact I post here can be verified by clicking the links I provide, such as the one to your housemate's sentencing record and the one to the property records showing the value and transaction history of your house and the one to the company register showing your wife ran a childcare business from that house. That's why I'm very happy to use your real name when I say those things. You won't put my real name next to your lies, because even you know they're nothing but lies that you made up.

Although there is one obvious way you could prove me wrong.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jul 2022   #419
So was only pretending to be unable to work with simple percentages and 85 is very nearly 97.

No, that was Ha Ha Hairy pretending to project a lie by splitting hairs again.
Here, one more Har.

I'll go slow Hairy, 33% of 126 is 41 and 126 - 41 = 85 which was close enough for all hypothetical practical purposes.

I said 85 and you are saying technically 86.4. lol

But never mind. I'll explain it for you:
33% of 129 = 42.6
129 - 42.6 = 86.4,

You just wanted to needle me with a 1.4% difference which who knows EXACTLY what that figure actually was or who the F cares besides someone suffering from OPCD.

Geez Hairy, talk about being anal retentive.
When you pay your bar bill and figure a 20% tip and it comes out to a total of $18.77 including tip do you just throw down a $20 and say close enough or do pull out your change and count it out to the penny ?

Sorry, I forgot you don't tip.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jul 2022   #420
Everything fact I post here can be verified by clicking the links

And it says right on the prefix of those links that it is against the law to harass people with them. Duh !
They are only made public for your self protection not to be used visiously like you do.

provide, such as the one to your housemate's sentencing record

Except for the fact my housemate has no sentencing record, Liar.

That's why I'm very happy to use your real name

Harry ole boy, sorry to keep pis sing in your corn flakes but you have no idea what my real name is.

You won't put my real name

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