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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

espana  17 | 951
11 Dec 2023   #511
it is a expensive hobby
Alien  26 | 6527
8 Jan 2024   #512
Pain is the beginning of wisdom

No, it's more of a sign that we haven't taken enough painkillers.
jasonty  1 | 4
21 Apr 2024   #513
[Moved from]: Brits in and around Tarnow

I have moved to Malopolskie and wondering if there are any Brits/Scots living around Tarnow?
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Jul 2024   #514
Nothing new on this thread for half a year. Where is the connection with Poland?
johndean  - | 2
31 Aug 2024   #515

New to the Forum - Excited to Connect!

Hi everyone,

I'm John d, and I'm new to this forum. I've recently developed a strong interest in Polish culture, history, and language, and I'm excited to learn more and connect with others who share these interests. Whether it's discussing current events, Polish traditions, or tips on learning the language, I'm eager to participate and engage with this community.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and learning more about Poland!

Atch  22 | 4299
31 Aug 2024   #516
Hi John, witam :) A word of warning - this forum was set up by a member of the Polish-American community and is hosted in the USA. There aren't many Polish members here ie. people born in Poland who still live there but there are a few. The rest of us are a mixed bag ranging from those who've lived in Poland for many years to those who've never set foot in the place!

If you're interested in Polish culture, this is a good site in both English and Polish, with articles written by Polish contributors :)):

And if you want Polish news in English, this is a good one: notesfrompoland
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
31 Aug 2024   #517
I've recently developed a strong interest in Polish culture, history, and language

As any cultured, well-mannered and intelligent person is eventually bound to!

Welcome to the forum, John, good to have you with us. Hang around, enjoy the board, and should you have any questions regarding all things Polish, don't hesitate to ask me (others, as Atch mentioned, might not be well qualified to answer your enquiries).
johndean  - | 2
31 Aug 2024   #518
thank you all for your kind welcome messages.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Sep 2024   #519
ask me (others, as Atch mentioned, might not be well qualified to answer your enquiries).

Have you been promoted to Oberst Kania?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #520

See, John - that's what I was talking about - take Alien for example...

Have you been promoted to Oberst Kania?

... a guy who spent most of his life living in a country responsible for the greatest genocide on Poles in history. Spent his life working for that country, making it rich, and his descendants will be basically Germans (with distant Polish roots). Why did he do it? Well, wages were higher in Germany than in Poland, I suppose. Every now and than he makes preposterous statements like "Russians murdered Poles with greater zeal than Germans did" to cope with his life somehow. :)

So, the question is - when you are interested about something genuinely Polish and you want a purely Polish answer: will you ask Herr Alien? :)
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Sep 2024   #521
when you are interested about something genuinely Polish and you want a purely Polish answer:

Paulina or Pawian :)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #522
Paulina or Pawian :)

Sure, if you want a liberal, modernist, politically correct opinion. Typical of any current EU country really.

But I meant deeply and truly Polish, with a millenium of Polish wisdom behind, genuinely traditional, representing all Polish virtues and vices, as Polish as żurek, bigos, John Paul II and Lech Wałęsa. That rather narrows the choice, doesn't it? :)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Sep 2024   #523
A word of warning

Why didn't you mention that you are an Irish housewife?
Paulina  19 | 4556
2 Sep 2024   #524
@GefreiterKania, sure, that "narrows down" the choice to majority of Polish people lol It's incredible how arrogant and full of themselves you right-wingers and nationalists are. You don't have a monopoly on "Polishness" o_O Majority of us were raised on the same stuff - żurek, bigos, John Paul II and Lech Wałęsa, so I'm afraid you'll have to drop that ridiculous conviction that you're so terribly special :)))
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #525
Sure, if you want a liberal, modernist, politically correct opinion.

And if you want an illiberal, reactionary and weirdly 20s/30s opinion based on romance rather than logic, I'm sure he'll turn to you as quickly as Dmowski pulled his trousers down and bent over the altar for Dollfuss.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Sep 2024   #526
Sure, if you want a liberal, modernist, politically correct opinion.

