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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
27 Apr 2022   #271
@johnny reb

Yet another Reb meltdown!!!!

some Jim guy was me

But we all know it is you, because as Jim you were stupid enough to post about your recent holiday in Florida.

Then Joker diminished me until he was stupid enough to post the Appalachia shoe box house that he lives in

If you truly believe that then you are even stupider than I thought.
Jokers house is gorgeous and in beautiful surroundings.
Poor folk like you, living in wooden sheds in the middle of nowhere are likely to be very jealous of him.
But he worked and earnt his money to buy that house.
What did you do to get the shed you live in?
Lazarus will tell you.
You should be ashamed of both your failure and your jealousy.

The house that I am looking at in West Palm has a modest price tag of around $600k.

Bad luck mate,even though it's cheap, it's still well out of your price range.....

You are a poor ex car mechanic living in a shack in the middle of nowhere with visions of grandeur that you are only capable of expressing on this forum.


You are a very sad man that we should pity, but your posts make us hate you instead.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2022   #272
Are they ever going to recover from being tipped by Jimmie at $217?

Their first quarter loss was $1.24 Billion so it will be awhile before they come back.

So that only leaves you joun, what stocks do you own ?

You mean shares? MYOB.

No, I mean what stocks do you own ?
You have no problem minding my business so it's only fair that we mock your stock picks too.
Or are you like Hairy & Pokeher that don't own any either in which case all three of you jealous dumb asses should MYOB. HooT !
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Apr 2022   #273
But he still thinks that people can be convinced he owns even a single share. Very strange.

Nobody believes all his lies and stories around here. If he had this vast wealth that hes constantly bragging about.... Then he would be out enjoying some of it instead of sitting around a shack 24/7 at his advanced age with some pedo he needs to get rent money from.

Jokers house is gorgeous and in beautiful surroundings.

All he seen was part of the building by the auction parking lot before I had it towed away... lol

Still, not one photo from Jimmy, ever! All these escapades, the water-skiing with hot chicks ( hardbodies) coming over to his house afterwards to listen to his "state of the art" stereo....Not to mention his deep sea fishing and gambling exploits.

Hey. If you were sitting at the beach and a Helicopter crashed in front of you.... Wouldn't you take a photo? LOL

living in a shack in the middle of nowhere with visions of grandeur that you are only capable of expressing on this forum.

That sums Jimmy up perfectly, its almost poetic:)
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Apr 2022   #274
No, I mean what stocks do you own ?

I can answer that question with one of your answers!

The Reb doesn't stoop to little cry baby bullies demands even when they have daily jealous meltdowns stomping their feet

This is the most hypocritical statement ever to be posted of PF!

See how easy that was, JimmY! HooT!

Post a pic of the fish and Ill tell you one of the stocks I have????????


He already admitted to being Jimmy on the live forum with plenty of witnesses...Haha
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Apr 2022   #275
Post a pic of the fish

Before he ate it or after?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Apr 2022   #276
One more time for liar Hairy......Johnny didn't pick that stock, Pawian did.

That was Pawians pick, Harry, how many times do you have to be told.

Here is one you can hold me to Harry........I bought 200 shares of Apple stock (AAPL) this morning at $155.80 per share.

Hey Hairy, that was yesterday morning and today it just hit $162.30 minus the $155.80 I paid for it = $1300 profit and it is still going up with the market open for another three hours yet today.

Since you are such an authority on stock trading.....I thought I should ask you if I should cash out on my 24 hour investment and take the $1300 profit (more than you make in a month) or let it ride for another week ?

Where are you Hairy when I need your advise ? HooT !
And you still have not picked a stock of your own that you think will perform but don't get a complex because no one else here has either. LOL

Ya'll talk a load of sht though. Hoot !
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
28 Apr 2022   #277
Ya'll talk a load of sht though

Straight back at you....... Pot, kettle, black....
Joker  2 | 2447
28 Apr 2022   #278
Did you notice he started talking to himself a lot lately? It must rally suck to be that lonely! HooT!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Apr 2022   #279
Hairy, oh Hairy........I told you so now your turn.
Yesterday I bought Apple for $155.80 and told you I bought 200 shares.
Today it closed at $163.64....up $7.84 from what I bought it for yesterday.
I bought 200 X $7.84 = $1568 profit in 48 hours which is more than you make in a month.
We're still waiting for one of you loud mouth condescending jerk faces to put your neck out on the line like I do suggesting stock tips.

Anyone ? or have I finally shut you dweebs up. HooT !
No more free stock tips from me, I'm tired of making you guys money hand over fist without getting a kick back for my Expertise.
Joker  2 | 2447
29 Apr 2022   #280
We're still waiting for one of you loud mouth condescending jerk faces

Nobody believes you put up $31K only for 2 days just to risk making a few bucks. You sound like a rank amateur and just making up more stories coz youre a narcissistic braggart and cant stop talking about your " great feats" but we all know the truth.

Prove it, lets see a screenshot?

Just like you want everyone else to defend themselves against your lies and distortions.

Anyone can watch a stock in the morning and claim they put up $50K or whatever and if it goes up, claim they cashed out right away. HooT!
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Apr 2022   #281
True or false, it's childish.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Apr 2022   #282
Nobody believes you put up $31K only for 2 days just to risk making a few bucks.

I know that seems like a lot of money to you junior but it takes money to make money.
I do it every day, every week for my hobby as I enjoy making money.
Jealous little turd aren't you, to come up yet with another lie.
What I said was:

So, NO, I didn't just invest it for two days as your lie projected, it's still invested.
I have it set on a sell stop order.
If YOU would have listened to me and invested in it, like Hairy did, you could have made some money too.
But you being light in your loafers are clueless how to make money in the market.
Hell, you are embarrassed to even mention the best stock you "claim" to own which makes us believe that you don't own any stocks.

