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Moderators! What is the deal with "gender" on PF appl. forms? The category should be "sex"

Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jun 2024   #61
It makes perfect sense...But for my posts, the reactive types would not have fun posting and being proud of how their post count is going up...That feeling of contribution and participation...

Especially faggots with their "No, it isn't". A Pulitzer material...

I spend time and effort to move that needle...Some faggot says three words and gets the same reward. How sick is that...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jun 2024   #62
.Some faggot says three words and gets the same reward.

That is because Liberals can not debate the facts and just say, 'No it isn't" and disappear.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jun 2024   #63
What the faggot does is beyond "liberal". A shameless moron is more like it...
The other extreme is just as bad...

I often read Lyzko's crap twice and still can't find anything I can respond to...

Home / Off-Topic / Moderators! What is the deal with "gender" on PF appl. forms? The category should be "sex"

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