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USA News and Poland - part 11

Barney  17 | 1684
3 hrs ago #181
Your point is partisan, based on conspiracy. The effect and point of these proposed measures is disenfranchisement.
If this is such a threat to US democracy then the US needs to sort out its admin but as said, if they do the whinging starts about big government. How small should government be?
Novichok  5 | 7715
3 hrs ago #182
I understand why you left PF for so long.

I sense your exhaustion and feel your pain.

As JR correctly observed, I don't shy away from a good argument. I actually like opposing views. But even arguments have rules we should observe. The problem here is that the idiots and leftist morons don't follow any debate rules. All debates with them end up with a cute BS, "no, it's not", or "you are... such and such" - your typical debate enders.

I can't debate that...just as I can't debate "You are a racist".

In my dreams, there would be four to six guys in the Chicago area to just bs once a week.

The effect and point of these proposed measures is disenfranchisement.

On my island, I would add "an informed citizen" test.

I had to submit to such test when I was applying for the US citizenship.

First question: Do you know what country you are in right now?

Yes, I know, it would be "racist".
cms neuf  1 | 1761
3 hrs ago #183
Yes, we have national ID cards, everyone has one and they are free.

So if the US introduced that it would stop all this nonsense. There are 10s of millions of US citizens that don't have any of the 3 documents you describe
Novichok  5 | 7715
1 hr ago #184
There are 10s of millions of US citizens that don't have any of the 3 documents you describe

A US citizen needs only one document to apply for a passport: his birth certificate.
Barney  17 | 1684
1 hr ago #185
if the US introduced that it would stop all this nonsense

But that would be big government and the concerned citizens refuse to say how small is small enough.
Novichok  5 | 7715
1 hr ago #186
But that would be big government

The government would actually shrink.

With US passports given to all US citizens, the Feds wouldn't have to spend time and money sniffing for illegal voters. The system would be self-enforcing.

My question to me is this: Hey, Novi, why are you wasting you precious time on Euro morons?

I have no fvcking idea...
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4890
1 hr ago #187
why are you wasting you precious time on Euro morons?

No, the question is why are Europeans wasting their time with Pol Am morons like you?
Novichok  5 | 7715
19 mins ago #188
I have a solution...A Euro-free PF zone. BB, Bobko, and Velund exempt.

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