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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Miloslaw  22 | 5217
2 Jun 2022   #361
It's all bollox and BS.
As we have come to expect from fat old Jimmy.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Jun 2022   #362
Only Jimmy Six Times could boast about shares being 36% lower than they were when he tipped them!

Actually Pawian picked that Boeing stock Hairy....oh wait, that has been explain ten times now already.
Do you think your parroting will change that fact ?
Perhaps you could tell us what stocks you own Hairy.....oh wait, we already asked you that ten times without getting a response.
You don't own any stocks do you Hairy ?
You only come to this thread to troll with your excessive compulsive disorder Rinse & Repeating.
You do know that you are crazier than a sh!thouse rat don't you. HooT !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Jun 2022   #363
Boeing just tipped $140 Hairy SELL ! and take your short term profits with me.
You did buy 200 shares with me last week at $117 didn't you ?
See, I just made you $4600 just by listening to mystic Jimmy. HooT !
Don't wait, sell NOW !
We can get back in again after this afternoons correction.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #364
Don't wait, sell NOW !

If you didn't get out of U.S. stocks last month when I tipped Hairy to do, GET OUT NOW !
Start looking at Chinese stocks.
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Jul 2022   #365
Boeing just tipped $140

See, I just made you $4600 just by listening to mystic Jimmy.

Anybody who listened to Jimmy SixTimes hasn't made anything, they would have lost 35% of their money. 200 shares at the $217 the mystic genius tipped them at is $43,400 and right now 200 Boeing shares gets you $26,800.

Jim boasting about his fantasy share successes is like a small child that bet on heads six times in a row and lost cheering wildly when the coin finally comes down tails.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #366
Anybody who listened to Jimmy SixTimes hasn't made anything,

Oh but Hairy they have.
dolno bought a new house with his profits as he posted here.
That made you turn green with jealousy
You are just a nervous Nelly and wait to long buy in after the fact and sell to late after the fact. lol
Of course you being only able to afford ten shares we can see why you haven't made anything.
I told you to get out at $140

Boeing just tipped $140 Hairy SELL !

Told ya so

right now 200 Boeing shares gets you $26,800.

Of course as I told you to sell it a month ago on June third. (See above)
You should have listened to mystic Jimmy.
That was Pawians stock pick though, not mine.
My tip of the day is to buy Chinese stock and not American stocks.

Start looking at Chinese stocks.

And just because you are my buddy Hairy I will tip you on one.
Keep an eye on LI.
I bought 200 shares June 13th for $29 and just bout another 100 shares this morning at $38.
Now that is not as you would call boasting, it is a tip for you to make some beer money.
LI is an electric vehicle manufacturer in China just so you know what you are investing in.
Now when I tell you to sell this time, SELL !

I know Hairy/Lazarus, Your turn to tip us on a stock. :-)
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Jul 2022   #367
I bought 200 shares June 13th for $29

Of course you did, Jimmy SixTimes. Just like you owned on 29 April Apple shares that you had boasted about having sold the previous day. And just like you bought Exxon at the lowest price they've been at for five years.

It's all quite sad really, a lonely old man sitting in a shack that's falling apart around him and fantasizing about all the money he could have made.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #368
It's all quite sad really, a lonely old man sitting in a shack fantasizing about all the money he could have made.

Then you should do something about it now that you are off probation.

that you had boasted about having sold the previous day.

It's called day trading Lazy, buy and sell the same day is not unheard of.
Hang around I will teach you.

just like you bought Exxon at the lowest price they've been at for five years.

Am I good or what. ;-)

I know Hairy/Lazarus, Your turn to tip us on a stock. :-)

You're up little guy, tip us on a stock or stfu.
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Jul 2022   #369
Am I good or what. ;-)

You'd do better to fantasise about investing in a roll of tarpaper and a bag of nails.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #370
You are so F-ing jealous Harry it is most laughable.

You're up little guy, tip us on a stock or stfu.

We are still waiting for you to tip us on a stock Hairy.
Only people that do something can be judged by others.
Those who do NOTHING can't be judged back.
Come on Hairy, pick a winner stock.

Keep an eye on LI.

Oh Lord Hairy, Li just hit $39.94 !
And the market is open for another hour yet.........should I sell Hairy or let it ride ? Hoot !
Thats a $194 profit on those 100 shares that mystic Jim bought this morning.
If you would only listen instead of trying to diminish my talents you would have beer money for the rest of the week in your pocket but NO, hard ears you would rather try to shame me than make rent money.

Oh wait, you live with join for free, I forgot.
Now come on Lazarus, pick a stock for us to make some jingle on.
Tick Toc Tick Tock Bak Bak Bak
cms neuf  2 | 1952
5 Jul 2022   #371

Siemens - its the worst performer in my portfolio this year, down 33 percent because of some energy and Russia things. But I am holding on to it for one year.

Price today 97 euro.

Give me your tip and we can compare in 2023 at end June.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #372
I can't find the one you are referring to.
What is it's stock symbol ?

