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jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2024   #511

Kilts in Scotland (and only in the highlands; they were never universal) however in much of the Middle East and most of Africa men wear garments similar to dresses.

Very comfortable and they suit hot weather well.
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Mar 2024   #512
the Middle East and most of Africa men wear garments similar to dresses

I think of Saudi/Gulf state Arab men as wearing nightgowns....
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #513
Kilts in Scotland (and only in the highlands

Yes, that's what I meant :)


Btw, didn't they wear kilts in Ireland too? 🤔

however in much of the Middle East and most of Africa men wear garments similar to dresses.

Yes and as a heterosexual woman I like how men look in them, actually, so I see nothing "unmanly" in them lol


Very comfortable and they suit hot weather well.

In ancient times men were wearing robes and nooone saw anything wrong with that.

What's next? "Men cannot have long hair, just as women cannot have short hair"? lol 🙄


Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #514
I think of Saudi/Gulf state Arab men as wearing nightgowns....

I honestly like how men there look and move in those "nightgowns" lol Darker complexion and white colour creates nice contrast and those robes are not as depressing as the dark clothes of Muslim women...
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Mar 2024   #515
Men cannot have long hair, just as women cannot have short hair"? lol 🙄

It's still not the same, a men's cut costs €15 and a women's cut costs €75, but it's supposed to be the same.
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #516
@Alien, yes, women have it worse in life, what can I say... lol
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Mar 2024   #517
that's how you avoid having a serious, adult discussion on difficult topics.

Try me. How about transgenderism...
Do you think a man can be a woman and compete with women in sports?
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Mar 2024   #518
those robes are not as depressing as the dark clothes of Muslim women.

even worse than the dark clothes are the primitive compulsions to cover hair and/or face.... it's a hideous look and the philosophy behind it is hideous as well....
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #519
Do you think a man can be a woman

Not at this point in time.

and compete with women in sports

In theory - yes, if he transitioned fully at an early enough age, but in practice - it's not really possible, I guess...

even worse than the dark clothes are the primitive compulsions to cover hair and/or face....


it's a hideous look and the philosophy behind it is hideous as well....

I don't think the look itself is hideous, but it isn't fair that men can wear white and women can't wear light colours and have to cover their hair pretty tightly, especially in a hot climate - that's pretty cruel. And yes - the "philosophy" behind it is what puts me off the most.
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Mar 2024   #520
Do you think a man can be a woman and compete with women in sports?

It is impossible to change sex and men should not be allowed to compete with women.
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Mar 2024   #521
[quote=Paulina]men can wear white and women can't wear light colours

Men in these white nightgowns with a black ring on their heads look like saints, women all in black with covered hair look like devils.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Mar 2024   #522
Hey, Paulina, read maf's post and wise up.

yes, if he transitioned fully

How does one "transition" fully vs partially?
Do missing breasts on a girl make her a boy?
What has to be removed from her body to be fully "transitioned"? Breasts, ovaries, and vagina? Or is there more...
Does a woman need a prostate gland implant to be a man?

I love discussing insanities.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2024   #523

They're called thobes and y practical in the heat. I prefer some of the things worn in Africa (except the heavily waxed fabrics). The simply robes that men wear for prayer are especially comfortable. I never got used to wearing a boubou though (necessary for formal occasions) since they're a lot of hassle. Probably the last descendant of the Roman toga.

Yes and as a heterosexual woman I like how men look in them, actually, so I see nothing "unmanly" in them

Especially if someone is standing with the sun behind them and legs slightly apart. You can see the lot in silhouette. One of the nicer things about being in the Gulf, especially since the median age for men is mid/late twenties ;-)

In ancient times men were wearing robes and nooone saw anything wrong with that.

In modern times millions of men wear robes and nobody sees anything odd.

What's next? "Men cannot have long hair

Long hair on men is a bit like facial piercing. It only suits about 10% of those who do it.
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #524
Men in these white nightgowns with a black ring on their heads look like saints, women all in black with covered hair look like devils.

Yup, it gave me such associations too...

From what I understand the point of those dark colours is that the body shape is less visible in them. You can see this in that photo of the Crown Prince of Dubai and a woman walking next to him that I posted. Those traditional white robes for men are more see-through and you can see the body shape better, while women's bodies in that photo are just big black spots. So I guess men can look all hot and sexy and "tempting", while women - nope...

