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Novichok  4 | 8682
12 Sep 2023   #481
They should write her name in lower case for supporting the aggressor.

Have you ever seen anything published in the US with "germany" and "hitler"?

...because both were responsible for the deaths of millions?

Or does your rule apply only to Russian women and men who play tennis?
Novichok  4 | 8682
12 Sep 2023   #482
Hey, Alien, can you explain your capitalization rules? When to cap and when to go lowercase...Or is this still a work in progress?
Alien  26 | 6528
12 Sep 2023   #483
For a long time she refused to participate in press conferences. However, she finally agreed and said that she did not support the war. So she is "innocent". As far as I'm concerned, you can write her name with a capital letter.
Novichok  4 | 8682
12 Sep 2023   #484
You wrote "Hitler" 12 times and "Stalin" 6 times - all capitalized but a tennis player's name from Belarus should be lowercase.
Can you explain your capitalization rules?

What about Medvedev? Capital first letter as with Hitler and Stalin?
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Sep 2023   #485
explain your capitalization rules?

Neither the countries (russia and belarusia) nor most individuals from them deserve capitalization....

I do captialize Kamil Galeev and Denis Zakharov so some are worthy.
Lenka  5 | 3548
12 Sep 2023   #486
Special for Crno:

Poland kicked Serbia's ass*s out of European Championship in volleyball:)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Sep 2023   #487

HAHAHAHA! Useless Serbs!
Paulina  19 | 4558
20 Mar 2024   #488
Damn... Can anyone explain this, because this is not normal to me:

I wonder what she would do if her kid killed itself - would she decide to play anyway too? o_O'


Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Mar 2024   #489
I don't judge people's grief. We all deal differently. Some people need occupation to stay sane. E.G. my mom is like that. I can be like that too.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Mar 2024   #490
@Lenka, true, but I guess there are some limits for me... The guy isn't even buried yet...

We all deal differently.

Sure, but there are also different people in this world - including sociopaths, for example. So I'm wondering what's the deal with her, because this is defenitely an unusual behaviour for me... I remember that when I was watching the first interview with little Magda's parents - when everybody still thought that she was kidnapped - her mother was crying (like with real tears and all) and pleading with the "kidnapper" to return her daughter, but I could somehow tell that she's faking it. I just didn't understand at that time why she's pretending to be distressed. When it turned out that she killed her daughter - I wasn't surprised.

Of course, I'm not saying that this tennis player pushed her boyfriend out of the balcony (although it did cross my mind for a second).
Bobko  27 | 2215
21 Mar 2024   #491
The guy isn't even buried yet...

Some people go and play basketball the next day after their father was murdered, and play the best game of their life.

Some people go into the boxing ring, the same night their mother died, and exhibit superhuman feats of athleticism.

The afternoon after the morning that my grandmother died I went on an overnight alpinism trip with my friend. I couldn't stand to be in the house, and the funeral was three days away.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Mar 2024   #492
@Bobko, I don't know, for me the death of a grandmother is something different than the death of a spouse or "the love of my life" or your own kid...

Some people go and play basketball the next day after their father was murdered, and play the best game of their life.

Some people go into the boxing ring, the same night their mother died

Not everyone loves their parents (and not all parents deserve that love).
Bobko  27 | 2215
21 Mar 2024   #493
Not everyone loves their parents

It's about giving a physical outlet for your grief.

Have you ever trained or participated in a sport for a long time? It can be amazing therapeutic.
Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Mar 2024   #494
Besides she said they weren't together anymore. Things may be complicated.

Not to mention that being a sociopath is not a crime. It scares the rest of us but noone can help the way they feel (or don't)
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Mar 2024   #495
It can be amazingly therapeutic.

...not if she had to compete with women that have penises.

You have to admit that this invention didn't come from the USSR or Russia. I guess you were not that creative...

I remember how the West was freaking out about dopped-up Russian and East German women athletes. Then, American ingenuity went to work, the US has women with dicks and balls.

Can you match THAT, Bobko?
Bobko  27 | 2215
21 Mar 2024   #496
Can you match THAT, Bobko?

The point is physical activity can take your mind off of depressing things.

Doesn't have to be sport. Can be chopping wood, clearing your driveway of ice, or working the garden.

Sitting on the floor and pouring ashes over your head is of course nice and desirable - but not everyone can do that, Paulina.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Mar 2024   #497
Besides she said they weren't together anymore.

