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jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #181
Obesity rates:

Not all of us are as fat as the fat minority. I'm glad to see you show an interest in improving public health, though....

I used to like watching the Olympics, but not with all this stupid kneeling going on

It doesn't take much tp put some people off.

a "woke fest"

What is that even supposed to mean?
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #182
I'm glad to see you show an interest in improving public health,

Public health is a leftist concept and, thus, meaningless. We get fat and sick individually.
I noticed a drop in the US life span. On closer examination, it was all voluntary, and according to my dear friend, Mr. Darwin.

but not with all this stupid kneeling going on now. Its mostly the USA team

Damn right. I wish the kneeling morons the very worst. Especially those from the US - the best country on earth for blacks to be in.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #183
Public health is a leftist concept

Which is why it's so important, and why governments prioritise it. You can always go back to the period before drains, indoor toilets, green cemeteries and no restrictions on food additives.

I noticed a drop in the US life span

Poor healthcare provision, excessive car use and bad diet.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #184
Like I said - all voluntary. Poor health care is irrelevant if you (editorial) are not an idiot.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #185
Nobody has eating issues unless they have stomach cancer or something as bad.

The entire medical profession disagrees with you on that.

Now back to random sports news. Did anybody watch this evenings Hundreds? The jury's still out on the format. It could crash and burn, or it could lead to something that will eventually replace the traditional game.

It was so strangely compelling that I forgot to add that loon to the block list. The match has finished now (sadly the Oval team's nickname proved correct), so I can attend to that.
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jul 2021   #186
What is the Hundreds?

Anyone interested in the summer olympics? First time in my life I have zero interest in it.
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Jul 2021   #187
I can beat that...I would have to be paid to watch that farse and wonder when I will see kneeling idiots again. I wonder when they will allow speeches like on Miss Whatever and the Oscars. Got a "gold" medal? Three minutes. Silver - two minutes.
Lenka  5 | 3548
23 Jul 2021   #188
My main interest is our volleyball team. But since I don't watch regular TV I will just probably read about it
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2021   #189
What is the Hundreds?

A very new televised UK+ cricket league with the game changed to make it fast and zippy (relatively speaking since this is cricket) and fit the length of a TV show.

Cricket isn't so popular in Poland, though millions round the world watch the traditional game, despite the matches lasting days. The Hundreds might change it all, with different teams, rules and television audiences. I'm not sure I like it though.

our volleyball team

They're doing pretty well...

First time in my life I have zero interest in it.

Same, though it will maybe get going properly when the first medals are won.
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Jul 2021   #190
Do they have poetry reading yet?

No, but they do ballet. Yikes.

To the posters with IQs lower than 70: 186 and 187 were jokes.

This, however, is not a joke. It's for real...Quoting from

A total of 11 gold medals were given out Saturday for events in archery, cycling, fencing, judo, air rifle and pistol shooting, taekwondo, and weightlifting.

Archery, air rifle, and pistol shooting...Really? How about barroom dart throwing, bowling, and pool? Playing a piano concerto is more athletic than those "sports".

I always thought that sports, as opposed to effortless skills, require extreme strength, speed, and make you sweat. I guess I was wrong.

Way back in Poland. I was rooting for the US Track & Field team. Today, along with my idol, Ben Shapiro, I wish the US Olympic team and especially the US Women's soccer team, the very worst; actually any a-hole who kneels. Ben explains his view on this subject so brilliantly in this video:
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Jul 2021   #191
soccer team, the very worst; actually any a-hole who kneels

I hope the USA women's lesbo soccer team loses every game and becomes the laughing stock of the Olympics.

Did you see the transgender weight lifter yet? You can make this crap up, its a total farce, more like a circus freak show than anything.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Jul 2021   #192
Did you see the transgender weight lifter yet?

Yes, but outside the Freak Show.

Don't laugh but I pray for his win and the endorsements so I will know what not to buy. Hopefully, it will not be ammo.

I am really curious when the water bag will finally break and normal women will learn how to use their middle fingers plus the supplemental FU.

