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Random Sports News

OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Jul 2019   #31
Since the USA women's soccer has done so well, they are thinking about getting a Mens team!

Not really. They were beat by a bunch of 15 year old males. They should just get a bunch of trannies in soccer to keep number 1. They already have them in just about every other woman's sport what's one more.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
9 Jul 2019   #32
Way back, we could tell a man from a woman in less than a second. Soon, we will need a five-pound manual and a team of lawyers and doctors.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
9 Jul 2019   #33
My buddies and my favorite sport is woman's college volleyball.
I don't think they can make shorts any tighter.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
9 Jul 2019   #34
Did mean beach or college?
OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Jul 2019   #35
I personally preferthe ladies jogging in my suburb. You can tell which ones are natural and which had implants by their bounciness or lack there of.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
9 Jul 2019   #36
Are you talking about A's or T's?
OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Jul 2019   #37
Ts for jogging although I'll check out As too. The stairclimbing machines and ellipticals are better though for determining where a woman's ass scores on a 1 to 10.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
9 Jul 2019   #38
With some of the women doing it at the LA Fitness where I go it's hard to concentrate. That's the plus side. The down side is that nice butts often come with those stupid head knots which I absolutely hate.
OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Jul 2019   #39
Yeah I go to x sport and it's the same. I use to go to lifetime because theres a lot of rich desperate housewives just begging for it but that ran its course. These women have everything from their husbands man - purses worth thousands of dollars, Porsche SUVs, huge homes and they don't do anything but drink wine and go to Zumba or yoga classes yet they still cheat on their husbands all the time. Their husbands probably know but they keep it on the DL since they're likely doing the same thing. They're decent looking though like their face is okay but their bodies are rockin because of all the time they spend working out.

X sport is a lil different there it's more of a younger crowd. Lot of yuppies. The girls there imo are better looking and younger but they're more prude and materialistic. The ones at lifetime have everything already except for someone to that'll actually be **** em. The only time I've ever dated women that were wealthier than me were ones I met at lifetime.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
10 Jul 2019   #40
The girls there imo are better looking and younger but they're more prude and materialistic.

That's because you are getting older and wiser, they know this so they focus on younger guys that they can milk to the hilt.

They know that an old fart like you only wants to hit their snapper one time and be history making you a poor investment for them.

Their husbands probably know but they're likely doing the same thing.

Oh hell yes.
Living here in this resort town with many lakes and ski hills I see it year around when these Tramps come walking into the Casino at mid night.

The old man sends their little Trollop north to some resorts with the Porsche and plastic credit card so they themselves can stay back in Detroit or Chicago making his secretary a permanent fixture to the office by screwing her on the desk while his Floozy is up north out of the way.

We sit there playing black jack laughing to see how desperate the Wench is by the drunken Loser that she ends up leaving with.
I guess you could consider sport banging a Random Sport.
After college most of us out grow meaningless sex unless you are in a meaningless relationship.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
10 Jul 2019   #41
Meaningless sex can give a guy a very meaningful paternity suit and child support. If he is lucky. If he is less lucky, herpes (25% of Americans have them) or AIDS.

Getting married and being faithful is cheaper and a lot less scary.
Joker  2 | 2211
10 Jul 2019   #42
They already have them in just about every other woman's sport what's one more

Have your heard about the transgender wrestler? He/She wins every match, its ridiculous. I wouldnt let my daughter wrestle with this thing!

He must be a real tough guy that he can only beat up on girls. Lets put him in the MMA ring for a few minutes:)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
10 Jul 2019   #43
He must be a real tough guy that he can only beat up on girls.

Mentally sick a-hole is a better description. Sorry, ladies, that's all the compassion I can fake.
OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Jul 2019   #44
Thats ridiculous. This is a perfect example of why china will dominate the world. Instead of developing robots, rockets and cancer treatments, our brightest minds are figuring out how to improve the physiology of a fake penis or vagina and turning a person's forearn into a fake penis for transformers....

The worst thing is that in many w European countries and even Canada if you call that thing a male you can be prosecuted.

These transformers are ruining sports for women. Female sports are generally less interesting than male sports but this just makes it a mockery. Why aren't judges disqualifing transformers or putting it in the rule book? They're probably scared bc if they do their face would be all over the media being called "transphobic" or whatever, reporters on their front lawn, he'd probably get death threats too from other transformers and likely lose his job - all because he believes in science which proves there are only two genders.

