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USA News and Poland - part 14

cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #31
Iron, in 50 days he has totally trashed America's "brand" - it's gone from being probably the most admired country to a complete basket case

Has trashed the dollar, the stock market and all economic indicators going the wrong way

- done serious damage to American democracy

No need to give him 100 days - he has 1400 left but I think he will be removed, just not sure how that is going to happen - maybe a default on the debt or ordering the army to fire on protestors
wariatisthegame  - | 37
7 Mar 2025   #32
how come it didnt happen the first time? why didnt the impeachment process work?
Joker  2 | 2386
7 Mar 2025   #33
left but I think he will be removed, just not sure how that is going to happen - maybe a default on the debt or ordering the army to fire on protestors

This is the dumbest thing ever to be posted on this thread.

Talk about paranoid and a severe case of

how come it didnt happen the first time? why didnt the impeachment process work?

He never did anything wrong and it was all a sham as proven by the outcome. It was nothing more than a witch hunt and made up fake stories by the Dems they could never prove. And now hess President again:) And the PF leftards are in complete meltdown mode and make up the same type of stupid stories, like the post from the German moron above.
Tlum  12 | 286
7 Mar 2025   #34
Every DoJ lawyer knows that there is no jury anywhere in the US that would convict that slimy cvnt.

So you've just provided evidence that:

1. Trump was too stupid to know that.


2. Trump was slimy enough to lie about it on public rallies.

It's very possible that Trump knew about that and still chose to lie to his voters that he would "Lock her up." Same story with the border wall.

Voters need to keep Trump, Biden or whoever people in power in check. Why get mad at the facts that Trump voters were lied about these important matters that actually created the MAGA movement? Whom did Trump "lock up" other than some poor Hispanic or a bottom feeder?

Ironside  50 | 12954
7 Mar 2025   #35
totally trashed America's "brand"

I disagree with you but that is not my point.
He is being targeted by all kinds of murky people, not friendly towards Poland either.
Luckly they are not being supported by the majority of the US population. As to his policies and their results, why do you care?
Let me give you the Polish point of view.
He is the US president, he sets policies and makes things happen, Poland needs to work with him whether we like it or not.
From such a perspective, we need to look at his policies and claims and see if any of them benefit Poland. Some of them do, in that case it is a wise move to work with the US president rather than against him.
You don't have to like him to do that.
out PM

Our PM sent a private security firm to remove legal management of the state TV. Also he appointed Attorney General against the law.
What are you even talking about?
johnny reb  49 | 7958
7 Mar 2025   #36
It is clear he has no idea of how to fulfill his promises

You mean like the #1 promise of shutting the border down ?
That took Trump one day to do.
I.S. is right about you, Trump is not even your president and you suffer from TDS. Amazzing !

It is not a very pleasant view, let me tell you.

Especially coming from a foreigner that it doesn't concern.
Hard to bite my lip and let the bonehead post smack that he is clueless about.
We honestly sit here and laugh out loud at some of the uninformed posts by jealous Europeans suffering from TDS.
Why do they think Trump should be perfect in every way ?
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #37
Iron, in 50 days he has totally trashed America's "brand"

Take your fake concern and shove it up you ass.

Before you do it, any suggestions for us?

A friend would already say it but you and the rest of the Euros here are not our friends. Only slimy parasites...I apologize to those who are not.

That took Trump one day to do.

...and that famous line: It took a new president.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 566
7 Mar 2025   #38
And will rise even more due to tariff wars.

Yeah right. We got what we voted for, and we love it. And you, hateful hyenas, crying about tariffs, I wonder why,if tariffs are so bad for America, you should be
the joyful proponents. Or what is more likely, you yahoos are deadly afraid of the level playing field.

Today chicken, tomorrow rats. hahahaha

Stupid today and idiotic tomorrow. But to a woke and hate-infested mind is a progress
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #39
if tariffs are so bad for America

...why are they so good for "our trading partners"?
Alien  25 | 6424
7 Mar 2025   #40
...why are they so good for "our trading partners

Because they compensate for subsidies that European companies do not receive.
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #41
that European companies do not receive.

That's their problem. If it's true...

It's not. Euro companies are relieved of paying for health insurance for their employees.
cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #42
No we are not. i pay health insurance for my employees. Like every employer in Poland.

