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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Joker  2 | 2447
1 May 2022   #301
This is not a.time ro.gamble on the stock exchange.

Its always a gamble but Jimmy is always on top and never loses. Nice and quite around here today. I think Moneybags must be out spending his fortune.....

How hot is that tip? Very hot, hot, or just lukewarm?

Smoking Hot..... The Chinese market is and Yuan tanking as well. bardzo dobrze!

I like when Trump was putting tariffs on them, too bad we didnt decouple with those sneaky pos`
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2022   #302
I think Moneybags must be out spending his fortune.....

How jealous and insecure.
There you go talking about money again, there you go minding my business, there you go trolling, there you go baiting, and you STILL haven't picked a stock yet.

Come on chicken, pick a stock for us to invest in. bak bak bak
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 May 2022   #303
Come on chicken, pick a stock for us to invest in. bak bak bak

Buy AMZN at $49. Stop loss at $5. Sell at $51 or higher.

It should be a winner...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 May 2022   #304
Warren Buffett said this week that the Stock Market is like a casino.
A place for gamblers and losers.....
pawian  226 | 27817
2 May 2022   #305
Oh, the stock Pawian picked, I see that, but I suggested to give it six months and it has five months to go yet.

Yes, when experts invest, it is always long term. Only newbees panick when they see short term losses. :):)

Boeing today: 148,61 USD

PS. Kurwa mać!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 May 2022   #306
That's why they call it the Wall Street Casino.
Warren and I are gamblers.
Infact over the past seven decades, Buffett has built up a net worth of around 80 billion U.S. dollars and helped to create in excess of 400 billion U.S. dollars in value for shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway stock.

Not like Hairy, Buffet is good at translating short term pain into long term gain.
Hairy thinks that there is instant gratification in investing.
Half of Buffets dividend income comes from only three stocks, Berkshire Hathaway, Apple and Bank of America, all of which I hold also.
Admittedly I don't own as many shares as my buddy Warren does though. :-)

Boeing today: 148,61 USD PS. Kurwa mać!

Never panic !
Time to buy Hairy. ;-)
Joker  2 | 2447
3 May 2022   #307
Warren and I are gamblers.

You are a legend in you own

t, it is always long term.

Same here. Dont panic, it will come back up. Its a good time to keep your eyes open.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 May 2022   #308
Its a good time to keep your eyes open.

Perhaps you could give us some stock pick suggestions to keep our eyes on. :-)

Boeing today: 148,61 USD PS. Kurwa mać!

I was telling you Pawian.....Their first quarter loss was $1.24 Billion so it will be awhile before they come back.
Like I first said Pawian: Never panic, it will come back.
In fact, I see it is on it's way back up yesterday from it's low of $143.48 before $148.61.

During the last month, 16 analysts gave the The Boeing Company a BUY rating, 4 of the polled analysts branded the stock as an OVERWEIGHT, 5 analysts were recommending to HOLD this stock, 0 of them gave the stock UNDERWEIGHT rating, and 1 of the polled analysts provided SELL rating.
Novichok  4 | 8682
6 May 2022   #309
I don't own any stocks but admit to almost sadistic pleasure from seeing the woke crap like Netflix and Google going down. I use both but I still hate them. Plus Gates. I can't stand this all-knowing moron who thinks he is Global Wizzard rather than a leftist globalist pos with a sick agenda.

...and the Hang Seng Index down 30% in 12 months. Sweet.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
7 May 2022   #310
Of course you don't own any stocks - you already have your retirement plan, an exhausted old allotment in some one horse town 70km from Moscow, with some sour cherries, bent carrots and worm eaten cabbage to sell.

This time next year you will be a rouble millionaire.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 May 2022   #311
I don't own stocks because they don't take stocks in stores in the US. Only cash or credit cards.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
7 May 2022   #312
Right - so you are getting the hang of this capitalism thing ?

If Sergei Simonovich and Artem Ivanovich asked you to put your few pitiful roubles into a business making foot wrappings for Russian infantry that would be a bit like owning stocks
Novichok  4 | 8682
8 May 2022   #313
so you are getting the hang of this capitalism thing?

I got the hang of this capitalistic thing when I was buying cheap wine in Warsaw when I was 12. And Mewy.
Alien  26 | 6528
9 May 2022   #314
Selling wine to 12-years-old children was definitely forbidden in Poland. Alcohol at such a young age damages the brain irreversibly.
Novichok  4 | 8682
9 May 2022   #315
Selling wine to 12-years-old children was definitely forbidden in Poland

That tells me you didn't live in Poland when I was there. I could buy not only wine but hard stuff too as well as cigarettes. Trust me. I was drunk after, not while I was buying it. The year was 1954 and I was "celebrating" my 12th bd.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 May 2022   #316
The market sure is taking a hit today.
Oil and stee stocks are tanking.
Novichok  4 | 8682
9 May 2022   #317
I am sure it's Putin's fault. Unfortunately for the US Bolsheviks, it is them, not Putin's party, that are on the ballot come November.

But then 80% of the US voters are certified nuts so who knows how it will play out...

Watching NASDAQ lately is fun if you are not in it. My smile is especially wide when I see FB and other woke-owned crap lose 50% in six months.
Novichok  4 | 8682
12 May 2022   #318
When vapor meets reality strange things happen...Qouting:

'I lost my life savings': Terra Luna cryptocurrency collapses 98% overnight

...and makes me smile.

