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Simple Things One Guy Wants.. (Parody.)

A J  4 | 1075
18 Nov 2010   #1
I want my life back.
I want to go to work.
I want to come home and have someone to talk to.
I want to hear how her day was.
I want to be able to keep my employer to his promises.
I want to be able to keep my promises.
I want to trust people.
I want to be creative.
I want to write a book.
I want to apologize to every girl I didn't understand.
I want the avatars back on this forum.
I want to know who I'm dealing with.
I want to know who I'm talking to.
I want to play.
I want to have fun.
I want to learn.
I want Vicky Vette in my bedroom.
I want ZIMMY to shut up about women for atleast one year.
I want to see people talk to eachother, instead of talking to their cellphones.
I want to meet people out there, instead of meeting them on fucking Facebook.
I want to be paid a fair wage from which I can actually pay my rent for all the work that I do.
I want to buy products which were made in my country.
I want to support my own community.
I want to be useful to people around me, without all these fucking bureaucrats crawling out of the woodwork with every simple decision I would like to make.

I want to be real with people around me.
I want girls to look at me, instead of looking at my car or my fucking qualifications.
I want guys to stop manipulating or forcing girls into prostitution.
I want mothers to stop telling their children that it's a dog eat dog world.
I want people to stop being afraid of nothing.
I want to see every sad loser treated as if there's a place for him or her too in our midst.
I want a religion which doesn't condemn human nature.
I want an education system that's accessible for everyone.
I want a clean environment.
I want animals to be treated with care.
I want clean water.
I want to see natural food on the shelves, instead of all these filthy chemicals and substitutes.
I want to see real models, instead of photoshopped images.
I want to hear and read real news, instead of lies.
I want to walk outside, and hear that I'm not the only one who's ''crazy''.
I want to celebrate a simple life.
I want to be me.
I want to be honest.
I want to share something with people who have nothing.
I want to see religious people who love humanity, instead of hating it.
I want to see a government which serves its people, instead of using and abusing them.
I want to hear the truth.
I want to read the truth.
I want to know the truth.
I want to see the truth.
I want to know who that girl was who sat down, looked at me, got up, walked in my direction, stopped, looked, and then passed me by with all her shopping bags and the sweetest smile I've ever seen at the trainstation in Alkmaar Noord.

I want to talk to people who don't piss me off with their shallow, ego-centric, self-centered, selfish, super-important, destructive, short-sighted and idiotic opinions.
I want to listen to live musicians, who actually deserve to be called a musician.
I want all the fake, plastic, 100% perfect, 100% artificial, poppy, unrealistic, negative and materialistic bullshit to vanish into thin air.
I want girls to stop smearing ten centimeters of make-up on their faces to hide the fact that they're not like the photoshopped image on the billboard.

I want people to stop bickering and lying about every goddamn thing that just isn't important enough to bicker or lie about.
I want people to share some of their succes.
I want self-governing communities, where people are actually valued for who they are, and what they do.
I want to see kids in Africa enjoy a big, fat hamburger with French fries.
I want to see homeless people taken care of.
I want old people to be able to socialize with people their own age, instead of wasting away while suffering from decades of window-pain.
I want a simple life.
I want to be able to laugh again.
I want to travel.
I want to see Poland.
I want to see America.
I want to know my neighbours, instead of seeing people who behave as if they're allergic to eachother.
I want the oil industry to shut down today.
I want Islamic extremists and fanatical fuckwits to fuck off from Europe.
I want Christian extremists to shut up aswell.
I want the Pope to admit contraception and safe-sex is a good thing.
I want to live in a country like America, but without guns.
I want to be sure we're not heading towards another world-war.
I want to breathe fresh air, instead of heavy metals and gasses.
I want to see a Prom Queen who's not treating the ugly duck like she's completely worthless.
I want to see guys who leave other guys in peace.
I want spoiled baby-boomers to stop dating girls my age, because it's just not fucking natural!
I want scientists to stop messing around with nature.
I want to hear I'm not the only one.
I want people to give me a reason to do something good for someone else.
I want men and women to be real with eachother.
I want men and women to have fun with eachother.
I want men and women to respect eachother.
I want to be able to trust my best friend again.
I want to have a million Euros on my bank account.
I want you to shut the fuck up about me if you don't have the courage to follow my example, but choose to ridicule me.

I want you to understand that being you equals being normal.
I want to know if she thinks I'm really great, or if it's just another lie.
I want to know why she hated me so much.
I want to know why people shield themselves with indifference.
I want to find out if there's more than misery and pain for me in this world.
I want to write this down, just so I will know I've actually told a few people.
I want to thank all the people who were there for me, wether I knew it or not.
I want to see you smile.
I want to see your kids smile.
I want to see your friends smile.
I want people to feel safe.
I want my ex-girlfriend to know I really, really, really loved her.
I want to know if Ania is still alive.
I want to know if she's happy.
I want single mothers to be able to sent their kids to the cinema.
I want money to play a less important role in our society.
I want to read something that will prove I had it all backwards and wrong.
I want my biggest enemy to face me man-to-man for a change, without any weapons or help from his faggot friends.
I want to buy him a drink and laugh about the fight we just had.
I want to laugh at his bruises and black eyes while he's laughing at my fat lip and bloody nose.
I want you to laugh at me, so I can show you who's stronger.
I want to protest.
I want to riot.
I want to raise my voice.
I want to get loud.
I want to be a voice for the voiceless.
I want to fight for the pacifist.
I want to socialize with the solemn.
I want to stick my neck out for what's right.
I want some degree of social cohesion back in our society.
I want people to say that I'm totally fucking crazy for saying these things.
I want to feel alive again.
I want you to know me.
I want to know what love is really like before I die.
I want to be happy.
I want too much.


