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Crow  155 | 9700
20 Aug 2022   #391
When asked Djokovic always said he won`t receive vaccine. But he never (!) called anyone to resist.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Aug 2022   #392
but australia disgraced itself with its treatment of him.

Thank you, maf. Now I like you more.
mafketis  38 | 11263
20 Aug 2022   #393
Now I like you more

A reason to go on living....
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Aug 2022   #394
For me it's about him breaking rules that that country had in place. If he was set against vaccine, great, don't go there.

Just another celeb that thinks rules are just for others
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Aug 2022   #395
For me it's about him breaking rules that that country had in place.

All rules have exceptions if the rule writer has brains. There is a rule against speeding. Yet, under some conditions, when an ambulance is an hour away and my passenger is bleeding and needs help, cops with brains would actually escort me to the nearest hospital and let me violate red lights and the speed limit.

Rules must serve a purpose - in this case to protect others from being infected. If I have a death wish because it's my body, I should not be forced to get vaccinated.

You cannot get infected by someone who is not a carrier. He was tested and was not a carrier.

This idiocy goes further. The system tells us that even if you are vaccinated you are still a spreader if you are infected. Since I am always a spreader - vaccinated or not - my vaccination is irrelevant to the random people around me. Mask - yes. Distance - yes. Vaccination - no.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Aug 2022   #396
about him breaking rules that that country had in place

Me too.

If he wants to go to Australia, he has to follow Australian entry rules. There should be no exception for someone just because they're a well-known sports person.

And Australia is very strict about disease/infection control; you can't even bring a pre-packed sandwich into the country in your luggage.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Aug 2022   #397
If he wants to go to Australia, he has to follow Australian entry rules.

He didn't want to go there as a tourist to mingle or create a riot. He was invited to play. But, to blockheads and Gestapos, concepts like common sense don't exist. Rule is a rule is a rule is a rule...Jawohl!

I wonder if QE2 would be denied entry by those morons?

Not that Brits were much better...I remember seeing the poor woman at her husband's service sitting alone and away from everybody but with that idiotic mask that mattered nothing to anybody. But, the rule is a rule...Morons...
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Aug 2022   #398
If he was set against vaccine, great, don't go there.

but he live from tennis. And was invited and had visa. And some others also avoided vaccine and escaped with it.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Aug 2022   #399
but he live from tennis

A game with rules.

And was invited and had visa

Conditional on fulfilling entry requirements. Which he didn't.

I wonder if QE2 would be denied entry

She's Head of State there, so that's a no.
mafketis  38 | 11263
20 Aug 2022   #400
breaking rules that that country had in place

The Australian government admitted he broke no rules and was not considered to be at risk or a risk to others. But he didn't agree politically with the Australian government and at the time that was enough for Australia to mess their pants.

He did make a short video which the gutter press in Australia found and used to wind up the Aussie version of PiS voters....

He followed the rules and Australia still kicked him out for purely political reasons. They said it at the time! And good-thinkers applauded!
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Aug 2022   #401
Lying on his visa was not breaking the rules?
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Aug 2022   #402
Would you lie if somebody wants to violate your body?

You say that Serbs in Jasenovas and Jews in Auschwitz were not ready to lie to save themselves from their murderers? But still they died. See, same is with Australian government. They insist you to take vaccine no matter you are declared healthy. Just Djokovic was able to avoid vaccine and Australia. He was of better luck.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Aug 2022   #403
violate your bod

How precisely?

purely political reasons.

To show that disease control is something to be taken seriously and that neither celebrity status nor payola do not exempt someone from the norms of an egalitarian society.
mafketis  38 | 11263
20 Aug 2022   #404
Lying on his visa was not breaking the rules?

He did not do that.

disease control is something to be taken seriously

So results don't matter as long as you take it seriously?

the results are pretty obvious for anyone who's paying attention....

over-vaccination does not stop covid it increases it

thank heavens Poland got over the vaccination bug early on....
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Aug 2022   #405
So results don't matter as long as you take it seriously?

Results don't happen if you don't.
Crow  155 | 9700
20 Aug 2022   #406
How precisely?

In any way. With vaccine of unknown components, for example.
Joker  2 | 2447
21 Aug 2022   #407
Jews in Auschwitz were not ready to lie to save themselves f


What do you hope to accomplish with this diatribe? It was a sports thread.

How precisely?

See how he conflates different issues? I say its just flat out BS!

Tennis and Auschwitz. He will say anything to glorify Serbia no matter how stupid it sounds.
Crow  155 | 9700
21 Aug 2022   #408
I didn`t start this analyzes of Djokovic-Australia issue but nevertheless, interesting where truth pointing out, isn`t it.

This is most interesting value of this venerable forum. Developments of discussion.

Tennis and Auschwitz.

or Tennis and Jasenovac.
mafketis  38 | 11263
21 Aug 2022   #409
Results don't happen if you don't.

And Australia's results have not been.... impressive. They went full on authoritarian to vaccinate everybody and the real world data suggests that that type of over-vaccination just guarantees never-ending wave after wave....

Find a country that vaccinated its way out of covid.... go on, I'll wait....
Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Aug 2022   #410
He did not do that.

Didn't his application state he didn't travel while in fact he did? (I didn't follow the whole thing, just remembering hearing things here and there.

And I don't believe he was granted exemption fair and square.

I don't support how Australia dealt with the virus but it doesn'tmatter on a case of a foreigner visiting.
Crow  155 | 9700
21 Aug 2022   #411
Humans aren`t robots. Australia wants to prove they are. Not just Australia.
mafketis  38 | 11263
21 Aug 2022   #412
his application state he didn't travel while in fact he did?

no major athlete does their own paperwork, IIRC the person who did fill it out made some mistake (of the kind that often happens). it stank of selective enforcement....

I don't support how Australia dealt with the virus but it doesn'tmatter on a case of a foreigner visiting.

If Australia wants to act like it did, then it doesn't need to be hosting a grand slam event.

Choose - draconian lockdown vaccination measures or hosting a national brand event with equal access to all who qualify.... excluding one of the favorites to win (in the chase to become all time grand slam winner for domestic political reasons was ugly and inexcusable - PRL style politics.
Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Aug 2022   #413
made some mistake

Really believe it? So he somehow managed to miraculously avoid two obstacles? Sorry, I'm not buying it.

If Australia wants to act like it did, then it doesn't need to be hosting a grand slam event.

It's up to the different bodies to decide. If they decided It's OK the players either comply with that country's rules or stay away
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Aug 2022   #414

That is their style as regards infection etc. As I mentioned before, you can't even take sandwiches into the country.

vaccinate everybody

mafketis  38 | 11263
21 Aug 2022   #415

Where has that worked exactly? Oh... that's right... Nowhere!
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Aug 2022   #416
It's worked a damn sight better than not doing it, as we can see in North Korea and great swathes of Africa including this one.
Crow  155 | 9700
25 Aug 2022   #417
Novak Djokovic won`t take part in this year US Open


jon357  72 | 23654
25 Aug 2022   #418
His choice, and no loss to sport.
mafketis  38 | 11263
25 Aug 2022   #419
big loss and for what? a vaccine that's played out and useless?
Crow  155 | 9700
25 Aug 2022   #420
Incoming - FIBA - The Basketball Channel - Livestream at 20:00 PM Central European Belgrade time

Serbia vs Greece / qualifiers for World Championship

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