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Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply

wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #1
Moderators on Polish Forum are breaking the rules of communication and structural laws of forum management that apply on internet. If the owner or administrator turns blind eye to it or even encourages it the they are also responsible and will be held liable in the eys of the law. In Poland we have bad, disorganised legal structure, especially under current December 13, 2023 government, but despite such a lousy government and its law breaking activities we still have tools to bring law breakers to justice, even if they are lefty moderators and lefty administrators. Lefties will face justice sooner than they think, so I suggest to moderators to stop this.
Torq  8 | 957
7 Jul 2024   #2
^^ reported for crying and moaning like a b*tch
OP wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #3
Torq is a troll, he did not refer to the thread's topic. Torq is a leftist supporter and hates to be told the truth, go Kaczynski Torq hates when I write that, go Kaczynski, Torq hates the fact that PiS is still the number one party in Poland , go right wing, Torq hates that Konfederacja and other PiS and other right wing parties are growing , so it pisses him off , Torq also knows that right wing supporters would kick his skinny leftist buttt - figure of speech , God forbid for real, come on, I would never
OP wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #4
Scared to comment here butttlickers ?
Torq  8 | 957
7 Jul 2024   #5
Torq is a leftist supporter

Hey, don't call me leftist. I vote PSL (centrist) but I'm a more conservative right-wing PSL (think Sawicki rather than Kosiniak-Kamysz).
jon357  72 | 22980
7 Jul 2024   #6
reported for crying and moaning like a b*tch

I can't figure out what he's on about.

Especially when he mentions "lefties"? If anything the forum is infested by righturds.

Is he objecting to seeing things he disagrees with? What a snowflake...

And I've no idea what this means: "structural laws of forum management that apply on internet".
Torq  8 | 957
7 Jul 2024   #7

We do have some leftards here, that's true. But, as you noticed, the majority of users would seem to be decent right-wing gentlemen.

what he's on about

Politically he seems more or less OK (apart from his hatred of our German friends and allies) but he has to work on his human interaction skills hahaha xD
OP wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #8
And I've no idea what this means: "structural laws of forum management that apply on internet".
@ jon357

I would stop at "I've no idea" if I were you. Lefties are you , you are the leftie the opposite of rightie , whats not to get abt it? You don't know what it means? Then read about it here :
jon357  72 | 22980
7 Jul 2024   #9
Those are Polish laws. The forum isn't based there.
OP wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #10
Those are Polish laws. The forum isn't based there.
@ jon357

Really? Polish? I thought we are in a faking big star EU, arent we? These are EU laws, better now? Now you are going to follow, since you regard Polish laws as worth as much as dog **** and you respect EU more?
jon357  72 | 22980
7 Jul 2024   #11
Really? Polish?

Yes,since Poland is a full member of the EU. The forum however is not based there, and governments have too much to do than waste time and money on trivia. The Polish government is not currently a bunch of cranks from the PiSflaps party wailing about Teletubbies.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jul 2024   #12
^^ reported for crying and moaning like a b*tch

pawian  219 | 24792
7 Jul 2024   #13
Moderators on Polish Forum are breaking the rules of communication and structural laws of forum management

How exactly???? High time you told us what bothers you here.

Torq is a Torq is a Torq hates Torq also knows

Torq is your obsession!!!!
Feniks  1 | 527
7 Jul 2024   #14
the majority of users would seem to be decent right-wing gentlemen.

You have a great sense of humour!

reported for crying and moaning like a b*tch

I have no idea what this thread's supposed to be about.

I think the OP is just another of PF's fruit n' nutcases
pawian  219 | 24792
7 Jul 2024   #15
You have a great sense of humour!

Yes! Torq cracked a joke! They are decent but certainly not gentlemen. Or vice versa.....

fruit n' nutcases

Exactly! Our forum attracts nuts and bananas.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
7 Jul 2024   #16

Calm down mate, you are losing it!

Those are Polish laws. The forum isn't based there.

