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Alien  25 | 6409
5 Sep 2024   #601
Chicago shootings

What does this have to do with sports?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
7 Sep 2024   #602
god save the queen is not very popular in ireland it seems

jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #603
Why would it be?

They're quite religious there. Why would they ask God to save someone who died two years ago?
johnny reb  49 | 7940
7 Sep 2024   #604
What does this have to do with sports?

Quit being a knuckle head.
What do half the posts in this thread have to do with sports, like the three above including yours, Shrimp.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 195
7 Sep 2024   #605

Serbian media reports: traitors stabbed Ireland with a knife straight through the heart...

Both of these talented players represented Ireland before they were "poached" by England.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 Sep 2024   #606
At last:

WBO Chief Comes Out To Confirm Imane Khelif Is Definitely A Male Medalist And His $25 Million Prize Will Be Revoked

PS: Why did I hear about it only now???
Alien  25 | 6409
7 Sep 2024   #607
Why did I hear about it only now?

Because unfortunately this is fake news, at least as far as the Olympics are concerned.
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #608
Why did I hear about it only now???

As Alien says, it's fake news.

r*SSia is behind the whole gender controversy about the female boxers Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-Ting. The false suggestion that they weren't female originated with a now discredited r*SSian sponsored organisation bankrolled by Gazprom which is now expelled from the Olympic family.

It originated a year or so ago because they'd both beaten heavily-seeded r*SSian boxers that various r*SSian gangsters and oligarchs had gambled millions on and the dodgy organisation in question voided their results so the orcs got their cash payouts. They first suggested that they'd failed sex tests done by WADA (who don't do sex tests) and have since admitted that no tests had been run.

And of course r*SSia like to sow discontent and controversy in the free world and are bitter that they can't compete in major sporting events so try to rubbish them.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Sep 2024   #610

Whilst I take on board most of what you say,
Imane Khelif is much more male than female, even though she was born a woman.
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #611
That just goes to show that the gender binary isn't straightforward and that people like Joanne Rowling are wrong.

The IOC have done the normal medical tests and there's no suggestion that she has male chromosomes or an elevated testosterone level. She's just a somewhat (she only weighs 66kg) sporty looking and flat-chested woman but in fact isn't that masculine at all compared to some you can pass in the street every day.

She can't do right for doing wrong, They didn't want her to box in Algeria because she's female and lowlife like Rowling say she shouldn't box in the Olympics because she doesn't look female enough. Not all women are girly looking.

  • IMG_0812.png
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 Sep 2024   #612
Not all women are girly looking.

Women sports was introduced mainly to give women better chances in competitive sports. The reason for that decision was the acknowledgment of the physical differences between men and women.

Now to set physical males free to beat every woman any time is destroying that noble reason!

It is doubly ridiculous that self-labeled progressive/feminists are now applauding and cheering the loudest making sure never will a physical woman win anything ever again!

But I'm still fairly sure that this time of confusion will be over sooner or later....they will come to the only realistic, logical and fair physical male will be allowed to take part in women's competitions! Regardless the self identification!

If "she" will still become a professional athlete she is free to do it against other physical males, regardless her or their identification. That is the only fair future! Otherwise it's the end of women sports. If people like Khelif are allowed to go through with that there will be alot more of them in the future. There is to much to win and to earn to keep that easy potential out of the way of tricksters and liars and cheaters! That's why it has to stop!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #613
Ah yes ofc the likes of Jon would like to see men battering women made into an official sport.

All the while hiding behind that shield of being " progressive " and squealing about " the far right"

Khelif has XY chromosomes. He is not a woman.

The only " evidence " of him being female is a photo of him as a child wearing a pink dress.

Take the test or stfu
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #614
Women sports was introduced mainly to give women better ........physical differences between men and women.

And since she's female what's the problem?

If "she"

You mean she, rather than "she". Imane is a woman and always has been.

Khelif has XY chromosomes

And 'the likes of' you know this how exactly? Do you know something that the IOC don't?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #615
Jon Imane is not a woman. That is why he won't take the test.
Why are you so keen on men battering women being made into an official sport? Mm?
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #616
Imane is not a woman

What makes you think that?

Why are you so keen on men battering women being made into an official sport? Mm?

That's a daft comment.

Anyway, given that she's lost matches plenty of times, by your 'logic', those fights she lost must be women "battering" men.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 Sep 2024   #617
And since she's female what's the problem?

