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Joker  2 | 2447
19 Jul 2021   #151
The olympics in China should be cancelled and moved after they murdered millions of ppl with their Kung Flu Virus.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Jul 2021   #153
They will claim they did it to save the earth and slow down global warming.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Jul 2021   #154
Novak's war with the English crowd at centre-court which is always against him

Novak represent symbol of all injustice against Serbs and Serbian legendary resistance to it

So I like this > Novak Djokovic - A monster ᴴᴰ >
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Jul 2021   #155

Olympians Take A Knee Against Racism, Under New Policy Allowing Protests

British women's soccer players took a knee on the first day of competition at the Tokyo Olympics on Wednesday, in a protest against discrimination and racism that was quickly reciprocated by their opponents from Chile.

But not against Muslims treating women like sh*it. No, that would be Islamophobia, xenophobia, and just plain not nice.

But discrimination and racism in Chile and the UK, that's just so terrible...
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Jul 2021   #156
Im hoping the Olympics gets cancelled. Its totally ridiculous with out any fans and having to wear those stupid masks.

I really hope they cancel it in China as well after releasing a deadly virus upon us.

Nobody had the balls to stand up against the Chinks except Trump, so sad!
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #157
Im hoping the Olympics gets cancelled. Its totally ridiculous with out any fans

It's just not the same. A lot of people in Japan regret that it's going ahead this year.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #158
Im hoping the Olympics gets cancelled.

I remember celebrating when Chicago didn't get the rights. That was a great day and a win for the taxpayers. All that brotherly love can go to hell.
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Jul 2021   #159
I really hope they cancel it

I doubt the contestants feel the same way. A lot of people get only one chance at this

a win for the taxpayers

Business owners who would get the profits probably feel differently
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Jul 2021   #160
I doubt the contestants feel the same way.

From what I just seen theyre only trying to increase their own personal brand for the libtard woke crowd as both soccer teams took to the knee.

If youre going to represent the USA and then disrespect the American flag, then you should be off the team. My opinion.

Im sure the citizens of Sweden didnt notice either, but I did.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #161
Business owners who would get the profits probably feel differently

...but not the taxpayer who would have to subsidize this circus. The Olympics are a net loss to the host city. After the circus moves out, they are stuck with that village and other weird objects to watch them rot and decay.

Actually, they are a financial disaster. Quoting:

Also, income from the games often covers only a portion of expenses. For example, London brought in $5.2 billion and spent $18 billion on the 2012 Summer Olympics. Vancouver brought in $2.8 billion, after spending $7.6 billion on the Winter Games in 2010. Beijing generated $3.6 billion and spent more than $40 billion for the Summer Olympics in 2008. As of 2016, Los Angeles is the only host city that realized a profit from the games, mostly because the required infrastructure already existed.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #162
I doubt the contestants feel the same way. A lot of people get only one chance at this

They're disappointed, but yes, there's a very small window in life for most Olympic sports.

Business owners who would get the profits probably feel differently

Exactly and not only that. There's usually infrastructure development too which benefits communities. The development in east London for the 2012 games made a real difference to the area that has lasted and been built upon, and the 1992 games had a huge effect on Barcelona, especially the old port district.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #163
For example, London brought in $5.2 billion and spent $18 billion on the 2012 Summer Olympics.

The development in east London for the 2012 games made a real difference

Yes, my financial wizard and a genius. That difference was a 13 billion dollar deficit. You do know what "deficit" means?
BTW, if it was so good, why not make it annual.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #164
You do know what "deficit" means?

You do know what "long-term" means?
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #165
Yes, I do. It's an investment you would never want to make voluntarily. But being forced by the tax collectors - hey, no problem. That's how leftards "think".
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #166
Yes, I do. It's an investment you would never want to make voluntarily.

Yet communities do make that investment.

As I say, long-term benefits in infrastructure, and people enjoy the Olympics.

Of course we could all follow your words of wisdom and not have any major world sporting events, instead sitting at home behind sheet-draped windows.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #167
Of course we could all follow your words of wisdom and not have any major world sporting events,

You can have any sporting event as long as you use VOLUNTARILY collected PRIVATE money to pay for it and without any taxpayers' guarantees to make good on the bonds. Simple enough?

