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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jun 2023   #451
Pain is the beginning of wisdom.


If it was the case, Poles would be the wisest nation in the known universe. All the invasions, partitions, uprising, emigration waves, genocides, border shifts and so on; first Sanacja and their idiotic generals (Zwarci! Silni! Gotowi!), then the nazis, then the commies... and what do we get for all that in 2023? Kaczyński on one side and Tusk on the other.

Wisdom gained by pain my arse. :-/

But I forgive you your naivety because you're young like chives in spring. *rolls eyes*
Bobko  27 | 2081
2 Jun 2023   #452
I forgive you your naivety because you're young like chives in spring.

Hahaha! You are the average age of my friend circle. I noticed that after 30, age stopped mattering very much in my friend selection protocol. Of course, my girlfriend would say this is because I am as boring as rock.

Wisdom gained by pain my arse. :)

Are you not Catholic?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jun 2023   #453
I am as boring as rock.

You're anything but boring.

Are you not Catholic?

... a weak one. Miserere mei Domine quoniam infirmus sum, and all that. :-/
Bobko  27 | 2081
2 Jun 2023   #454
Miserere mei Domine quoniam infirmus sum

Sana me Domine et sanibor!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Jun 2023   #455
'Scuse me, but Jews unfortunately all too often rationalized their suffering. Poles aka gentiles surely suffered as much, if for different reasons! Either way, wallowing in self-pity ain't my thing, never was, never will be.
Alien  25 | 6399
6 Jun 2023   #456
Poles aka gentiles

I would like to be called Poles and not genitals....
Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Jun 2023   #457
Hope the latter was a typo, sir!
Alien  25 | 6399
16 Jun 2023   #458
was a typo, sir!

By no means, it was just my first association, sir.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Jun 2023   #459
I would like to be called Poles and not genitals....

I thought you were a Germ ?
Alien  25 | 6399
16 Jun 2023   #460
you were a Germ ?

I became German shortly after arriving, but I never stopped being Polish.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Jun 2023   #461
How old were you when you arrived and became an ex-pat to Germany ?
amiga500  5 | 1492
16 Jun 2023   #462
but I never stopped being Polish.

Rubbish anyone who supports Tusk hates Poland and is all in on deutchland uber alles
Paulina  19 | 4464
16 Jun 2023   #463
@amiga500, you must be intellectually impaired if you honestly believe that :)))
Alien  25 | 6399
16 Jun 2023   #464
How old were you


anyone who supports Tusk hates Poland

Tusk evokes positive emotions that, for example, Mr. Kaczyński does not.
amiga500  5 | 1492
16 Jun 2023   #465
Tusk evokes positive emotions

Of course he does, because you are german gutmenschen culture now! i don't blame you i am australian culture. But we're talking about Poland. no migrants, no abortion (per the study that was done by lefties/tokfm.) not to mention tusks insatiable lust for power, ever wonder why kwasniewski wasin't invited into the EU elite after his presidency? because he supported the orange revolution in ukraine in 2004. Tusk saw that and his rule depended on following the whims of germany!
Alien  25 | 6399
16 Jun 2023   #466
[I think that if I lived in Poland, I would also support him, or at least his pro-European line. Living in Australia, you lost contact with Poland even more than I did. quote=amiga500]because you are german gutmenschen culture now![/quote]
mafketis  38 | 11149
16 Jun 2023   #467
talking about Poland. no migrants, no abortion

tell me you know nothing about modern Poland without telling me you know nothing of modern Poland....

my work has me around young Polish people all the time and none of them can stand PiS....
johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Jun 2023   #468
my work has me around young Polish people all the time and none of them can stand PiS..

Wait until they start paying taxes and their tune will change.
cms neuf  2 | 1848
16 Jun 2023   #469
Why ? I pay taxes and PiS put them up by a huge amount since 2022 to pay for handouts and kielbasa. They took an OK tax system and made it very punitive for hard workers and successful businesses
jon357  72 | 23483
16 Jun 2023   #470
Why ? I pay taxes and PiS put them up by a huge amount since 2022


It has helped to keep a lid on inflation though, which could be a lot worse than it is now.


I've always liked him; one of the better figures in Polish political life. A huge problem is that there are so few decent ones now. Tusk has his pluses and minuses, PiS have done or three two good things in their time in office and some damage too, and there's no unified opposition, despite the term 'total opposition' being bandied around by PiS.
Alien  25 | 6399
17 Jun 2023   #471
one of the better figures in Polish political life

He's a post-communist. What do you value him for?
jon357  72 | 23483
17 Jun 2023   #472
He's a post-communist

Isn't everyone of his generation? Isn't Poland?

Kaczynski was very much of that time too and is frankly far more of a post-communist than Mr Tusk or most other figures in political life.
mafketis  38 | 11149
17 Jun 2023   #473
Kaczynski --- frankly far more of a post-communist than Mr Tusk

Unlike Tusk, Kaczyński speaks no foreign languages (that I know of) and has never spent a significant time outside of Poland and his whole frame of reference was built by the PRL (which is why so much of PiS 'reforms' end up copying/re-creating PRL type structures).
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Jun 2023   #474
What percentage of American leaders are fluent in at least one foreign language? Spanish isn't foreign in the USA.
Lenka  5 | 3530
20 Jun 2023   #475
Even if we accept your statement as correct it still makes them bilingual. Kaczyński is not.
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Jun 2023   #476
What percentage of American leaders are fluent in at least one foreign language

I'd hope that most of them are since all except trumpet and bush 2 are well educated.
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Jun 2023   #477
Is not his job to be.
Lenka  5 | 3530
20 Jun 2023   #478
No, it is not. But if you add that he never lived abroad , doesn't seem to even go on holiday to different countries etc. It may give him very closed perspective.

And knowing foreign languageswas always a big part of being properly educated in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Jun 2023   #479
And pretty well everywhere though (I did two at a rough 80s comp in England). I've never never understood why so many Yanks are monolingual.

No, it is not. But if you add that he never lived abroad , doesn't seem to even go on holiday to different countries etc

People criticised Marek Bella for that however he was good at his job. With Jaro, he talks about vision for the future but as you say has a very limited perspective. I suspect he gets off on being a big fish in a small pond.
Ironside  50 | 12946
22 Jun 2023   #480
He might know russian or Latin, I don't know. I am,pointing out that in Poland ability to speak foreign language is strengly obsessed over. Particularly when we talk about politicians.

I would say that is another way of dissing these politicians one doesn't like in seemingly objective and cultural way ,even if it anything but..

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