There. I've said it. So what do you want?

skysoulmate  13 | 1250
18 Nov 2010   #2
I wish you were a little more specific lol

I want to have a purpose
Stu  12 | 515
18 Nov 2010   #3
01. I want to have some piece of mind.
02. I wish I could retire.
03. And get myself a small farm.
04. Or saddle a horse and just ride where ever the road takes me.
05. #03 or #04 together with my wife.
06. #03 or #04 + #05 without having to worry about my bank account.
07. I wish I hadn't seen what I have seen.
08. I wish I didn't go through what I did go through.
09. I wish I could switch off once in a while.
10. I wish I had met my wife long before I actually did.
Natasa  1 | 572
18 Nov 2010   #4
I want to have a purpose

Eh now :)

the meaning of life? The meaning of life is in search for it's meaning :)))
Life is just valuable, why do you need some other special purpose ?

But if you insist one idea ;)


I want to say what I want.
Teffle  22 | 1318
18 Nov 2010   #5
There. I've said it. So what do you want?

I want to put that to music AJ. Really.

Kind of like the anti-sunscreen : )
pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Nov 2010   #6
holly sh!t... it took me a while to read that...
OP A J  4 | 1075
18 Nov 2010   #7
I wish you were a little more specific lol

I want to be more specific, believe me, but I guess life is just a little too complex for me to be specific?

I want to put that to music AJ. Really.

Heh. I didn't realize it was arty in any way! Do you make music then? I can write some pretty deep rhymes you know..

I want to say what I want.

Hey, I can do it, and so can you. (Why not?)

holly sh!t... it took me a while to read that...

It only took me a a few minutes to type. I didn't give it much thought, it's just from the top of my head, really! I don't know, I kept thinking about what Marynka said yesterday. About opening my heart and opening my mind instead of joking all the time. Well, there's my heart and my mind I guess, and now just about everyone can slam a virtual dagger in it if they want to.

I'm just happy someone read it.

pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Nov 2010   #8
About opening my heart and opening my mind instead of joking all the time.

ah, you little bugger... you'll be just fine... as we always tell you :)
Paulina  16 | 4403
18 Nov 2010   #9
About opening my heart and opening my mind instead of joking all the time. Well, there's my heart and my mind I guess

Wroclaw Boy
18 Nov 2010   #10
Anybody ever watch that film "The Village" by the master of suspense M Night Shyamalan? A community away form everything where life is simple and everybody cares for each other - a complete back to basics, i was totally intrigued by the concept. Fear keeps the community together in order to hide a terrible secret. Those that have seen it will know exactly what i mean.

Great film:
OP A J  4 | 1075
18 Nov 2010   #11
Yeah, I've seen it, and it definitely reminds me of where I'm coming from. (Without all the funny costumes of course!) I think I know what you mean. I think in our society today a lot of people live in fear and distrust aswell, and I think it sucks because I'm a really extrovert person. I need to feel like I'm reaching people, and that people are reaching me. It's just.. Cold outside lately. (It's a good movie, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet!)

Ashleys mind  3 | 446
30 Nov 2010   #12
Hey babe, that was beautiful. You just painted a picture of hope...

One thing you're obviously not short on is humanity.:)
OP A J  4 | 1075
30 Nov 2010   #13
Hey babe, that was beautiful. You just painted a picture of hope...

I was wondering who'd see that, instead of mistaking it for crying, bitching, moaning or even wallowing in self-pity.


One thing you're obviously not short on is humanity.:)


Olaf  6 | 955
30 Nov 2010   #14
I want to say it's a nice to-do list, AJ.
beckski  12 | 1609
1 Dec 2010   #15
I want the avatars back on this forum.

Ask Santa to bring em back :)
Marynka11  3 | 639
1 Dec 2010   #16
I want no kid in the world to go hungry.
I want genetic disorders to disappear.
I want the politicians to lie less.
I want the people to fake less.
I want to see my kids to feel empowered.
I wish all people would die when they are ready to and peacefully in their sleep and not prematurely and in pain.

I want a faster metabolism.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
1 Dec 2010   #17
I want to know why people shield themselves with indifference.

It's a form of surrender, of giving up, of shielding oneself from further disappointment and hopelessness or injury. A form of coping with futility, of self-preservation...

There. Ya got one marked off your list. :)

"The Village"

Good movie. It was filmed right around here. My buddy worked on the set and my nephew was in the movie.
I of course had the secret figured out before it was revealed. B)
noreenb  7 | 548
1 Dec 2010   #18
I wish I were younger.
I wish I were a student again.
I want to have my own happiness back (I'm closer with every day)
I want 100 other things.
But the thing I want the most now is a cat to hug.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
1 Dec 2010   #19
the thing I want the most now is a cat to hug.

Well then get yourself a nice snugly kitty!
noreenb  7 | 548
1 Dec 2010   #20
I have three cats I feed who hang around my house.
It's enough. I hug them every time I see them.
One is a strange orange creature, two are black.
Which one should I choose?
I can't have them all!
trener zolwia  1 | 939
1 Dec 2010   #21
Which one should I choose?
I can't have them all!

Sure, take them all in! The more the merrier! Lots of cat hugging then!
Ashleys mind  3 | 446
2 Dec 2010   #22
I want to know that even with problems in the world, there is still peace, there is still hope, and there is more understanding and compassion with each day.
Alien  23 | 5540
4 Sep 2022   #23
@A J
And what do you want now, 12 years after?

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