Like I said in my Post #258, my trading charts are suggesting Apple will go back up to $170 plus.
You still have time to get in except for the fact you don't have the money or balls to do it.
With the economy slowing down and shrinking, I may have to sell it sooner than later.
Also, there is that factor of relations with China. oh yi yi.......
The Market is on shaky grounds with imports sky rocketing.
That's why I have to stay on top of it every day as things can turn in a second. It's a full time hobby.

Now please, just stfu and get out of this thread that you insist on trashing as you contribute Nothing On - Topic to it.
Better you stick to buying salvaged cars and having them patched together and reselling them to some sucker.
There is no shame in being a used car sales man, except for those bright yellow pants and that bright plaid sport jacket you wear at work. Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Apr 2022   #283
Does Warren Buffet live in a tarpaper shack with no mains drainage?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Apr 2022   #284
True or false, it's childish.

Yes it is Rich.
How many times have I questioned his maturity..
You would swear that he is a very immature 13 year old girl with a huge inferiority complex.

Does Warren Buffet live in a tarpaper shack with no mains drainage?

Why don't you ask him, joun.
And do tell us joun, what stock do you choose today to make some candy ?
If you have nothing to contribute to the topic of this thread besides provoking to trash it, you can stfu too. HooT !
Joker  2 | 2447
29 Apr 2022   #285
Another one of his meltdowns trying to convince everyone of his lies, its the same diatribe as his fakecations! No Proof ever!!

And he fails miserably day after day!

Does Warren Buffet live in a tarpaper shack with no mains drainage?

At least Jimmy has a golf course he can sneak into just like the ski slope he claims he doesnt pay for either. I guess, Mr.Trader cant afford it. lol
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Apr 2022   #286
Another one of his meltdowns trying to convince everyone of his lies,

So much melting down that there's a pool of **** under his chair.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Apr 2022   #287
Awe, we can see how jealous you are with your daily Rinse & Repeats.
Just wait until I move to Florida and you guys will really start howling with jealousy.
So come on guys, what are your hot stock picks
Joker  2 | 2447
29 Apr 2022   #288
Jealous of Florida?? hahaha
I already lived there for 7 years and couldnt wait to leave that state. You'll see. Just wait until you spend a few summers living at the Redneck Riviera. Lol its totally infested with New York Democrats as well. The most obnoxious ppl on the planetšŸ¤£

Just face it Jimmy nothing you say can make me jealous, even your imaginary Jamaican cattle ranch.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Apr 2022   #289
ust wait until you spend a few summers living at the Redneck Riviera.

I will come back to my summer home in Michigan in the summers.
You are so jealous living in the arm pit of America.
Joker  2 | 2447
29 Apr 2022   #290
I will come back to my summer home in Michigan

Now you are thinking like the way I do:)

If I were retired. I would live 1/2 the year in Ft.Myers/Naples area and come back around mid May. If I came back at all. I want to travel a lot as well.

You are so jealous living in the arm pit of America.

It has nothing to do with jealousy. Its where the money is:)

If you really think I live in the Chicago ghetto so be it.... Gooodwoogabooga
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Apr 2022   #291
How many times have I questioned his maturity..

I meant you and your bragging.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Apr 2022   #292
I understood what you meant Rich, but fat boy Jimmy didn't or deliberately lied.
Either way, he is a scumbag.
Hey Jim, liar or just plain stupid?
Own up now!..... Of course this windbag will not even answer my post..... He has been made a fool of, yet again!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Apr 2022   #293
its totally infested with New York Democrats as well. The most obnoxious ppl on the planetšŸ¤£

You mean just like Chitcago where you live.

If I were retired. I would live 1/2 the year in Ft.Myers/Naples area

I like that area too.
The fishing is much better and the traffic is not as nuts.
Boy did the stock market take a hit today as the tech stocks reported earnings.
Apple was one of them. :-(
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Apr 2022   #294
You mean just like Chitcago where you live.

Joker and I live in Chitcago the same way as you live in Dicktroit.
BTW, you would be funnier if you wrote Shitcongo. Except that Congo is more peaceful and cops there are not afraid of the thugs.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Apr 2022   #295
Walt, you are totally OFF - TOPIC AGAIN !
If you have nothing to contribute to this thread then please quit trashing it.
Thank you in advance.
Meanwhile the Feds are going to raise interest rates next month to try and curb inflation.
Another reason the market is getting beat up.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Apr 2022   #296
Here is my stock recommendation for Monday and till the end of time:
Buy AMZN at $49. Stop loss at $5. Sell at $51 or higher.
Happy trading!
Hey, Joker, do you have any hot tips?
Joker  2 | 2447
30 Apr 2022   #297
Hey, Joker, do you have any hot tips?

Time to get out....

How about META, its tumbling like the rest of the market.. Good, I hate FB! Hahaha

Buy AMZN at $49. Stop loss at $5. Sell at $51 or higher.

All that crap made in China is catching up... Do like Johnny, Buy high, sell low.

You mean just like Chitcago where you live.

You mean the place where Ive been waiting almost a year for you to come and "wipe the streets up with me"...

  • jimmy.jpg
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Apr 2022   #298
. Do like Johnny, Buy high, sell low


He is such a loser!
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Apr 2022   #299
Time to get out....

How hot is that tip? Very hot, hot, or just lukewarm?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Apr 2022   #300
Very hot

Right now, in these uncertain times, I would say, Very hot.

This is not a.time ro.gamble on the stock exchange.

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