Same in Germany, same in France, same in Czech and Romania where I have employed people.
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #43
Same in Germany, same in France, same in Czech and Romania where I have employed people.

That makes you stupid, a liar, or both...

Foreign Countries with Universal Health Care

Australia 1975
Austria 1967
Bahrain 1957
Belgium 1945
Brunei 1958
Canada 1966
Cyprus 1980
Denmark 1973
Finland 1972
France 1974
Germany 1941
Greece 1983
Hong Kong 1993
Iceland 1990
Ireland 1977
Israel 1995
Italy 1978
Japan 1938
Kuwait 1950
Luxembourg 1973
Netherlands 1966
New Zealand 1938
Norway 1912
Portugal 1979
Singapore 1993
Slovenia 1972
South Korea 1988
Spain 1986
Sweden 1955
Switzerland 1994
United Arab Emirates 1971
United Kingdom 1948
cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #44
I am stupid but I'm no liar

It's easy to Google both the French and German systems,%25%2C%20are%20also%20shared%20equally.
johnny reb  49 | 7958
7 Mar 2025   #45
I am stupid but I'm no liar

Oh, you said yesterday that you don't post all day here, only at breakfast time and we have seen that is not necessarily true.
I still like you though.
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #46
I still like you though.

I don't for that idiotic NN.

There should be an age limit here. Minimum of 16.

I am stupid but I'm no liar

Yes, you are if you claim that Europe has universal health care and we don't.

One or the other.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 566
7 Mar 2025   #47
...why are they so good for "our trading partners"?

Because our trading partners are already sucking the blood of every American taxpayer because they are already applying high tariffs on American products.
Because tariffs are leveling the playing field.Because we can no longer generously jeopardy our children and grandchildren financial future, and endlessly give and give irresponsibly, running the deficit to the tune of 36 trillion of dollars , flirting with bankruptcy.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 566
7 Mar 2025   #48
It's easy to Google both the French and German systems

It was easy to Google the information on Covit 19. Nov, we know most of it was a lie. That is what you get relying on Google instead of using analytical, critical thinking, in other words, using the power of your brain.
cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #49
Good god Ptak - employers healthcare contributions are hardly in the realm of the theoretical. You get a demand every month for them
pawian  226 | 27556
7 Mar 2025   #50
"Hitler was a great leader and patriot. Muslim migrants are cancer and should be expelled."

I smell the rat aka Novi. :):):)
pawian  226 | 27556
7 Mar 2025   #51
A moral superiority.

Exactly! Golden Cow trumpists are moral dwarfs compared to decent people and apes.
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #52
employers healthcare contributions are hardly in the realm of the theoretical.

Cut the crap...Either Euros have that wonderful universal health care or not.

Which one is it?

I don't want to read about your empire.
cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #53
In Poland

If you are working then there is a tripartite system - employee, employer and state all contribute

If you are not working you might get it off your spouse

There is emergency care for the unemployed. It's not great.
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #54
In Poland

I don't care about Poland.

US tariffs are for the whole Europe.

Should the US impose reciprocal tariffs on every country that trades with the US?

Yes or no?
pawian  226 | 27556
7 Mar 2025   #55
US tariffs are for the whole Europe.

It is OK. We don`t need US goods coz we have better ones from other European countries.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
7 Mar 2025   #56
what the hell is wrong with her face?
cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #57
I dunno - the US can decide what tariffs they want.

Trump has changed his mind for the 4th time today about tariffs. He is a complete pussy who listens to the last guy that walked in the room.

For sure the price of a Lexus would go up, though you might still get a reasonable deal on some second hand model with bogus parts and weird stains on the seat.
Novichok  4 | 8547
7 Mar 2025   #58
Trump has changed his mind for the 4th time today about tariffs

This way the enemies are off balance and can't plan their next move.

We love the unpredictable Trump.

Give them hell any way you want. We are with you 100%, Mr. President.
pawian  226 | 27556
7 Mar 2025   #59
We love the unpredictable Trump.

Until he strikes you on your pockets!! hahaha Soon....... stay tuned...... hahahaha
cms neuf  2 | 1869
7 Mar 2025   #60
But Canada are not your enemies. Why do they need to plan their next move ? We are talking about factories and farms, not armies.

And it doesn't make the US look strong and clever / just weak and stupid. The Canadians and Mexicans have stopped taking the threats seriously

In what profession is volatility and indecisiveness a good trait ?

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