The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
8 Feb 2025   #91
Are you that much of a slug? It expired before I found out about its existence. Are you sure it exists? And how often do you use it?
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2025   #92
Are you that much of a slug?

Yes, I slug out in the forum every day to give you proper education on Polish matters.
Why No 1 ???? Because I fekking care for/about Poland.
Why No 2 ?????
W imię zasad, skurwysynu!!!! hahahaha buhahaha
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
8 Feb 2025   #93
Why No 1 ???? Because I fekking care for/about Poland.
Why No 2 ?????

Yeah, right, by designating Poland as an antisemitic, racist country and embracing Muslim hordes just waiting for a chance to cross the Polish border.
As for reason # 2 W imię zasad dobrego wychowania I szacunku dla pamięci twojej matki, skurwysyna jej oszczędzę
Ironside  51 | 13083
9 Feb 2025   #94
but I certainly prefer them to you.

Do you think you are some royalty everybody wants to meet you? I'm glad that you know to keep your distance. I'm only surprised why would you meet with Ptak you abused him so much and Bobko you call him Russian imperialist and talk a lot of nonsense about his grandpa. Are you sure it would be safe for you to meet him? lol!
I don't care I was intrigued by your choice, is that because you talk out of your ass again or are u that dumb. That's all.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Feb 2025   #95
Do you think you are some royalty everybody wants to meet you?

The only ppl that would meet him are the ones that want to beat him up.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
9 Feb 2025   #96
Are you sure it would be safe for you to meet him? lol

Góra z góra sie nie zejdzie, czlowiek z czowiekim zawsze.I refuse to provide such guaranty
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Feb 2025   #97
why would you meet with Ptak and Bobko

I have nothing against meeting them coz I see the potential for education in them. They seem to have retained some remnants of inteligence and decency which are in a sort of coma and need awakening. I can do it personally when I look deeply into their eyes and speak words of truth and wisdom.

it would be safe for you to meet him

Why not???? In case it won`t be, do`t worry. I am flexible and always prepared for changeable conditions. :):):)

For the meeting with you I will need to take my machette cos it is obvious you will instantly assault me - we all know your violent murderous character.

the ones that want to beat him up.

Yes, since the very day I registered here. For 17 years some maniacal members have been dreaming of beating me up but nobody ever succeeded. What is wrong with you, people???? Can`t you deal with one ape???? hahahaha

czlowiek z czowiekim zawsze.

How about poultry and ape????

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