I hope the USA women's lesbo soccer team

It's useful when you travel a lot.

It doesn't get any better...Quoting from

Simone Biles gets off to a shaky start as Team USA fails to win the qualifying round - for the first time since 2010 - and comes second behind Russia.

Hey, Simone, do you know why the Russians won? They won because while you were kneeling, they were talking to Putin. A lot more uplifting than playing stupid woke "racist" games.
Lenka  5 | 3548
25 Jul 2021   #193
I hope the USA women's lesbo soccer team

Could you please tell us why their sexual preferences are so important to you?
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Jul 2021   #194
I really dont care about butt ugly lezbos that have personal issues with themselves, but they are disrecptful to our flag. They are supposedly there to represent the USA but most of them have alternative motives, trying to be woke for commercial endorsements.

Do you think its fair for transgender male to compete in woman's sports? I dont.

The Olympics have turned into a clown show.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Jul 2021   #195
Do you think its fair for transgender male to compete in woman's sports?

This is how it works. The guy is training and bulks up as a male. Then he gets injected with some sh*it to suppress his testosterone. Now, as a girl - still with balls - wins "gold" and gets endorsements. When he makes enough, back to testosterone to bang the same chicks he competed with not long ago. Let's call it temporary womanhood.

To be sure, Olympic judges judging women's competitions should demand a full frontal view right before the event.
Lenka  5 | 3548
25 Jul 2021   #196
I really dont care about butt ugly lezbos that have personal issues with themselves,

And yet you seem obsessed by it and mention it in every post about them. And their looks...
What that has to do with taking the knee or transgender sportsman being allowed to compete in Olympics? Do you suggest it's their homosexuality or looks had any impact on that?
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Jul 2021   #197
When he makes enough, back to testosterone to bang the same chicks h

Yep, since shim couldn't win against the normal males its decided to take the easy route to glory.

Its very sad for all those girls who spend years training just to be burned at the last minute by some disgusting tranny. Im surprised there isnt a rule against this. The Olympic committee must be all PC woke lefties, basically lost all its credibility now.

Olympic judges should demand a full frontal view right before the event.


Dont these trannys have any shame at all.. How embarrassing having to compete against women, just to win at all cost.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
25 Jul 2021   #198
transgender sportsman being allowed to compete in Olympics

Listen up.
Transgender sports competitors should only be identified as male or female.
Penis or vagina.
Anything else is just a joke.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Jul 2021   #199
Just watch...Three years from now, they will not even bother with the testosterone test. They will just accept the weirdo's word.
The best proof it's all a scam is that it's never "transgender men" trying to compete against guys.
BTW, I wonder how a woman becomes a man. Any ideas? Gets the junk from a transgender woman?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
25 Jul 2021   #200

It is all just nuts.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Jul 2021   #201
It is all just nuts.

The only way to win this fight is by pushing things to the extreme.

So, from now on, I will support transgender weirdos as they make a mockery out of the idea of gender "equality". So, go get them stupid chicks, guys...and help them grow some balls. Hopefully, one day soon, the nice girls will say, fu*ck, no, we aren't playing that sick game...FU and just walk.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
26 Jul 2021   #202
Cheers everyone! Victory in Tokyo! Go go Poland Volleyball! :D
3-0 against the Italians!
Lenka  5 | 3548
26 Jul 2021   #204
Go go Poland Volleyball

Let's hope it will carry on like this. I was a bit worried after Iran
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
26 Jul 2021   #205
It´s the struggle that counts, sweeter the victory! :)
It´s real! :D
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Jul 2021   #206
It's nice to see the medals come.
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Jul 2021   #207
I think it's time for LGBTQ Olympics and the five circles in rainbow colors. The question would be how to exclude normal people.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Jul 2021   #208
Congratulations to Adam Peaty, Tom Daley, Matty Lee, and Tom Pidcock for their Golds.
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Jul 2021   #209
Nobody gets "gold". Those round objects are goldish or, at best, gold-plated.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Jul 2021   #210
Nobody gets "gold".

They did.

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