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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
8 Sep 2024   #661
Firstly, most of the anti-trans stuff is from boomer women. That's understandable; they had to fight for abortion rights, equal pay and in the UK the right to open a bank account without their husbands' permission. important point....because now they are being insulted again (TERFS) from men and it's allowed and even supported (by some women).

When males are allowed to insult women and invade hard fighted for women safe spaces and sports it's a huge step back for women's rights! Nothing progressive about it.....more like a caricature actually.

I always wonder why some self-declared progressives are so easy to fool!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #662
And you seem seriously confused about the generation names. No I am not a " boomer woman" thank you. I also know young women who feel the same as I do. It's a bloody liberty.

It's literally ..they already tried to stop women competing in sports and having our own spaces. They failed so are coming at it from a new, progressive angle.

And the male wokesters are falling over themselves to agree ......funny that.

Next Jon will be bleating at me to " be kind"
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #663
Life is full of 'bloody liberties'.

And cool heads are always better than hot ones.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #664
And if a woman speaks her opinion assertively she will get some woman hating progressive trying to suggest she is not " cool".
Plus ca change plus ca meme chose
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #665
Is this discussion not about sports issues?

Plus ca change plus ca meme chose

Weren't you trying to oppose inevitable change?

And it's probably worth checking out the difference between assertiveness and aggression.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #666
Yes Jon it's about men in women's sports categories. However you went off on a tangent about. ....I don't know.. boomers and trans and stuff.
Which was weird.
Kind of off point really.

Ahh now you say I am being " aggressive ". How very very predictable .
Show me where I was " aggressive ". Oh wait, you can't.
Thanks for illustration though. Lol.

I am not spending any more time arguing with anyone who willingly supports this misogynistic crap.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #667
Yes Jon it's about men in women's sports categories

Except of course the person in question is female and always has been.

She's just strong and a good boxer.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
8 Sep 2024   #668
She's just strong and a good boxer.

She is surely strong....but not a good boxer!

Neither is Lia Thomas a good swimmer or Caster Semenya a good runner!

All three have been using their physical male advantages against physically weaker real women....if they were really good athletes they would fight equally physical males and show their mettle!

And who knows....not stealing women their awards and chances would even bring them at last the respect and acceptance they so crave...
Ironside  50 | 12947
8 Sep 2024   #669
When males are allowed to insult women

1. That all issues about trassgender. Claims that men and women are just a question of choice is an utter nonsense. It is just antiscientific and unnatural gibberish.
2. Women had it coming, while it was feminism about so called women issues and rights most women were just on board with it.
Blame everything on men, whine and complain about them, play an innocent victim and so on ....
As long as it befenietd some women or seemed tp bemefirt them they were fine with it.
But as soon as progressives move into fluid general roles and anybody can be a woman now, they have a problem with the real-life ramifications of that sick ideology.
I think they as in the majority of women should ask for the patriarchy to return and they will know their place and become happy.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #670
physical male advantages

She doesn't have any. Her muscle mass, bone structure and hormone levels are consistent with her biological sex.

This is probably the fourth time that's been mentioned.

hey would fight equally physical males and show their mettle!

Why would a natal woman like Imane have to fight a man? I thought you were oposed to things like that.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #671
Thanks BB at least some men see my point.

Rubbish male athlete? That's fine. Tell everyone you are a woman! You will be a champ!

What kind of men do this? Truly pathetic woman hating ones. Who supports it? Woman haters and those with internalised misogyny.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
8 Sep 2024   #672
I thought you were oposed to things like that.

I guess there will be an international new regulation in sports....maybe in the future athletes will be put into the male- or female sports categories according to their physical numbers (height, weight, muscle mass etc.), not their official or self-identified seems the only fair way out for all athletes!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #673
And it's the same people supporting Imane that also support the erasure of women's sports categories.

The only sport where men and women compete as equals is three day eventing. You just need a heap of cash.

Go on Jon, tell the men that are disagreeing with you that they are aggressive, hate filled uncool boomers.

Oh wait. Lol
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #674
And it's the same people supporting Imane

The International Olympic Committee and the Algerian Government

Oh wait. Lol

As I say, learn some manners. I've not insulted you and I don't expect you to insult me.

categories according to their physical numbers (height, weight, muscle mass etc.),

A good idea and it may well go that way in the future.
Ironside  50 | 12947
8 Sep 2024   #675
men and women compete as equals

men and women are not equals.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #676
I know that Ironside. That's why in the vast majority of sports women have their own category

This is important and what the likes of Jon would like to stop.

Jon why are you telling me to " learn manners" you are the one being rude not me. Mate . I think psychologists call this " projection". Have a Google. Hth.
Ironside  50 | 12947
8 Sep 2024   #677
This is important and what the likes of Jon would like to stop.

It doesn't seem to be important for the majority of women. Jon made some outlandish unscientific claims in this threat, so I would not mind him. He knows it himself he likes to argue for the sake of it. He likes envisioning the future with S-F-like reality.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #678
some outlandish unscientific claims

Which 'claims'?

the future with S-F-like reality

That's pretty well how it will turn out. And as far as quite a lot of 'modern' social trends (including trans issues) are concerned, the genie is out of the bottle never to return.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #679
Many women don't see how important this is, I agree.

