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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Introducing: The Hug-A-Pole-Day!

MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #1
Well, in order to make "our" Poles feel appreciated and part of the family, I think it's time to introduce a special day, dedicated only to them!

I propose the 14th of August as annual hug-a-Pole-day. On that day, everybody from the UK, IRE, NL, DE, BE, NO, US grabs their friendly neighbourhood Pole and gives him/her a big hug! (no kissing allowed, though!)

For all men with dirty plans: there will be NO groping and kissing your friendly and gorgeous female neighbourhood Pole! Anyone caught trying to commit such an act of disgust, will be reported and faces jailtime from at least 6 months up to 6 years in case of recidivism.

What'd you say? Good idea? I think it would work in favour of integration of all those fine Polish ppl we have sitting around here :)


M-G (full of ideas)
szarlotka  8 | 2205
30 Jul 2010   #2
full of ideas

And what a good one this is. Perhaps we can nominate exactly which Pole our fellow inmates have to hug.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #3
Perhaps we can nominate exactly which Pole our fellow inmates have to hug

How much time are you doing, Charlotte? And how long is there left? There is sth to say for your suggestion: maybe nominate Poles who have contributed to society?


M-G (more!)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
30 Jul 2010   #4
Poles feel appreciated and part of the family, I think it's time to introduce a special day, dedicated only to them!

I have a few Poles who I would like to nominate for Golden PF Doorknobs, but that would be a different thread all together.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #5
I have a few Poles who I would like to nominate for Golden PF Doorknobs

This is only for friendly Poles. For nasty Poles we introduce in due time the Kick-a-Pole day, probably on the 13th of August :)


M-G (more! more! more!)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
30 Jul 2010   #6
For nasty Poles we introduce in due time the Kick-a-Pole day

I will wait then, thank you. Make it for non- Poles too since I got a few nominations as well.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
30 Jul 2010   #7
How much time are you doing, Charlotte? And how long is there left

Are you asking me about my period of internment at her Majesty's pleasure or my marriage?

PS I hug my Pole every day - usually during visiting hours.

On the 14th August I would like to hug Pani A. Pan M may not be amused. Even platonic gestures are frowned upon.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #8
I will wait then, thank you. Make it for non- Poles too since I got a few nominations as well.

Ah well, I'm in a good mood today, the 15th and 16th of August will be kick-a-non-Pole day and hug-a-non-Pole day, respectively.

Are you asking me about my period of internment at her Majesty's pleasure or my marriage?

Which do you consider worse? That's the one :)

On the 14th August I would like to hug Pani A. Pan M may not be amused. Even platonic gestures are frowned upon.

For occasions like this there is the kick-a-Pole day on the 13th of August.


M-G (more!)
pgtx  29 | 3094
30 Jul 2010   #9
What'd you say? Good idea?

yes, give me a hug, huggy bear... ;)
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #10
Ok :)


M-G (gives pgtx a great big hug)
pgtx  29 | 3094
30 Jul 2010   #11
awww.... :D

bear hug
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #12
*now where can I get a brown huggy bear suit from at this time of day?*



M-G (and be sure to put on your light-blue dress too!)
pgtx  29 | 3094
30 Jul 2010   #13
(and be sure to put on your light-blue dress too!)

...and i'm going to dye my hair dark right now... ;)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
30 Jul 2010   #14
For all men with dirty plans: there will be NO groping and kissing your friendly and gorgeous female neighbourhood Pole!

Suits me, I'd rather hug an English woman with a decent figure instead of a skinny Polish woman anyway, if that's OK with you :)

For occasions like this there is the kick-a-Pole day on the 13th of August.

It's "Kick-a-Pole Day" every day on PF lol :D
pgtx  29 | 3094
30 Jul 2010   #15
whatever floats your boat... enjoy ;)
A J  4 | 1075
30 Jul 2010   #16
I've been to every job agency in the whole region today, and eventhough we're surrounded by thousands of farms here in North-Holland, they don't have any agricultural work for me. In fact, they don't have any work for me. One woman called me back though, and she seemed to have a job for me at first, but when she heard I was twenty nine she said I was too expensive.

