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mafketis  38 | 11149
8 Sep 2024   #691
getting a thrill off it.

There was one trans identifying guy on twitter who was _stunned_ when he learned that women do not get sexually aroused when they put on lipstick or a dress.... the idea that he had a paraphilia was just starting to dawn....

You just don't like people being trans.

I'm a live and let live kind of guy so I'm okay with the HSTS's who are far less of a problem than the AGs (and far less in number) and I'm fine with more masculine women butching it up if that's what they want.

But surgical interventions need to stop for anyone under about 25 (and need to be preceded by years of counseling).

And men need to stay out of women's spaces.

And I'm not going to pretend that Bruce Jenner (or Eddie Izzard) are women.

And I'm not going to memorize 56 different pronouns.

I'm actually close to JK Rowling in almost all of this.... and watching her destroy the Scottish 'hate speech' laws in real time was a thing of rare beauty.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #692
But surgical interventions need to stop for anyone under about 25.

I don't disagree with that.

And men need to stay out of women's spaces.

Indeed, however trans women can't really use a gents' loo.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #693
Oh we ran into Suzy Lizzard or whatever his name is on the tube not long ago. It was hilarious 😂.

Tell me Jon why shouldn't I state my opinion? You are not biatching at any men for saying what they think are you?

And I see you swerved my question. I bet it made you cross your legs though lol.

Why can't a man pretending to be woman use the mens loo? If he feels uncomfortable well then he should use the disabled loo. Not inflict his male self on women's spaces.

Apparently some even get a kick out of rootling about for used period products.

Why should women tolerate mentally ill perverts in our spaces? We aren't a support service for men.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #694
(and need to be preceded by years of counseling).

It is, however many get around that by going abroad.

I bet it made you cross your legs though lol.

It didn't and would have been highly unlikely to happen since I was 6 foot something, built like a brick sh1thouse and in my teens was good at sports and a bit of a Jack the lad.

The 'lol' stuff btw, does you no credit. Too Daily Mail Brexit Boomer for modern use.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #695
Jon I don't care if you don't like my writing style. It's a bit last resort isn't it? I have made valid points that made you think a bit maybe. That's why you are flailing about throwing insults.
Call the men arguing with you boomers or daily mail readers or whatever.
Oh wait....
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #696
That's why you are flailing about throwing insults.

I don't see insults except from your side; you seem passionate about the issue.

I'm personally not and am neutral in the issue.

Imane has certainly been wronged though, since she isn't and never has been a man, and there a touch of unconscious racism from some commentators since as her country's president has said,women of her appearance are not rare in her ethnic group and geographical area.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #697
Ahhh " racism" of course!

Well I have met a fair few Algerian women and none of them looked like men.

I haven't insulted you at all have I?

In fact the only insults seem to have come from you. ....its a bit like the TRAs shouting " be kind" while issuing threats of death and violence to women who don't agree with them.

Are you not seeing a pattern emerging Jon?

Yes I am passionate about the issue. Why shouldn't I be?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #698
I am going to make a bingo card. 'Transphobia' ' boomer' 'racism' ' daily mail readers. Its all so predictable.
Have we had " bigot" yet? And you people don't even realise that even your vocabulary is being controlled.

Quote me where i insulted you. Oh no, you can't. You made that bit up. What a surprise.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #700
Ah yes female athletes always do this ..

What " crikey" Jon?.you are spouting the buzz phrases like a good TRA. A bingo card wd be funny

  • Here he is.
Novichok  4 | 8508
8 Sep 2024   #701
No Jon I don't " hate"

Drop the azhole. This subject ends with the definition of a woman and why until now we separated women form men.

Woman - an adult human female

Period. End of discuasion.
Joker  2 | 2377
8 Sep 2024   #702
And men need to stay out of women's spaces.

Spot on!

We have to stop bending over backwards for these trans freaks and take our society back. These weirdos are less than 1% of the population so its time to tell them to Phuck Off!

This subject ends with the definition of a woman and why until now we separated women form men.

They come up with every excuse in the book not to answer the question " what is a women" because they cant, out of fear of being cancelled by the other idiot leftards.

Why even bother talking to leftards at this point?
Novichok  4 | 8508
8 Sep 2024   #703
Why even bother talking to leftards at this point?

To exposed the morons for what they are...

I love doing it...and watch them squirm. Priceless.

When one of them asked what's wrong with men competing with women, I asked her if she wants to arm wrestle with me for 10 bucks. She said no.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #704
Here he is.