How does one "transition" fully vs partially?

I meant hormonal treatment, because that's what affects the height and muscle mass (and that's what counts in sports) and not whether you have a d1ck cut off or not.

Long hair on men is a bit like facial piercing. It only suits about 10% of those who do it.

Well, not every look suits everyone... The same can be said about short hair on women, I guess...
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Mar 2024   #525
Does Bruce Jenner still have his junk?

Also, why don't we see transgender "men" competing in men's sports? Weird...

I meant hormonal treatment,

On a healthy child??????? Are you insane?
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #526
On a healthy child???????

As I wrote:

but in practice - it's not really possible, I guess...

Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Mar 2024   #527
I don't detect outrage. Only a disappointment...
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Mar 2024   #528
@Novichok, your "detector" is malfunctioning then. I feel neither disappointment nor outrage. I feel for those people, but it's a complicated issue.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2024   #529
The same can be said about short hair on women, I guess...

I used to work with a lady (probably dead by now) who always had a big Thatcher style perm. One day she came into work with her hair cut very short due to some sort of accident at the hairdressers. It took 20 years off her. Sadly she went back to the big perm as soon as she could.

So I guess men can look all hot and sexy and "tempting", while women - nope...

That's pretty well it.

There's another factor; dark fabrics were always more expensive due to the dyeing process. For men to wear dark or brightly coloured clothes in the gulf (and parts of Africa) it's a status symbol. Women wearing them is a sign that their men can afford to clothe them well. Worth mentioning that the dark outer garment comes off at home or in all female environments.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Mar 2024   #530
I feel for those people, but it's a complicated issue.

No, it's not any more complicated than any other mental disorder. We no longer torture the mentally ill with cold showers and electric shocks but we cut off body parts and chemically castrate them. In 2024! Children who are not allowed to consent to sex can legally agree to irreversible life-altering procedures! BTW, the suicide rates before and after are the same.

Where is Mengele? He deserves an apology.
Crow  155 | 9699
1 May 2024   #531
Best in the world, Nikola Jokic


Racow, Sarmatian finest
Crow  155 | 9699
9 May 2024   #532
Nikola Jokic with his brothers


Nikola in the middle, Strahinja left to him, Nemanja right to him

The man in front of Nikola is the friend.
Crow  155 | 9699
22 May 2024   #533
Bets on the world`s scale started regarding clash of the USA vs Serbia (the best basketball school of Europe) during 2024 Olympics


USA men to open 2024 Olympics against Nikola Jokić's Serbia


The United States men's basketball team will open the Paris Olympics against Serbia, and likely NBA superstar Nikola Jokić,

the U.S. men will face the Serbians on July 28

Alien  26 | 6527
1 Jun 2024   #534
The Polish women lost to the German women in football 1:4 I saw parts of this match. It's fascinating how women's football has developed in the meantime.
Novichok  4 | 8677
1 Jun 2024   #535
The Polish women lost to the German women in football 1:4

Couldn't they find a bunch of transgender women who like playing football in Poland?
In America, transgender women play volleyball. They are so good that one real woman suffered a serious injury when the ball hit her head...We even have transgender women in women's power lifting...
wslipach  8 | 96
1 Jun 2024   #536
The Polish women lost to the German women in football 1:4

Good, it goes to show that Polish chics are sill more feminine than german hairy tomboys
Novichok  4 | 8677
1 Jun 2024   #537
Hey, easy, today you never know if they are chicks or dudes. I can be a chick in less than an hour and 100 bucks...
Crow  155 | 9699
24 Jun 2024   #538
Serbian media rapports that Nikola Jokić arrived and joined the Serbian national basketball team >

The chosen ones of trainer Svetislav Pešić are starting preparations for the Olympic Games in Paris, which are on the program from July 26.

Jokić se pridružio reprezentaciji Srbije VIDEO

Joker  2 | 2447
26 Jun 2024   #539
Nikola Jokić arrived and joined the Serbian national basketball team >

And will soon lose to the USA basketball team just like every other country as well.
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
26 Jun 2024   #540
O'Neal: "Serbia with Jokić is sure to win the Olympics"

Legendary basketball player Shaquille O'Neal said in a meeting with car driver Dušan Borković that Serbia can win Olympic gold with Nikola Jokić in the team.

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