Does anyone here know what cryptocurrency is and where it's used?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 May 2022   #319

Basically nothing. Smoke and mirrors.

Does anyone here know what cryptocurrency is and where it's used?

See above.
Lazarus  3 | 364
17 May 2022   #320
Yesterday I bought Apple for $155.80

Mystic Jimmy strikes yet again! Apple now at 147, having been as low as 139 last week! The man is a genius at picking losers. Thank god the only investing done by his household is Marge hitting the slot machines!

my trading charts are suggesting Apple will go back up to $170 plus.

And the reality: a trend away from 170. How can he be so consistently good at being wrong about price movements?!

I see it is on it's way back up yesterday from it's low of $143.48

Can anybody guess what happened to Boeing after Jim tipped them at 148? Yep, they're now at 128! He's now tipped Boeing four times and each time they've gone down. Jimmy the mystic genius!
Joker  2 | 2447
19 May 2022   #321
Mystic Jimmy strikes yet again!

His silence speaks volumes doesnt it?

The man is a genius at picking losers

But he wins big at the Dog Track! He should be a handicapper next! LOL
Bobko  27 | 2215
19 May 2022   #322

I remember there was an octopus, some years ago, that could predict the result of World Cup matches. Some bookmaker actually purchased him afterwards.

Perhaps Johnny is a sort of anti-octopus. If you short every stock he picks, you come out winning.
Joker  2 | 2447
19 May 2022   #323
Perhaps Johnny is a sort of anti-octopus.

Johnny Stockto! The stock picking octopus that strikes out every time..

He claims to be retired, but has to spend all his time buying and selling stocks just to survive.
Bobko  27 | 2215
19 May 2022   #324

If one practices a trading strategy of "buy high, sell low", the amount of time you can spend engaged in this activity is finite.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 May 2022   #325
Can anybody guess what happened to Boeing after Jim tipped them at 148?

I still stand by that $143 Hairy. Rome was not built in a day.
Actually it was a good buy but I waited until today to buy a 200 shares at $125.
SO, what stocks do you guys predict to go up ? (Crickets)
Silence speaks volumes doesnt it. :-)

How can he be so consistently good at being wrong about price movements?!

They are called "swings" Hairy and for the faint hearted paupers such as yourself the stock market is no place for you.
I put 'stop losses' on all my stock investments.
Boeing had a 1.2 billion loss in the first quarter so it was obvious their stock would have a correction but just hang on Nervous Nelly, it will come back this year.

Who knew at the time that I bought APPL that China would shut down their country again for Covid for all the APPL workers. Duh !

Once I saw that I immediately sold with still a modest profit.
Even with the recession right now, I still have a couple of oil and steel stocks that are doing quite well.
Bet you would like me to tell you which ones. HooT !
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 May 2022   #326
I waited until today to buy a 200 shares at $125.

Jimmy the mystic guru strikes again: Boeing now down to 120! LOL! He's now tipped that stock five times and each time he tipped it it went down.

Looks like we have a sure-fire way of making money: when Jimmy the genius says he's buying something, short that stock.

Who knew at the time that I bought APPL that China would shut down their country again for Covid for all the APPL workers.

That's the problem with living in a fantasy world: eventually Jimmy trips over his lies. He claims to have bought Apple shares on 27 April ( but the shut downs in Foxconn in China due to COVID-19 started on 14 March:

Oops. Yet again Jim exposes himself as a liar.

If one practices a trading strategy of "buy high, sell low", the amount of time you can spend engaged in this activity is finite.

Actually it's good that Jim has his fantasy share trading to fill his days, his other fantasies can be very unpleasant, e.g. the one about travelling to the developing world in order to give "treats" to pre-pubescent girls.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 May 2022   #327
shut downs in Foxconn in China due to COVID-19 started on 14 March

I remember that well. And he said he'd bought some? Tesla, fake Apple shares, Boeing, where will it end?

when Jimmy the genius says he's buying something, short that stock.

Shorting is risky, even very. But if Jim tips it to rise, it's a surefire thing that it'll plummet like bitcoin.

Jim exposes himself

Like he exposed himself in Walmart car park? That ended badly for him too.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 May 2022   #328
Boeing now down to 120!

Oh nervous Nelly, relax as it is presently back up to $125 as we speak.
See the market goes up and down Hairy. Duh !

He claims to have bought Apple shares on 27

Yes i did and you see that I made a pocket of money on it when I sold it at $171.

his other fantasies can be very unpleasant,

If I remember right, it was you who got a divorce for raping your underaged step daughter.
And to only spend six months in jail for it was a sin.
Hey Hairy, perhaps you would like to tell us how your stocks are doing. Hahaha
Haha, just teasing as we know your ex-wife got what little money you had in the divorce.
Did you know that Pigsy bought your debt in Warsaw ? lol
The one you skipped out on when you bolted to Gdansk. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 May 2022   #329
Good to see Jim the mystic guru having another meltdown. But he always does when his lies are proved. Why does he bother? It's already way past the point where anyone believes a single word he says. He doesn't even try to stand behind his lies anymore! LOL!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 May 2022   #330
Actually Hairy, I am the only one here that even responds to your lies anymore.
Besides your butt buddy joun, you have no friends here anymore after we ran your pedophile cohort out of here.
Perhaps you would like to share with us what stocks you own ?
Mine are doing very well today, how about yours ? (the Reb snickers)

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