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How to get some smoke

keksipurkki666 1 | -
27 Feb 2024 #1
Hi, can you please help a foreigner, how can I get some w**d safely here??
pawian 221 | 24284
27 Feb 2024 #2
Ironside knows where to get it, he is always on the high.
jon357 73 | 22653
27 Feb 2024 #3
how can I get some w**d safely here??

You can get it on prescription. Just go to one of the private clinics that exists for that service, pay 100zl or whatever it costs and say "ouch, my back aches".

I did see some fairly obvious street dealers in Warsaw a while ago however they are best avoided.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
27 Feb 2024 #4
Is vaping also popular in Poland these days?
jon357 73 | 22653
28 Feb 2024 #5

Yes. Usually 'systems' sold at stalls in shopping centres.

About vaping weed, who knows?
Joker 2 | 2229
28 Feb 2024 #6
Is vaping also popular in Poland these days?

Not weed cartridges. I brought someone from UK to a dispensary here in Illinois. He loved it and purchased some disposables. I also took my friend from Poland there as well. He told me they have nothing like it and weed is expensive in Poland. They still sell like dime bags over
jon357 73 | 22653
29 Feb 2024 #7
someone from UK

They certainly have them there.

Poland. They still sell like dime ba

You can get it from pharmacies now in PL.
Joker 2 | 2229
29 Feb 2024 #8
They certainly have them there.


So, they legalized marijuana in the UK for recreational purposes or only medical?

Can you buy these vape carts, concentrates and ounces of flower?
jon357 73 | 22653
29 Feb 2024 #9
So, they legalized marijuana

No, but they have vape cartridges with eeed extract in.

Can you buy these vape carts, concentrates and ounces of flower?

Very easily, but not legally.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
29 Feb 2024 #10
Thanks, you guys!
Joker 2 | 2229
29 Feb 2024 #11
No, but they have vape cartridges with eeed extract in.

There are probably loaded with all kinds of pesticides and other funk since they are not required to be lab tested.

but not legally.

I wouldnt trust them at all.
jon357 73 | 22653
29 Feb 2024 #12
all kinds of pesticides and other funk

It's a very sophisticated market and the quality is good.

I wouldnt trust them at all

Thousands do.
Joker 2 | 2229
29 Feb 2024 #13
It's a very sophisticated market and the quality is good.

Im sure its good, unless they slip you a mickey.

They had these type of vape carts before they were legalized. Everyone goes to the dispensaries now bc its high quality and lab tested for purity and dangerous chemicals.
jon357 73 | 22653
29 Feb 2024 #14
unless they slip you a mickey.

Most people who buy such things tend to buy from people they know. That or mail order.

before they were legalized

Are they legal in every state?
Joker 2 | 2229
29 Feb 2024 #15
Are they legal in every state?

Around half of them have some kind of legalization.

That or mail order.

Yikes! Watch out for fentanyl.
jon357 73 | 22653
29 Feb 2024 #16

So far not a thing however there have been warnings from the police that it's started to appear. Allegedly something to do with China.

Around half of them

I can't see it happening soon in Britain however some parts of the country are more accepting than others. The police in London don't bother much, even with street dealers however in Scotland they're strict.

Where I'm from, they don't prosecute for under 10 plants and the quality tends to be good.

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