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Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Oct 2022   #451
They only have strong women.

...and pretty.
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Oct 2022   #452



Happy TV, popular morning show, host of the show - Kruna Una Mitrović




RTS - Radio televizija Srbije, popular morning show, host of the show - Dusica Spasic
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Oct 2022   #453
Beautiful country, your Serbia.
Crow  155 | 9699
10 Oct 2022   #454
Watching Kruna is great fun. She is more cute then extraordinary beautiful. She leads the show together with Milomir Maric, older man, popular and famous journalist and it looks very funny when Kruna speaks and Milomir interrupts her whenever he wants, somewhat embarrassing young lady. Point of show is for sure to have young female that struggle around older man.

On the other side, Dusica Spasic leads you in the world behind imagination. She gives you news, while people ask itself- does she even have panties.




Real torture.
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Oct 2022   #455
Do you mean like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.
Crow  155 | 9699
10 Oct 2022   #456
Sure, that is the concept. Lust.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
10 Oct 2022   #457
Beautiful country, your Serbia.

Shame about the residents.......
Crow  155 | 9699
11 Oct 2022   #458
Dusica Spasic

You people know that how Slavic names have meaning?

See. Name > Dusica (Little soul) in the sense of diminutive not in pejorative sense. `little` like you speak to a child. Then surname > Spasic (The one who saves).

>>> Literal translation of name and surname into English. > Little soul of one who saves

That is why Tolkien studies Serbian language (as primordial European language) and Grimm brothers concluded how one can`t examine German myths without understanding of Slavic mythology.
Alien  26 | 6527
11 Oct 2022   #459
And I thought that Dusica Spasic means dusznica spastyczna.🤔
Crow  155 | 9699
16 Oct 2022   #460


Golden girls - spectacular Serbia retained the world crown!

> b92.n../eng/news/headlines.php?yyyy=2022&mm=10&dd=15&nav_category=159&nav_id=114661

Serbia women's national volleyball team defended the title by winning the World Championship in the Netherlands, sweeping Brazil 3:0 (26:24, 25:22, 25:17).

Joker  2 | 2447
16 Oct 2022   #461
n. She is more cute then extraordinary beautifu

Not bad at all, Crow.
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Oct 2022   #462
But we have Kim. Or is it a woman and a horse...
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 Dec 2022   #463

For many football stars, money goes just as quickly as it comes. According to Sports Illustrated, nearly 4 out of 5 former NFL players either go bankrupt or suffer severe financial distress within two years of retirement.

I guess banging one's head more times than recommended makes managing money harder than throwing oval objects.
Joker  2 | 2447
3 Dec 2022   #464
4 out of 5 former NFL players either go bankrupt or suffer severe financial distress within two years of retirement.

But they are supposedly college graduates. I guess, when your a dumb jock classes don't matter as long as the school can make money off your back.

A fool and his money are soon parted.... So true. I haven't any sympathy for these morons.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Dec 2022   #465
The saddest and most telling story to show how balls and brains just don't go together is one of Boris Becker. When he was done hitting round balls he was worth 75 big ones. Today, he is in a UK prison. In between: alcoholism, promiscuity, and bankruptcy.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Dec 2022   #466
Thanks to the Canadian "inclusive" woke idiots we will be able to induce vomit without tongue depressors. Just watching two faggots skate dancing will be enough.


Canadian skating officials have announced new rules which mean that teams in ice dance and pairs events no longer need to consist of one male and one female skater. Instead, the definition of a team has been revised to state that it should "consist of two skaters."

Especially effective will be the bigger faggot lifting the smaller one to where the smaller faggot's dick will be at the bigger faggot's face level. I hope that there be a warning "no suitable for normal people who just ate".
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Dec 2022   #467
new rules

They are talking about letting trannies into the NHL.. I cant wait to see that! LOL

no suitable for normal people who just ate".

The woke tv programmers are shooting themselves in the foot since they are losing their audience and advertising. Idiots!
Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Dec 2022   #468
They are talking about letting trannies into the NHL..

I am hoping for the first death of a real woman who was stupid enough to box a pretend one.
BTW, if a guy can lie that he is a woman and compete with women, why not lie about age and compete with kids? Why is lying allowed only when gender is involved...
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Dec 2022   #469
Why is lying allowed only when gender is involved...

A transgender volleyball player spiked a ball into a real girls face.

Footage shows moment female high school volleyball player injured by spike from trans opponent

" the transgender player, who jumps into the air and hammers the ball down. The injured player is hit in the face by the ball and immediately collapses to the floor."
Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Dec 2022   #470
immediately collapses to the floor."

Good. If that will not make her anti-trans in sports nothing ever will.
I remember how it felt when my face met a tree because I wasn't paying attention. Now, I take the streets and avoid parks when biking.
Novichok  4 | 8677
6 Sep 2023   #471
Pennsylvania football player Mason Martin, 17, suffered a 'significant brain bleed' and a collapsed lung after being hit during the game, leaving his life hanging in the balance.

I hate American football. It should be banned in schools as child abuse.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Sep 2023   #472
That amazing American equality and hospitality...Embarrassing...The Belorussian girl should have given these lowlifes the middle finder after she got the check.

  • tennis2.jpg
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Sep 2023   #473

They should write her name in lower case for supporting the aggressor.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Sep 2023   #474
How do you know she supports NATO and its two chief warmongers?
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Sep 2023   #475
If she supported NATO, she would represent Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Sep 2023   #476
We can dance like this for a while but that will not change the fact that Western scum is just that - scum without manners, culture, and common sense.

Since you lack those qualities, I will say it just one more time:

If you have a problem with the top dog of Country A, fu*ck off of a young woman from Country B you invited to your Country C as a guest. Got it or was it too fast?

Those American lowlifes who refused to tell us where she is from by displaying her flag owe her an apology.

If you still didn't get it, tough sh*t...
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Sep 2023   #477
They should write her name in lower case

Quite. Freezing their citizens out of international events sends a clear and appropriate message.
mafketis  38 | 11260
11 Sep 2023   #478
Belorussian girl

The correct term is belarusian (even the belarusian russian-language station in my cable line up before the war called itself belarus' (in cyrillic of course)

I have no idea about the political convictions (if any) of the player in question but when you play for a pariah state... you need to be prepared to be treated like a pariah.

I think they should have used a flag, but it should be the real Belarusian flag (white-red-white) rather than the soviet abomination that lukashenka revived....
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Sep 2023   #479
They should write her name in lower case for supporting the aggressor.

Have you ever seen anything published in the US with "germany" and "hitler"? Of course not - even though both were responsible for the deaths of millions. Sloppy posters don't count.

Did you ever lowercase "bush" or "america" because the US killed 300,000 civilians in Iraq - 290,000 more than did Russia in Ukraine?

But a twenty-something woman ...hey, easy target...the woman who we invited here while clueless about how she actually feels about both Putin and his war. I would have enough class to at least ask. If she said that she hated both I would save my holly indignation and insults for a better occasion.
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Sep 2023   #480
Have you ever seen anything published in the US with "germany" and "hitler"?

But a twenty-something woman ...hey, easy target

A multi millionaire sports player with a PR machine and sponsorship deals behind her. Poor lamb.

Now reflect of the twenty-something women unlucky enough to encounter r*SSian soldiers who've invaded their villages in Ukraine.

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