Exactly @wslipach you need to pay closer attention to detail, this an American based forum...... and I advise you as I am a right winger, albeit a fair and even handed one.
Bobko  27 | 2167
8 Jul 2024   #17
Moderators on Polish Forum are breaking the rules of communication and structural laws of forum management

Have you met Johnny Reb? You two could be a real force for change in this forum.

For years, he was a lone voice crying out in the wilderness against all the injustices of this forum. Together - your voice may have a better chance of being heard!
jon357  72 | 22980
8 Jul 2024   #18
Together - your voice may have a better chance of being heard!

There's enough of them here who probably hear voices so best not add t9 that...
Lyzko  41 | 9563
8 Jul 2024   #19
@wslipach, you really ought to proofread your English before you post! The first line of
your thread intro. reveals several egregious errors both in grammar as well as meaning.
Not sure I understand what you're trying to say.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
8 Jul 2024   #20
Especially when he mentions "lefties"? If anything the forum is infested by righturds.

You are wrong here Jon, there are as many lefturds on here as righturds.
TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Jul 2024   #21
Together - your voice may have a better chance of being heard!

They could jammer and moan in stereo. Imagine that. How awful.
jon357  72 | 22980
9 Jul 2024   #22
jammer and moan in stereo

One in each ear. I'd buy earplugs.
OP wslipach  8 | 97
9 Jul 2024   #23
Not sure I understand what you're trying to say.
@ Lyzko

My long lost grandpa telling me about my dementia, its like Biden telling Trump to watch the step. When I read your English poetry here I often get erection. If I was a woman I would find you irresistable , I actually do find you super hot , please more word like "egregious" and my balls start to itch with excitement.

Moderators! Because you are not asssholes and I like you a lot I will tell you this: your employment may be in danger if you continue to suspend forum members without even pointing out where alledged forum violation took place. You can not demand, as you do, that anyone corrects their behaviour if you don't point out what behaviour you are referring to.
Atch  21 | 4149
9 Jul 2024   #24
EU laws don't apply to chat forums based in the USA.
OP wslipach  8 | 97
9 Jul 2024   #25
EU laws don't apply to chat forums based in the USA.
@ Atch

You mean member and customer rights don't apply to chat forums based in USA? How do you know this forum was set up there? They told you so? I suspected from the start that this forum chat was set up by some American or American Jew with some Polish background, but that does not change a fact that rules ought to be followed by owners and moderators in relation to members of this forum.

Need I remind you mods that without members you have no job? And without a job you can't buy new computer gadgets to play with - tragedy. Moderating and admin jobs are voluntary and pay nothing.
Lenka  5 | 3484
9 Jul 2024   #26
Need I remind you mods that without members you have no job?

Mods are volunteers here.
Atch  21 | 4149
9 Jul 2024   #27
How do you know this forum was set up there? They told you so? I

Yes. On the contact page:
PO Box 101
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946
9 Jul 2024   #28
It doesnt matter where the forum is located as a business or where the server is hosted. It matters where the potential perpetrator is located and where the alleged victim is located. Disclosure of identifying information without permission is a crime and/or civil action matter that can result in big damages and/or prosecution. The venue for any legal action is the location of the alleged defendant. So, if the defendant is in the EU they are subject to their country and EU laws. It is the physical location of the person, not a business or piece of equipment that determines anything.
pawian  219 | 24792
9 Jul 2024   #29
It matters where the potential perpetrator is located and where the alleged victim is located.

Yes, but now you are talking about hostilities between members while the OP tried to threaten the owner(s) of the forum for the alleged breach of his/her "freedom of speech. "
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jul 2024   #30
It doesnt matter where the forum is located as a business or where the server is hosted.

It does if the government can shut down websites it does not like.
The rest of your post is legally spot on and that's why I like spreading my hate from here where hate speech is protected by the First Amendment.

Memo to woke idiots: Hate speech is not "violence". It is violence to ball-less pussies and LGBT weirdos.

Home / Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply

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