This is the 🤡 🌍 we live in... I mean Jesus Christ there's even ******* retarded ass LGBT couple emojis...
johnny reb  46 | 7613
10 Jul 2019   #45
Why aren't judges disqualifing transformers or putting it in the rule book?

If I were a referee in such a wrestling match with one of those things I would disqualify it for 'un sportsman like conduct' and let the school board deal with it.
longulf  - | 3
11 Jul 2019   #46
Yeah and a score of 1-0.
How exciting is that.

Pretty much how I feel. And that's if you're lucky. I know it's not the case in World Cup, but games can end in 0-0 ties. Nothing against the game and the people who play it, but I find it pretty rough as a viewer. I do enjoy playing though.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
11 Jul 2019   #47
These transformers are ruining sports for women.

Which is wonderful because the backlash from the chicks will be hard to ignore. Imagine of the T's were ruining NASCAR. Or men's anything. It would take a constitutional amendment to end that bs.
Joker  2 | 2211
12 Jul 2019   #48
against the game and the people who play it,

Its similar to some cheap entertainment/sport, pro wrestling type or the winner of a hot dog eating contest......

Introducing...... Joey Chestnut! He ate 71 Hot Dogs in 10 mins! Much more entertaining than Soccer!!

Crow  154 | 9260
24 Jul 2019   #49

FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 tournament in China - What Poles and Poland expect ?


What I know Poland starts on August 31, in Beijing sport arena, Poland vs. Venezuela
johnny reb  46 | 7613
14 Sep 2019   #50
The U.S. defeated Poland 87-74 on Saturday for seventh place at the World Cup.
Poland has yet to qualify but is expected to.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
16 Sep 2019   #51
The U.S. defeated Poland 87-74 on Saturday for seventh place at the World Cup.

Jesus!! Poland scored SEVENTY FOUR goals and still lost? Unbelievable. How many goals did Lewandowski get?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
16 Sep 2019   #52

Are you referring to the same Jesus that died on the cross for your sins ?

How many goals did Lewandowski get?

Didn't say how many points he scored.
All it gave was Poland was led by Mateusz Ponitka (18 points) and Adam Waczynski (17 points) against the USA
It's not uncommon for a team to score 100 points and still lose the game in basketball.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
16 Sep 2019   #53
Didn't say how many points he scored

Johnny, Doug's joke just passed you by completely.......
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
16 Sep 2019   #54

Not a game for non MacDonald scoffers. I mean, it's an easy game to fix isn't it?
"We'll make a game of it, but lose by the odd 5 points in 90, OK lads? Get your bets on now for the opposition to spring a surprise boys!"

A joke of a "sport" - rather an exhibition of skill and supreme fitness, a discipline. Just my opinion.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
16 Sep 2019   #55
it's an easy game to fix isn't it?

Yeah, the high scoring system is the cause of that.
Johnny has never heard of Lewandowski......
johnny reb  46 | 7613
16 Sep 2019   #56
Not until now.
Doug got me. hahahahahaha
See what happens when I try to be helpful. lol
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
17 Sep 2019   #57
Doug got me. hahahahahaha

Yeah, we love our football here, or soccer as you guys call it.
In Britain some people are beginning to get into American Football and Basketball has always had a niche audience, it was one of my favourite sports at school.

But Baseball is a no no.....we see that as too similar to Rounders...... a girls game.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
18 Sep 2019   #58
Professional sports suck today as the over paid players think they are little gods.
Most of them spend their millions foolishly to keep up their image of being the best.
My buddies and I watch college sports now instead as they are much more exciting and unpredictable.
March Madness for the College National Basketball Championship at the end of the season is the ultimate.
Those kids (18-21) do things that are humanly impossible sometimes.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Sep 2019   #59
In Britain some people are beginning to get into American Football

I'm quite into it, and the amount of preparation that goes into a game is staggering. Games can be decided on the tiniest of things, such as a coach spotting that a player always does x before y. I'll dig up an article for you on a typical NFL head coach week - it's absolutely brutal!

Johnny, isn't it awful that the head coaches of college teams get paid huge salaries while the players only get scholarships?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
18 Sep 2019   #60
Those full ride scholarships can total up to well over $300,000 US over four years of college.
A lot of college players get injured and never make it big time and if they do it usually is a very short career because of injuries.

isn't it awful that the head coaches of college teams get paid

Google and see what the coach for the University of Alabama (Nick Saban) makes if anyone doubts you.

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