All I found is this one.
Siemens Ltd
XBOM: 500550
2,561.00 per share
▲ 39.75 (1.58%) today
July 5, 4:01 PM IST · Market Closed
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Jul 2022   #373
we can compare in 2023 at end June.

That's not the way this thread works. In June 2023 Jim will tell you all about the shares he bought this month. If he tips things now for the future, he'll be miserable when everyone laughs at his tips and his attempts to boast about shares that are down 35% since he tipped them.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #374
Harry is right.
You better ask Harry instead of me. LMMFAO !
Oh wait, Hairy only comes to this thread to Troll me.
(Have you noticed that Harry gets tongue tied when we ask him to tip a stock ?) HooT !
I have never seen anyone as green with envy as he is in my entire life.
Why the Mods allow him to trash this thread is beyond me.
Do they really wonder why Cargo calls them nasty Brit names ?

Let me know what the stock symbol is for your stock, cms neuf, and I will run it thru my trading charts so I can answer your question for you. ;-)
cms neuf  2 | 1952
5 Jul 2022   #375
Dude it's Siemens - SIE, one of the biggest industrial companies in the world and a Eurostoxx 50 company

There is not a question to answer - you just need to provide the name of the stock you are tipping.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Jul 2022   #376
SIE, one of the biggest industrial companies in the world

Price today 97 euro.its the worst performer in my portfolio this year, down 33 percent

I see that however it is not in my trading charts and I don't think it is on the NYSE so I am not familiar with it.

Give me your tip and we can compare in 2023 at end June.

I am a day trader, not a long term investor like you.
I make a little here and there which adds up.
You hold on gambling it will go up by next year.
It could be much longer then that since this Recession is just starting.
It could be two, three years before we come out of it.
I don't want my money tied up that long doing nothing, I want my money working for me every day making me money.
Damn cms, at my age, I don't even buy green bananas anymore.
At 97 euro, down 33%, sounds like good time to buy in on a blue chip stock like SIE that will come back eventually.
Your horse is out of the gate now so you don't have much of a choice but to sit on it.
Good luck with it.
cms neuf  2 | 1952
6 Jul 2022   #377
OK, so this weird JR. You ask for a stock tip and I give you one.

Now you say
- you never heard of it (its on the German exchange but surely everyone heard of it)
- you are a day trader
- you don't want a one year contest because you don't want your capital tied up (though you should have plenty to spare)

I respect you, so give us your tip for one years time. Can be NY, London, Warsaw, anywhere.

I have no idea what Siemens will do, probably Ok because it's a diversified business that makes something - I am just responding to your challenge. Now your turn.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Jul 2022   #378
I am just responding to your challenge.

No, you are trying to challenge me.
My challenge was to Ha Ha Hairy, not you.
Hairy always diminishes my picks yet he never seems to have any that I can diminish.
That was the challenge to Hairy.

so give us your tip for one years time.

Do you want me to repeat myself again ?
I am a day trader, not a long term speculator.
Who knows how bad this recession is going to get so I sure the hell wouldn't be betting on some stock a year from now.

Things are not looking very good for the future right now in the stock market..

I have no idea what Siemens will do,

No one does or we would all be filthy rich.

you don't want your capital tied up (though you should have plenty to spare)

What ever gave you the idea that I have plenty to spare ?
Didn't Hairy tell you that I live in a house with a hole in the roof ?
You claim to have SIE stock worth 95 euro per share which is down 33% would make your buying price 126 euro per share.
Hypothetically you have 500 shares, you would have 63000 euro tied up that is now worth 47500 euro.
You are hoping that you can regain that 33% in the next year to get back even again and it may take two or three years.

Now I say to have 63000 euro of my capital sitting there doing nothing but losing because of inflation and a flat market for the next year just is not my cup of tea.

And again, I am to old to invest in long term like that.
Good luck to you though as the market may catch on fire when Putin and biden die.
Lazarus  3 | 364
6 Jul 2022   #379
give us your tip for one years time

The way to make money is to short whatever Jimmy SixTimes tips. Boeing was 217 when he first tipped it, now it's 136. Apple was at 155 when mystic Jimmy said it would go to "170 plus" and now it's 142. He's like a reverse Paul the Octopus.
Joker  2 | 2453
6 Jul 2022   #380
fantasizing about all the money he could have made.

First he was retired, they he claims hes a trader that came out to earn extra money.... What a sad pathetic existence and only a fool would believe a word of it.

He has obviously failed to secure enough money to retire and has resorted to gambling in the stock market for extra money.

No wonder PF is all he can afford for entertainment.

