......and "the greatest businessman ever" crashed it all in 45 days.
Oh b.s. Mr. Twister, stop your lying again.
It was a correction not a crash as the market has slowly been coming back this week so far with a lot of nice gains.
Buy low, sell high is the name of the game.
Trump has been in office for 45 daus and you expect miracles. Pffft !
Lets talk about it in four years from now Mr. Twister.
Cash is now King and it is time to buy low as the market is starting to stabilize just like Trump said it would.
Now what jon, you going to admit all your negative ranting was wrong just like you were wrong on Phoenix's improper word usage on the word "was" when it should have been "were". 🤣
You are like the little boy with chocolate frosting all over his hands and face and stands there and denies eating the chocolate cake. Hoot !