It's almost amusing to see the wokesters tripping over themselves to be so progressive, while they have no idea that they are supporting the most anti woman and anti gay movement in history.

That's actually off point but never mind.
mafketis  38 | 11151
8 Sep 2024   #680
Many women don't see how important this is, I agree.

It's framed as a question of tolerance and many people think it's just about being nice...For a long time I didn't understand the radfems but but when you look closer there is a lot of horrific stuff going on in the name of 'trans acceptance'...

Apart from the autogynephiles forcing people to play along with their kink a lot of mind-blowingly horrific things are going on with the commercialization of trans "medicine"...

short version: young, vulnerable people are fast-tracked into irreversible invasive procedures that almost always have 'complications' that require more expensive invasive procedures and lifetime medication to deal with the effects. the 'doctors' seem to be extraordinarily unqualified and often ghost their patients when the entirely predictable complications arrive.

exulansic (formerly trans who got out of the cult) does invaluable work examining the grisly aftermatch of the (most often botched) surgeries... it's really heartbreaking and not for the squeamish... and as bad as the interventions that males get (like vaginoplasty) the interventions women get are far, far worse.....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #681
Thank you Maf. And this sick cult is driven by pharmaceutical companies and paedophiles. In whose interests would it be to have adults with the body and mind of a child? In whose interests is it to have people on a lifetime of drugs?

Allowing men into women's sports is just one angle of the cult.

. Although I wouldn't call Imane trans, just a man with a DSD and ( probably).some intellectual impairment.

Interestingly in Iran, there's the death penalty for gays. However state sponsored gender reassignment surgery is freely available.

What does that tell you about the movement? Mmm?

Imagine being a young gay woman and being told that you don't fit the strict stereotype of womanhood, therefore you are really a man, should have a double mastectomy , and the skin Nd muscle of your forearm debrided and fashioned into a fake penis which will be sewn to your vulva. And you will need drugs for the rest of your life.

Imagine being a young gay man , told that you are not really a manand should have your cock and balls removed, and you should pretend to be a woman and...guess what..take drugs for tge rest of your life.

It's so sick and regressive. And it's been sold as " progressive "and the wokesters have swallowed it

Anyone who thinks these people are OK check Geoffrey Marsh and Lily Contino and tell me they are not targeting children
Ironside  50 | 12947
8 Sep 2024   #682
That's pretty well how it will turn out.

maybe it will, or maybe it will not. I doubt it will.
No matter how it ends, there is no justification to lies and manipulation pushed on people. To force ideological agendas onto people. Even in the name of the bright future that awaits according to you.
Which 'claims'?

jon357]certainly women with XY [
ABC of biology says you lost your marbles lol!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #683
Go on Jon, call him an aggressive ' uncool' boomer! Lol
mafketis  38 | 11151
8 Sep 2024   #684
What does that tell you about the movement?

When I was discovering Gender Critical twitter I found out many of the most outspoken critics of the trans agenda were gay men and lesbians (many of whom realize they might have been targets had it been around when they were younger and/or might have fallen for the chance to become 'straight'...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #685
Of course they are! I am acquainted with a wide selection of gays and lesbians who are shocked and disturbed by this sick cult.

Most teens hate their bodies . The cult knows this and exploits them to turn them into life long cash cows.

The majority of young women now pretending to be men are autistic and /or survivors of child sex abuse. Instead of these issues being addressed, these sickos are recommending they be mutilated and put onto a lifetime of expensive drugs.

And the wide eyed wokesters lapping up this regressive crap are either stupid or evil.

I like to think stupid. The idea that anybody could actually grasp these issues and support them is scary.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #686
certainly women with XY

Yes, they menstruate and can have babies.

Go on Jon, call him an aggressive ' uncool' boomer! Lol

'Uncool' maybe however he's not a boomer in the western sense and isn't agressive.

You'd do well to chill out though.

And this has descended into a transphobiafest rather than sport. You just don't like people being trans.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #687
No I don't agree with this sick cult.

Why do I need to " chill out"...? This is something I feel strongly about. If men want to get their jollies by pretending to be women and doing a bit of cos play, who cares, it's fine . Good grief my colleage was doing it in the pub last week. It was funny.

However if they want to police or change our language, threatening those who don't agree with them with violence , all the while bleating " be kind" and colonise women's spaces and sports they can eff off.

And frankly yes I do find the idea of men in women's spaces a bit worrying or scary.

I had to chase one out of a pub ladies loo just the other week. It's the cult has given them the idea that it's OK.

I think he was listening to women ....pissing and ******** and getting a thrill off it.

Weirdo. They're everywhere
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #688
That post is all about your views on trans issues in general rather than sport.

Anyway, as I said earlier, the genie's out of the bottle now, and they're non-binary, two-spirit genderfluid.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2024   #689
Yes Jon. Why shouldn't I state my opinion. You are blindly following the lies about Imane and are also pro trans. The issues are closely connected. Both seek to erase women .

Now you're a gay man aren't you? That's no secret.

Now imagine that as a teen you were told that you weren't a real man and should have your cock and balls removed and pretend to be a woman. What kind of life might you have had? How anti gay is that?

That's what you people are pushing for. Regressive hardly even covers it.
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Sep 2024   #690
Why shouldn't I state my opinio

You certainly do that.

And you're very much on one side of the debate whereas I'm fairly neutral and see both extremes but side with neither.

you people


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