Money collected at a gunpoint (yes, tax collectors have guns to be used if needed) for the benefit of a few freaks whose dream it is to be on cereal boxes is EXTORTION.

Yet communities do make that investment.

No, communities do not make investments. Well-connected investors do and often when the government guarantees profits. If those don't happen, taxpayers get the shaft - and experience you may be familiar with.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #168
long as you use VOLUNTARILY collected PRIVATE money to pay for it and without any taxpayers' guarantees to make good on the bonds. Simple enough?

Perhaps we should develop a system of democracy and start holding government elections so we can choose people to hold public office and make decisions about how we as a society use our taxation revenue. You could stand as an Anti-Sport candidate.

(yes, tax collectors have guns to be used if needed)

In London or Tokyo?
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #169
You could stand as an Anti-Sport candidate.

You could try to be less naive. Swamp is not fiction or my imagination. Every government is a pile of corrupt crap. In between stealing and exchanging favors, they do manage to perform their assigned duties just to the extent needed to prevent a revolution. Look who made money and who lost money during the "pandemic".

The Olympics are a license to steal given to the connected.

In London or Tokyo?

Yes. Try to resist paying and see what happens. No, they will not send social workers.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #170
Every government is a pile of corrupt crap.

So basically you don't support anything. A sort of Nihilism.

Yes. Try to resist paying and see what happens. No, they will not send social workers.

They will not however send guns.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #171
So basically you don't support anything. A sort of Nihilism.

I support only those few governments functions citizens alone cannot perform. We, conservatives, call it "limited government" - a concept abhorrent to the leftards.

They will not however send guns.

No, they will not send guns. They will send guys with guns to support those who will seize your property. Just in case you may decide to resist. They send guys with guns to make sure you are wearing a mask. Your money is a lot more important to the swamp than masks.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #172
I support only those few governments functions citizens alone cannot perform

Tough. Other people (even most) support the Olympics.

They will send guys with guns to support those who will seize your property.

Not here they won't...
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #173
Tough. Other people (even most) support the Olympics.

Only because they never get the invoice to cover the losses.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #174
Only because they never get

Don't be silly.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #175
I am not a little girl.
As long as stupid people don't see the invoice in the mail, they are for everything because the majority are morons who play childish games with themselves. If I don't see it, it does not exist.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #176
they are for everything

A broad assertion, however yes, people often are for sport, and certainly the Olympics do not lack support, as their audience figures show.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #177
We are finally getting somewhere...

People are fat and lazy and I have the numbers to support this claim. They want to WATCH others do sports - as you just admitted.

Just came back from a bike ride. In the 45 minutes I was on it, I saw three people walking and only because they had dogs.

And then there are those sports pros who at the age of 50 are crippled, fat, and their health destroyed.

Sports on TV are a curse. To encourage more of it is insanity and very expensive when those audiences reach 75. Many can barely walk.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2021   #178
We are finally getting somewhere

No you aren't.

People are fat and lazy

Speak for yourself. I'm neither.

Sports on TV are a curse

Tough. People like sport, and the Olympics are hugely popular.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Jul 2021   #179
People like sport,

No, people like watching sports. Do you want me to explain the difference?

Speak for yourself.

I am speaking for myself as an example of one who does not watch sports. Unhealthy and so boooooring I could cry.

Obesity rates:
1. US - .36
10. UK - .28
18. Poland - .23

Giving a fat guy sports on TV is like giving an alcoholic a bottle of vodka because he is thirsty. A very bad idea...
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Jul 2021   #180
No, people like watching sports. Do you want me to explain the difference?

I used to like watching the Olympics, but not with all this stupid kneeling going on now. Its mostly the USA team and theyre an embarrassment to our country.

I saw three people walking and only because they had dogs.

It is almost 90F out there today.. I like it! Did they have mask on? I keep seeing more and more maskholes each day now, geeeezzz. It Bidens fault for letting 1Million unchecked migrants into the county. Now, the tax paying citizens will have to suffer again.

Other people (even most) support the Olympics.

Sure, but not this year. The Japanese public doesnt want it, major advertisers are pulling out now.. Its going to be a "woke fest" and ruin it like everything else they touch.

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