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So you guys think there are a lot of sociopaths in Poland?

23 Jun 2018   #1
Ok, so I was training at this mma gym last week and I am not very good and pretty much can handle people my size and experience level but I ended up being paired, since it was a morning class with only four people, with this bearded dude who was just off the hook in terms of how he quickly switched his attitude realizing he can control me. first off he weighed quite a bit more. But secondly he was very shy at first and played it safe telling me lets go light on strikes before we even started sparring or rolling. However, after realizing my skill level and weight disadvantage he started to almost enjoy torturing me from the aide mount. he would lay on top with his whole weight on my face while I was not only tired and couldn't breathe but he would hit me from there and later I realized I had both a bruise below and above my eye. However, this is where it gets off the hook: he would not let up after I tapped. he just wanted to camp or stay in that side mount torturing me with his weight and strikes while i wasn't able to move or reverse him and would not reset or let me up after tapping. he asked the coach if he should let me up then only then after i asked like three times he let me up. I should have started yelling at him or shoved him or even punched him in the face for that kind of thing and the fact he did not respect the tap, but I was more dissapointed at the time at myself than anything else. so we went again and after a while the same thing happened and this time I resisted further and hoped he would try to get full mount but again he just enjoyed torturing me in that position from side with his weight on my face. i had to ask him like three times to get up and that I tapped. These people here in Poland are just off the hook. I would venture to say most are sociopaths enjoy hurting others nor do any of them have a sportsmanship (even if you try playing street sports here you will see how they are).

If I was a black guy from Ca, particularly a big black guy and an ex gang member or a gang member, I would. wait till hes turned as he finally let me upand break his jaw from behind (ive seen a black guy do this in a club in chico, ca to a white skinhead as he came from back when he and a black guy were confronted). But white people in California just stood by and let him walk away slowly lol without even saying anything or tell the bouncer or nothing. In this situation, not that one with the black guy, it seems it would have been warranted. but thats not me, im not that person.

Also, the women seem similar. just pure cold, unemphatic, unsympathetic, human beings. just straight cold faces, brush you off, what can i get from any situation, type of egoistical people. they will be rude etc. but if you act the same way back they will act like you committed a crime. they wont even shake your hand or say hi back most of the time but again if you treat them the same way.... also they expect you to pay for everything even the ones who make much more or cougars who only want to use you for sex. they still just stand there or say things like "how bout my burger/kebab/etc) expecting you to buy everything for them.

bottom line is Ive never seen anyone do that or act that way beside him in America and even Poland, although ive seen rude fuks in Poland at the boding classes acting worse than rocky Balboa (like one guy tried to keep joining in to spar when he had no partners and shoving me to side to which i moved him and said when were done you can join). its hard to describe these people though here lol.

Also, the women seem similar. just pure cold, unemphatic, unsympathetic, human beings. just straight cold faces, brush you off, what can i get from any situation, type of egoistical people. they will be rude etc. but if you act the same way back they will act like you committed a crime. they wont even shake your hand or say hi back most of the time but again if you treat them the same way.... also they expect you to pay for everything even the ones who make much more or cougars who only want to use you for sex. they still just stand there or say things like "how bout my burger/kebab/etc) expecting you to buy everything for them.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
23 Jun 2018   #2
he just wanted to camp or stay in thst side mount torturing me

Gosh I bet that hurt, did you wake up with a sore bottom the next morning
OP ggg
23 Jun 2018   #3
I meant bozing above. I mean it is totally off the hook. Its like I came out of a prison in usa into a prison in general society lol.

I am not talking about having do inant position and a side mount he literally was on top of my head where my. breath came from his shirt. while taking punches from the position and being too tired to do much (I know the techniques to get out not when im pooped though). either way, he should have reset or tried getting mount or. at least reset when I tapped no questions asked.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
23 Jun 2018   #4
literally was on top of my head where my. breath came

We call that a 69 where I come from, sounds as if you were lucky not to choke.
OP ggg
23 Jun 2018   #5

I was literally panicking and out of breath and this guy was enjoying himself on top from side while I struggled to move him. And I paid for that lol.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
23 Jun 2018   #6
Men wrestling is sick to begin with. You have to look outside of what is already a sick group.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2020   #7
So you guys think there are a lot of sociopaths in Poland?

Yes! I fully agree. But don`t worry - 99% of them are foreigners who come and soon leave. So, it is not so bad. Only 1% native sociopaths is still quite a good statistics.
Alien  26 | 6559
14 Feb 2023   #8
come and soon leave. So

But what if they like Poland and will stay forever?
Miloslaw  22 | 5231
14 Feb 2023   #9

You are as bad as Pawian for reviving dead threads.....
Alien  26 | 6559
15 Feb 2023   #10
We are forum doctors. Reviving that is our task.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2023   #11
Reviving that is our task.

