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A Slavic Guide to Women

Bobko  27 | 2215
6 Jun 2023   #1
This forum, seems to suffer from many men from exotic locales looking for a partner.

Then again, it seems that no small number of domestically-raised pups seem to suffer from the same issue. You know who you are.

As a Russian beast with no morales, let me open this thread.

All you Arabs, ******, Chinese, and Indians - sexually frustrated - hungry for Slavic flesh - let me tell you some things:

1) these women, they are not as easy as they seem
2) prepare yourself for a life of pain
3) you think you are conservative - prepare for a rude awakening
4) prepare to understand the true meaning of "slavedom"
5) they are beautiful, more than any other, now... seize the opportunity while it exists. It's pretty typical for them to grow asses hanging below their knees, and a gut that puts yours to shame. Some blame potatoes, some blame our stressful way of life... regardless... the facts are available for all to see.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Jun 2023   #2
LQQKS you are living in a la la land fool.Wake up,Ruski women make the cheapest hoes of the west.If you dont believe me ask your mom and sis.All the go go bars in US and sex clubs in the EU are full of ruski hoes also the cheapest hookers in middle east are from ruski land

They are beautiful until the clothes get off and then you need a lawn mower for there armpits and wherever its needed lol.Remember when a pack of Marlboros could make them spend nights with you.probably still do.Even on Polish highways most Tirowfkis are ruskis:)

So who make more moola your mom or ya sis?Do the give out any complimentary sample performances?Hey what work does ya gf do??and what shifts? esp in NYC ruski gals are known for it.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
6 Jun 2023   #3
@Cargo pants

You have just demonstrated all you are worth.
Go and take a rest now, piggy.

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