She is definitely NOT a physical woman! She is bigger, heavier, broader...has a longer reach (especially deadly in contact sports)...more muscles....she is physically a MAN!

Remember that swimmer (what's his name)....a loser in male competitions...then suddenly using the new Zeitgeist and identifying as a female...taller, broader, more a winner! Fair???
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #618
I don't believe he has XX chromosomes .

I believe he is a man with a " DSD " - difference in sexual development. Like Caster Semenya.

Because no female athlete from Algeria has ever spread her private parts over the trainers neck.

No Jon. What is " daft" are all these wokesters falling over each other to destroy women's sports.
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #619
She is bigger, heavier, broader

So a woman can't be "big, heavy and broad" then?

Can they only look like 17 year old ballerinas or anorexic catwalk models?

has a longer reach (especially deadly in contact sports)...more muscles

I used to live across the road from a farm. The farmer's daughter when she was a teen once lifted a calf from a well it had fallen in. She had really broad shoulders and huge muscles like Desperate Dan. She's now got 3 kids and several grandkids, Does her strength and bulk make her a man in your opinion?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #620
Big and strong women have always existed. It's disingenuous to suggest that there could be any mistake. They are also obviously women.

It's the jawline among other giveaway clues.

We are finely tuned to spot the difference. Especially women.

Khalif has refused a drug test. That is because he has XY chromosomes. ( that means he is not a woman. HTH)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 Sep 2024   #621
So a woman can't be "big, heavy and broad" then?

Where were they before then in women competitions? Why are all the really "big, heavy and broad" now former males (or are still)?

Can you imagine what the future will be when Khelif and Thomas and Co. are allowed to go through with that? There will be a new kind of doping...allowed doping at that....the awards to win, the money to make are to much for all the liars, tricksters and cheaters not to get on this special kind of train!

Still...have to leave that discussion now...'night all! *takes helmet*
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #622
Big and strong women have always existed

That's what she evidently is.

Anyway, given that there's now both criminal and civil cases against Elon Musk, Joanne Rowling and others, doubtless there'll be full independent medical tests as part of the evidence which will confirm or deny any speculation.

About her jawline, it doesn't look especially male to me. I'm "finely tuned" ,to differences as well and I wouldn't shag her since she's very obviously not a bloke.

Where were they before then in women competitions?

Always there, however the internet wasn't ablaze with it all.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #623
Jon that is a bloke. Anyone can see that. Whether you fancy him or not is really not the issue.

If he wants to sue JKR perhaps his trainer shouldn't have admitted that he has a " chromosome problem ".

Perhaps he could do a test. But he won't. Nor will he sue anyone .
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #624
a bloke. Anyone can see tha

The doctors who assigned her female at birth didn't "see" any such thing and nor did the IOC doctors who tested her.

admitted that he has a " chromosome problem ".

You mean she, and is this an official est or hearsay.

Anyway, tests will be done for the legal case. Speculation beforehand is unhelpful.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #625
His trainer is also male. Read more carefully.

He is a male with an intersex condition. That doesn't make him a woman. That's why he won't do the test. That is why he won't sue JKR.

It's called " being a bloke ".

And the IOC test isn't an XX/XY test.

Do some more reading.

Also ask yourself why are you tripping over yourself to get woman battering made into an official sport? Mm?
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #626
He is a male with an intersex condition

How do you know she's that?

And if she "won't do tests", how would anyone know?

That is why he won't sue JKR.

She has an open case against Elon Musk and Joanne Rowling (who has backed down on her controversial comments).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #627
And no I don't mean " she" I mean "he" .

JKR will never back down.
Tlum  12 | 286
7 Sep 2024   #628
It took me less than 0.25 sec to figure out the picture above is a dude.
jon357  72 | 23487
7 Sep 2024   #629
No, Imane is a she. She has a vagina and is a woman.

And yes, Joanne R has backed down and removed her comments from the internet.

And if she, as you suggest, has "refused tests" how do you know she's not female?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2024   #630
He has a vagina!! And how would you know that exactly?

As a male with an intersex condition I daresay he might have some kind of shallow orifice or dimple in the place where a woman's vagina would be.

Read up on it Jon. Try not to get confused. " not a complete man" does not equal " woman".

But then some wokesters think that a surgical poop wound is also a " vagina".

If that man was really a woman he would have taken a test to prove it. But he hasn't.

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