Exactly. We are Reanimators!!

  • sl500.jpg
Miloslaw  22 | 5231
15 Feb 2023   #12
We are forum doctors. Reviving that is our task

Exactly. We are Reanimators!


No, you are both timewasters.
There are more important current affairs to discuss.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Feb 2023   #13
you are both timewasters. are the one,do what you do best selling used carpets door to door to put food on ya family table.
Remember your wife tells me everything.and checkout my new pic in her purse:))
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Feb 2023   #14
So you guys think there are a lot of sociopaths in Poland?
Is that a rhetorical question ?
Simple enough to answer........."Just look at every single native Polish member on this forum !"
So I would say there are MORE than a lot, maybe ALL except for Ziemowit.
Being a sociopath is a distinct Polish trait without any doubt about it.
I still like most of them though. :-)
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #15
I still like most of them though. :-)

E.g. me. You just love my sense of humour when I call you a useless azhole and dupek. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Feb 2023   #16
when I call you a useless azhole

Thank you for making my point with another of your unending. unprovoked nasty diminishing remarks.
A true trademark of a sociopath.
Keep it up and I will post your real name and see how much you love my sense of humor. ;-)
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #17
diminishing remarks.

Nope, they aren`t diminishing coz you can`t be diminished even further after so many years. You have simply reached the utter bottom of moral degradation - there is nothing below. Ha!!

A true trademark of a

Of an honest person - I tell the truth when I reveal what psycho dupek you are.

I will post your real name

And I will laugh my head off seeing you permanently banned. hahahaha buhahahahaha
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Feb 2023   #18
Keep it up and I will post your real name

Yeah and making such threats because of some quarrels on the internet isn't sociopathic at all lol
I doubt you know his real name though, so those are empty threats anyway :))
Bobko  27 | 2236
21 Feb 2023   #19
I doubt you know his real name though

I actually guessed Pawian's name by accident, one time. He swore me to secrecy.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #20
making such threats because of some quarrels

Yes, he is a true psycho intimidator and threatener. Most of those Am rightists display the nature of complete moral degenerates.. :):):)

I doubt you know his real name though

Who knows? I am quite popular and known in southern Poland...... :):):)

He swore me to secrecy.

Yes, and I know you won`t disclose it, like those Am gangsters, heirs to Al Capone`s dirty traditions.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Feb 2023   #21
I actually guessed Pawian's name by accident, one time.

Well, me too (I think), but I'm Polish... How on Earth did you do that?? :O

Who knows? I am quite popular and known in southern Poland...... :):):)

But johnny_reb isn't exactly an expert on Poland (any part of it, I think lol) ;D
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #22
How on Earth did you do that??

Coz he is a Russian agent who is preparing lists of antiRussian Poles to be sent to Siberian Gulag when Poland is occupied again. I am number 102 on List No 10 which includes names of unruly educators who reject Russian imperialism.
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Feb 2023   #23
Coz he is a Russian agent who is preparing lists of antiRussian Poles to be sent to Siberia when Poland is occupied again.

Well, he does creep me out, so who knows... 🤔👀

I am number 102 on List No 10

Oh, come on... 102?? You're being too modest... :) I think your number must be at least 30 :))) 👍
Alien  26 | 6559
21 Feb 2023   #24
I am quite popular and known in southern Poland...... :):):)

I didn't know you were so famous.......or are you just kidding?
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #25
Oh, come on... 102??

Yes! It is a historical number! Try to recall why.

he does creep me out,

Relax. You are not on any of his lists.

or are you just kidding?

I never kid when talking about my job. I thought you already know me such.
Alien  26 | 6559
21 Feb 2023   #26
historical number! Try to recall

"Rudy" was number 102.....?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Feb 2023   #27
Yeah and making such threats

Not threats, Love, consequences.
You like to blame others by pointing your finger all the time, even when you bang on about your Mommy issues.
It's never about Queen sociopath Paulina's faults is it.
Let's hear more about how Daddy beat your mother because she was like you and didn't know how to stfu.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #28
how Daddy beat your mother because she was like you and didn't know how to stfu

Yes, you are a true psycho. Both by Polish and American standards. Actually, by all decent people`s standards. Tfu!
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Feb 2023   #29
Yes! It is a historical number! Try to recall why.

Ah, OK.


Nah, I doubt l will ever get to that list - I'm neither famous nor dangerous ;D I'm also completely unimportant :)))

You like to blame others by pointing your finger all the time

You're talking about yourself here - always projecting :)))

Let's hear more about how Daddy beat your mother because she was like you and didn't know how to stfu.

Pawian is right, you're f*cked up.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #30
Pawian is right, you're f*cked up.

He`s a scum lowlife, not deserving to be called a human being. Tfu!

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