I can drive through all of North-Holland, and see Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian people working in the fields everywhere, (I can read all the license plates on the cars which are parked next to the fields just fine!) but when I call them, they will tell me they don't have any work for me.

I'm going to hug a Pole alright, and try to steal his wallet.

OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
30 Jul 2010   #17
thousands of farms

No, no, no, no, NO! We are NOT going to do a "Hug-the-agricultural-Pole" day! What's next? The "hug-the-Pole-that-works-in-the-automotive-industries" day?



M-G (no!)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
30 Jul 2010   #18
What's next? The "hug-the-Pole-that-works-in-the-automotive-industries" day?

In AJ's case, Hug-a-Polish-Wiocha-day, obviously :)
31 Jul 2010   #19
The Hug-A-Pole-Day!

What a great idea!

I just can't wait to do tenderly this:


OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
31 Jul 2010   #20
Hm, do they write poles with a capital P in Poland? :)

See, I can not only write things about Jews :)


M-G (can I have my beer now?)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
31 Jul 2010   #21
whatever floats your boat... enjoy ;)

Yeah, but you did say you're not exactly anorexic, so you could have been in with a chance if you lived over here lol :D
ShawnH  8 | 1488
31 Jul 2010   #22
everybody from the UK, IRE, NL, DE, BE, NO, US

Discriminating against Canadians I see. See if we liberate your little flat land below sea level ever again.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
31 Jul 2010   #23
I was planning to put a vid up here from Monthy Python: Kick the Canadian. Look it up, it's hilarious :)


M-G (yeah!)
Wroclaw Boy
31 Jul 2010   #24
Suggesting the flick MG on the head day, might clonck some sense into him. It may actually inspire him to create a decent thread regarding Poland.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
31 Jul 2010   #25
Since you have problems writing your own native language, I assume you have problems reading it too. But don't bother, I won't respond to you after this one post. You're really obsessed with me as everybody can see. And you were from the start, always causing trouble.

I remember getting a PM from you saying that I must be the devil (and you really seemed to believe that) as I had reached post #666. Lol. For everybody else reading this, this is a true story, I am not kidding; he actually sent me a PM like that some 2 years ago.

Oh, and another thing: in one previous post you stated that I copied you. You are not smart enough for me to copy you. Period.

Btw: you're copying me here. And if you don't get it, don't react.

Now go and don't react to any of my posts anymore. You're just annoying most ppl here.


M-G (hush hush)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
31 Jul 2010   #26
I remember getting a PM from you saying that I must be the devil (and you really seemed to believe that) as I had reached post #666. Lol. For everybody else reading this, this is a true story, I am not kidding; he actually sent me a PM like that some 2 years ago.

I believe it. I keep one of WB PM for the keepsake. It seems like he was engaging in stalking many people on PF.

I am just surprised that ADM is keeping him, I guess they need the cash. Oh, well.
Wroclaw Boy
31 Jul 2010   #27
I remember getting a PM from you saying that I must be the devil (and you really seemed to believe that) as I had reached post #666. Lol

When you and i first started chatting you claimed to be the devil you nutter, i merely followed up with that PM when you hit post 666 as a joke.

Come on now MG dont get your knickers in a twist.

Why do all Dutch guys react the same? You said this, i said that, i remember when, change the fcuking record, youre so predictable. and you did copy me.

I believe it. I keep one of WB PM for the keepsake. It seems like he was engaging in stalking many people on PF.

Is that the one in reaction to your comment on my goodbye thread? Youre a sneaky rat Aphro or should i say Miranda.

Youre also a jump on the band wagon specialist, always ready to kick some one when their down. As i said before stop talking to Amathyst and be your own person, youre too good for her.

When you were Miranda you were a top gal.
Stu  12 | 515
31 Jul 2010   #28
Why do all Dutch guys react the same?

Would you please stop generalizing? Tell me when I ever reacted that way to you?
Wroclaw Boy
31 Jul 2010   #29
You didnt, but from what i know on here all three of the others are the same. They always say the same natured things.

Generalisations are wrong i know that, just fighting fire with fire.
Stu  12 | 515
31 Jul 2010   #30
all three of the others are the same

From what I know, there are more Dutch guys over here. Don't assume things ... you know what they say about "assume" ... it makes an ass of u and me ... .

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