Did you see the transgender weight lifter yet?
Yes, but outside the Freak Show.
Don't laugh but I pray for his win and the endorsements so I will know what not to buy. Hopefully, it will not be ammo.
I am really curious when the water bag will finally break and normal women will learn how to use their middle fingers plus the supplemental FU.
I hope the USA women's lesbo soccer team
It's useful when you travel a lot.
It doesn't get any better...Quoting from dailymail.com:
TOKYO OLYMPICSSimone Biles gets off to a shaky start as Team USA fails to win the qualifying round - for the first time since 2010 - and comes second behind Russia.Hey, Simone, do you know why the Russians won? They won because while you were kneeling, they were talking to Putin. A lot more uplifting than playing stupid woke "racist" games.