Now you say
- you never heard of it

Its just a snowjob, just more narcissistic fantasies like the Johnny Reb T-shirts he had made for himself

Ive even heard of SIE
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Jul 2022   #381
Good Morning cms.
I finally had some time to do some research on SIE.
The symbol SIE (Xfra:SIE) is a class of Siemens shares that are traded on the Xfra Exchange.
If you try to pull up a chart in say Fidelity, using the symbol SIE, you won't get anything.
The Symbol SIEGY is commonly used for trading Siemens on the US stock exchanges.
Nevertheless, both symbols represent Siemens.
Both charts look the same, except SIE has gone from $156 down to $95 and SIEGY has gone from $95 to $49.
Siemens is a great company, and every time I have an MRI or PET Scan, they roll me into a Siemens imaging unit in the hospital.

However, the sanctions on the Russian oil and gas pipelines that run into Germany are really hurting the German economy and affecting most of the German economy more than other European countries.

So again, I would never buy a company where its shares are still falling.
Wait for it, and the general market to turn up.
That may not happen until this stupid war ends.
Until then there are more productive ways to stay ahead of inflation in my opinion.
Again, good luck with it.
Lazarus  3 | 364
6 Jul 2022   #382
I would never buy a company where its shares are still falling.

Siemens price when Jimmy SixTimes posted that: 95.46
Siemens closing price today: 96.05
Day trading at its finest!

It's like he's got some mystic power to drive prices up by saying they'll go down and vice versa.

95 euro per share which is down 33% would make your buying price 126

Although his ability to screw up simple maths is also impressive.
33% of 126 is 41.58
126 - 41.58 = 84.42
But on planet Jimmy 126 losing 33% gives a result of 95. Genius!
cms neuf  2 | 1952
6 Jul 2022   #383
This is Siemens on the German index that I am talking about. I am holding it - basically I am holding on to everything

What is your stock tip for )July 2023 ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Jul 2022   #384
You have no idea how much I enjoy mocking your lies, Hairy.

whatever Jimmy SixTimes tips.

We are still waiting for you to tip a stock Ha Ha Hairy.

Jimmy SixTimes tips. Boeing was 217 when he first tipped it, now it's 136.

Oh Har, how quickly you forget.
Here it is again.
Boeing just tipped $140 Hairy SELL ! and take your short term profits with me.
You did buy 200 shares with me last week at $117 didn't you ?
See, I just made you $4600 just by listening to mystic Jimmy. HooT !
Don't wait, sell NOW !

Face it Har, I know how to make money in the market just for fun which makes me happy and you know how to fix bicycle flat tires for your beer money which makes you happy.

You shouldn't get so jealous over someone else's success in life no matter how big of a failure you are as long as you are happy.

I still like you though no matter how many lies you tell about me. ;-)

What is your stock tip for )July 2023 ?

Come on cms, quit needling me.
I have already answered that question three times now.
Lazarus  3 | 364
6 Jul 2022   #385
What is your stock tip for )July 2023 ?

I wish the mystic genius would tip a stock, we need to know what to short.

Although given his mathematical illiteracy, he might mean that a stock will go from 100 to 95 when he says that it'll go up by 15%.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Jul 2022   #386
I wish the mystic genius would tip a stock,

I have already tipped several successful ones in this thread Bieggers.
It's your turn to tip a winner or stfu before you get another Baiting warning.

We are still waiting for you to tip a stock Ha Ha Hairy.

We've been waiting for months now for you to tip one, Ha Ha Hairy.
Come on Sunshine, show us what you got you.
That is unless you ain't got nothin' to talk besides your cheap Trolling smack.

Bak Bak Bak !
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Jul 2022   #387
I have already tipped several successful ones

Thx JR for ya tip I am 73 k richer in 48 days,the sad part is I have to pay taxes on it.LOL these brits shi.ts know crap including the fat diabetic biased and RACIST mod Vincent.
Joker  2 | 2453
7 Jul 2022   #388
What is your stock tip for )July 2023 ?

Notice how he dodges the question.....

Perhaps, if you purchase a Johnny Reb T-Shirt off of him first he will tell you.

It's like he's got some mystic power to drive prices up by saying they'll go down and vice versa

I like the time he told everyone to buy a 1000 shares and came back a few hours and said he meant to
Lazarus  3 | 364
7 Jul 2022   #389
Notice how he dodges the question.....

Jim can't even work out what 33% of 126 is, he thinks that 126 down by 33% is 95, so how can he be expected to analyse quarterly reports and market analyses?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Jul 2022   #390
Notice how he dodges the question.....

Yes, old Ha Ha Harry has never owned a stock in his life yet he comes to this thread just to troll my expertise. (JEALOUS)

The bias Mods allow this because it keeps the traffic ratings up for this forum.
Lazarus's Bullying is a cover for his inferiority complex as a Loser in life.
He suffers from an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).
No prizes for guessing how repeat repeat repeat bieggers came to know that phrase. Hoot !

We are still waiting for you to tip a stock Ha Ha Hairy.

Notice how he dodges the question.....

Yes, he is clueless and everyone is getting quite bored with his repeat repeat repeat parroting.
Maybe the Mods could get off their dead ass and put a stop to it after TWO years of this ass hole trashing threads. :-)

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