Good point. The posts from these self-appointed experts consistently reveal an understanding of Poland as having nothing but a negative foundational story, which they believe can only be 'corrected' through political and societal upheaval. This shows they have been thoroughly influenced by communist dogma.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #527
these self-appointed experts

You've not lived in Europe, have you...
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #529
No, that's never been true.

It would be a mitigating factor if you could understand even basic Polish or if you'd lived outside your home town on the opposite side of the Atlantic to Poland but alas, you haven't...

Torq/Kania for all his Sarmatian dreaming does at least live in PL. Even some of those who weren't born in PL have lived here for almost twice as long as you've been alive.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Sep 2024   #530
meant deeply and truly Polish,

I actually take offense at that as I see your views no more Polish than theirs or mine.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #531
you're so terribly special

I am indeed.

The only genuinely Polish poster here.

Sure, there are some half-Poles, quarter-Poles, hardly Poles, Plastic Poles etc. etc. but if you want someone as Polish as it gets, Polish through and through, Poland personified and all that - you have to talk to me. :)

Dmowski pulled his trousers down and bent over the altar for Dollfuss

Aaah, you decided to switch to your 'son of a Brit' mode. There's a battle raging inside you, Jon, a noble son of Albion has to constantly battle against his dark side. Don't let the bad guy win.

I see your views no more Polish than theirs or mine.

You are, therefore, wrong (on top of being an emigrant). Ehhh... the burden of the only truly Polish poster on PF is a heavy one... but it is a burden that I carry with pride.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Sep 2024   #532
I know you are trying to have some fun and laugh here but it actually annoys me.
Well, enough said. See you in other threads :)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #533
I know you are trying to have some fun and laugh here

Aaaah, you know me so well!

it actually annoys me

I find it oddly satisfying to annoy people online. But don't be too annoyed. It's all in good fun.

See you in other threads :)

See ya :)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Sep 2024   #534
but alas, you haven't...

So sayeth the Berber camel jockey from Britain.

jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #535
Berber's are quite interesting people. I don't much like their pickled meat (if you'd ever lived in PL, you'd have probably encountered it across the border in Czech) however they're interesting people.

It's strange but nice when you hit that mark where you've lived in Poland not only longer than anywhere else but even for most of your life and longer than most people born there.

dark side. Don't let the bad guy win.

Yes. Ciemnogród, reaction and nationalism must always be defeated like a dragon to slay.

Fortunately they are of course always defeated in the end.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Sep 2024   #536
will you ask Herr Alien? :)

Always at your service, Alien will tell you the truth.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #537
Ciemnogród, reaction and nationalism (...) are of course always defeated in the end.

Quite the contrary, Joni. Your boss, Satan, has already lost. You are fighting a losing battle.

Alien will tell you the truth.

What? You are an old gypsy woman now? Cyganka prawdę ci powie... lol


Oh, and by the way...


... I do hope you meant 1720s/1730s. 1820s/30s were already after the anti-French revolution, when everything started going downhill, and I definitely want nothing to do with the vile bodies of the roaring 1920s. :)
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #538
Satan, has already lost. You are fighting a losing battle.

Yes, he's a reactionary conservative.

1720s/1730s. 1820s/30s were already after the anti-French revolution

You mean the pro-French revolution.

Date-wise? Maybe towers, troubadours, golden coins and whatever they slew back then. I'd have suggested Grendal however by the late medieval period he was as worn out and past-date as Jarosław Kaczyński's political vision.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #539
with a millenium of Polish wisdom behind

Including hundred years of oppression of women as well as the brutal colonisation of Eastern lands.

John Dean, if you are a conservative guy whose system of values accepts what I wrote above, then stick to conservative guys here. :):):)
Ironside  51 | 13083
2 Sep 2024   #540
Including hundred years of oppression of women

how many hundred years have you been oppressed as a woman?
What a freaky parrot you are,

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