Ah, sorry, I had no idea about that when I wrote my comment... I assumed that if he was with her in Miami then they were together. It must've been a recent development... That changes things.

According to his ex-wife it's possible that he got drunk and fell off the balcony:

Not to mention that being a sociopath is not a crime.

I don't claim that is.

noone can help the way they feel (or don't)

Apparently that's not the case with sociopaths - from what I've read.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Mar 2024   #498
Have you ever trained or participated in a sport for a long time? It can be amazing therapeutic.

No, I haven't, but I think I can somewhat understand this - painting is like that for me. It is therapeutic - when you're painting you focus only on that, it takes your mind off things, it can be an escape, something to help you get through stuff. But, to be honest, if someone very close to me died - a husband or a child - I wouldn't give a sh1t about painting... I think painting could prove to be therapeutic some time after the death, but not right away...

Sitting on the floor and pouring ashes over your head is of course nice and desirable - but not everyone can do that, Paulina.

There's nothing "nice" or "desirable" about sitting on the floor and pouring ashes over your head. I'm just talking about a normal human reaction to the sudden death of someone you loved very much...
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Mar 2024   #499
The point is physical activity can take your mind off of depressing things.

Sure beats getting drunk.

My favorite cocktail is adrenaline and dopamine - both organic...

the sudden death of someone you loved very much...

Marriages rarely survive the death of a child - especially if the death was preventable.
Alien  26 | 6528
21 Mar 2024   #500
Marriages rarely survive the death

And they have a hard time without it. Especially as the division of roles in marriages has changed.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Mar 2024   #501
@Alien, are you one of those sexist, selfish a-holes who are too lazy to let go of that "division of roles in marriages" and wish it was preserved? :)

Especially as the division of roles in marriages has changed.

Please explain what it has to do with the survival rate of marriages :))
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Mar 2024   #502
are you one of those sexist, selfish a-holes who are too lazy to let go of that "division of roles in marriages" and wish it was preserved? :)

No. He is a modern man who can breastfeed as well as any menstruating person.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Mar 2024   #503
@Novichok, I know that you like to take things to the ad absurdum level, but I think that Alien didn't mean things that men are physically incapable of in a marriage :))
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Mar 2024   #504
I know that you like to take things to the ad absurdum level,

I like doing it because this is how you test idiotic ideas. Like abortion, migration, LGBTs, and sh*it like this...

At the center or when the numbers are tolerable, everything that is sick and perverted works well and looks good. Even arsenic is harmless...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Mar 2024   #505
I like doing it because this is how you test idiotic ideas. Like abortion

I agree with the rest of your post mate, but why is abortion idiotic?
Novichok  4 | 8682
22 Mar 2024   #506
Because it is treated by feminists as a civil right rather than a critical medical procedure. Like a right to vote. Or a right to free speech.

They even call it "abortion rights". Really? When something is a right, there is no cost involved and participation may be 100% without harm to others or the tribe.

Abortion on demand and without medical necessity does not meet these requirements.
I can't walk into an ER and demand an amputation because there is no medical necessity to amputate my healthy legs. They would lock me up in a psych ward.
Alien  26 | 6528
22 Mar 2024   #507
Alien, are you

No, I'm not, it's just that neither men nor women can cope with this new division of roles. But as for me, I was the first male person in our company to go on maternity leave. This ultimately cost me my job, but fortunately after 4 years they brought me back for double the salary.
Paulina  19 | 4558
22 Mar 2024   #508
I like doing it because this is how you test idiotic ideas.

No, that's how you avoid having a serious, adult discussion on difficult topics.

it's just that neither men nor women can cope with this new division of roles

And why do you think that? And what do you mean by this "new division of roles" exactly?

the first male person in our company to go on maternity leave. This ultimately cost me my job

Well, well, welcome to the women's world then! lol My sister-in -law's going on maternity leave also ultimately cost her her job.
Alien  26 | 6528
22 Mar 2024   #509
what do you mean

To describe it vividly, it is enough to say that women cannot wear trousers just as men cannot wear skirts.
Paulina  19 | 4558
22 Mar 2024   #510
@Alien, sorry, but you'll have to do better than that. Women do wear trousers these days and in some countries men used to wear skirts and still put them on for some occasions (Scotland) lol 🤦

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