Why do you call her 'he' when she's a woman and always has been?

Ahhh " racism" of course

Yes. Very much so.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #705
Anyone can see that's not a woman Jon.
It's hardly " racist " to point that out.
I am bored now.
It's obviously a man with a DSD. That is why he is on his trainers neck. Woman wouldn't sit there.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #706
Anyone can see

Things need to be a bit more rigorous than tant, and the IOC certainly don't "see" that.

Her country's government have pointed out that her appearance isn't unusual there.

trainers neck. Woman wouldn't sit there.

  • IMG_0817.jpeg
Novichok  4 | 8508
8 Sep 2024   #707
Roz, you are debating with a mentally ill LGBT person.
Since they can't win with facts, they just tire you out.

At the end, it becomes "Yes, it is", "no. it's not" - ad infinitum so you stop and they "win". Fakot's favorite technique...That's why I dropped the azhole...
Lenka  5 | 3530
8 Sep 2024   #708
Woman wouldn't sit there.

Can't agree with that.
Roz, you are debating with a mentally ill LGBT person.

As far as I'm aware Roz has no problem with gay people
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #709
Lenka no female sports star from.Algeria would put her private parts onto a male trainers neck.
That's a man.

No I don't have any problem with gay people or cross dressers.

I am just not pretending that a man is a woman or pretending that I can't see the difference.

Lenka good to ' see' you btw
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
8 Sep 2024   #710
Croatia Poland in Osijek about to commence in the UEFA Nations League
Novichok  4 | 8508
8 Sep 2024   #711
No I don't have any problem with gay people or cross dressers.

I never suggested that.
Our problem collectively is debating LGBT freaks.
What they do when they keep quiet is not a problem. Just don't tell me you are normal, freaks, and that any society could go on just fine if it was all LGBT.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #712
Yes I saw that.

The worst thing is " pronouns " or some kind of forced speech where we are to join in with the pretence, even when the person in question is not there.

Sorry but I am not drawing attention to my sex on a work email, it's immaterial.

The funniest are the wokey blokeys who put ' he/him" like there was any doubt, or any possibility of discrimination.

Desperate to be progressive and can't see any problem that doesn't affect them.

To quote the late, great Magdelen Berns, be careful you are not so open minded that your brain falls out.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
8 Sep 2024   #713
It seems Polish and Croatian fans were involved in some pre-match activities and had a brawl by the Drava river.
Joker  2 | 2377
8 Sep 2024   #714
Indeed, however trans women can't really use a gents' loo.

Its a stupid argument because you cant name one trans woman playing in mens sports.

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Novichok  4 | 8508
8 Sep 2024   #715
The worst thing is " pronouns "

Even those who write in opposition to the pronoun terrorism use the woke pronouns anyway. You can see it in many Daily Mail articles.

Westerers are scared more than we ever were under "communism" in Poland.

you cant name one trans woman playing in mens sports.

...or trans "men"...

What the trans terrorists can't explain is why if gender is "fluid" race and age are not.

Based on their rules, I can be a woman but not an 18-year-old black lesbian.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
9 Sep 2024   #716
Luka Modrić goal vs. Poland

The little wizard does it again, 2 hours away from his birthday, the guy is nearly 40.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
9 Sep 2024   #717

I Attended International Footballs Most TOXIC Rivalry! 🤬

The England - Ireland rivalry from the Scottish perspective

Angry Irish fans act appallingly after they lose 0-2 to England with both Rice & Grealish scoring.

Another controversy is the new England manager Lee Carlsley refusing to sing the national anthem as he too is of Irish descent.
jon357  72 | 23483
9 Sep 2024   #718
The England - Ireland rivalry from the Scottish perspective

Are you crazy? It's not like your 'country'.

Another controversy is the new England manager Lee Carlsley refusing to sing the national anthem as he too is of Irish descent.

It's not a 'controversy' at all. People are free to sing it or not, and the reason is nothing to do with any Irish 'descent' (which millions of English people have, including me) since he doesn't sing the Irish national anthem either. It's hiss personal choice. The late, great, Sven Goran Ericksson didn't sing it either, being a Swedish citizen, and some of the team choose not to sing it either.

It isn't North Korea.
Novichok  4 | 8508
9 Sep 2024   #719
"Trans women" are not women. They are men pretending to be women.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
9 Sep 2024   #720
It's not a 'controversy' at all.

It made front page news in all of the UK tabloids so it is a highly controversial subject.

English pundits are having a field day.

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