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God and Religion Talk

Novichok  4 | 9051
25 Jan 2025   #211
Ok, so your legal standards are pretty high.

No. They are very normal and practiced here every day.

If you keep asking for evidence and proof,

You are lying. I never did any such thing after "I believe that God exists"

After "God exists" I only suggested that proof of his existence would make the claimant credible... I don't give a fvck if he takes my advice or not.
Tlum  12 | 309
25 Jan 2025   #212
I only suggested that proof of his existence would make the claimant credible

But what you suggested makes no sense because it's impossible to prove or refute God's existence. It has nothing to do with credibility. If you ask for the impossible, your question would've been dismissed in a court of law.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
25 Jan 2025   #213
Oh lord, Novi just lost another debate.
Good job Tlum ;-)
Alien  25 | 6415
25 Jan 2025   #214
Novi just lost another debate.

He's been losing every debate lately.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
25 Jan 2025   #215
Are you suggesting a preference for loneliness, a life of self-hate, and unhappiness as a preferred form of existence? Even reruns of Roadrunner enjoyed greater viewership than dying CNN.
Tlum  12 | 309
25 Jan 2025   #216
I see it as a learning experience. I respect Novi for his opinions and I learned from him too; he writes what he believes and that's fine with me even if we don't agree on most points, especially religion.
Novichok  4 | 9051
25 Jan 2025   #217
But what you suggested makes no sense because it's impossible to prove or refute God's existence

Then don't claim what cannot be proven. In this case that God exists. You are free to believe anything you want. Just don't tell me about it in a public forum or anywhere else and expect to be left alone.

There is no point to it. Let me explain...

If you a talking to a believer, he already agrees with you so why bother...

If you are talking to an atheist like me, you are wasting your time because I will never agree with you without compelling evidence.

If you are talking to a fence sitter, you may have a chance...In my opinion, such people are rare.

As I already said...I support religion in our culture, schools, and in government. I raised our kids as Catholics because I know that religion is good for humans.

I only object to the claims that are in conflict with the physical world. Like the miracles or immaculate conception, for example.

I don't need miracles to know that I should not inflict pain on another human being who does not intend to harm me. Even animals that never went to church follow this rule and bite only when threatened.

Are we OK now?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
26 Jan 2025   #218
Just don't tell me about it in a public forum or anywhere else and expect to be left alone.

Maybe you should stay out of this thread if it is so upsetting to you, oh wait, that has already been suggested to you ten times now.
Anybody ever smack you in the chops and tell you to go back where you came from if ya didn't like it ?

I will never agree with you without compelling evidence.

So....nobody cares if you agree or not.
You really think that you are somebody special don't you

I only object to the claims that are in conflict with the physical world.

This thread is of the spiritual world and not the physical world so that is why you get confused and have these I I I Me Me Me meltdowns'.

don't tell me - Let me - like me - I will never agree - In my opinion - As I already said..- I support religion - I raised our kids - I know that religion is good - I only object to to - I don't need miracles - I should not inflict pain

All those I me me's are in the post above.
And what is even worse you have already told us how you feel about every subject here twenty times now with your rinse and repeats.
YES RICH, WE KNOW, you love Russia, you hate anyone that disagrees with you, you hate anyone that does not think like you, you hate Illegals, you hate women, you hate Poland, you hate trannies, you hate people of color, you hate yourself, you hate to hate.
Its getting old buddy.
It doesn't cost anything to be nice, give it a try.
Novichok  4 | 9051
26 Jan 2025   #219
This video is about the glory of God...

Tlum  12 | 309
26 Jan 2025   #220
Then don't claim what cannot be proven.

If you apply the same rule to your own posts, you'd have to retract 90% of them because you are unable to prove them. The only ones you might be able to prove are your personal experiences that you have kept a record of (at least a photograph, a government document, or a video; a family witness statement would not apply as you said).

When you write that immigrants are "scums" then I can personally find a few immigrants who are not scum = your statement is a lie. When you say that Biden is a fraud, you cannot prove this statement either. When you say that black people are criminals, I'll give you a dozen who have cleaner criminal record than yourself. We can move on to your each claim and refutate it one by one. This would be a conversation from hell and a sane person would not engage in it.

So the next time you are about to post something, it would be nice if you Preview the message first to determine if you can prove what you're about to post. If not, perhaps it's better to cancel it. Unless you want to become an adult and stop the silly questions to prove something that should be obvious even to a low-IQ teenager.
Novichok  4 | 9051
26 Jan 2025   #221
When you write that immigrants are "scums"

You are a disgusting liar. I never said that immigrants are "scum".

I post quotes in bold and my opinions before or after. Neither requires proof.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
27 Jan 2025   #222
Novi Motor Mouth insists on trashing another thread by going Off - Topic
Novichok  4 | 9051
27 Jan 2025   #223
I am keeping it on life support...

But as soon as your group is back...I am out.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
27 Jan 2025   #224
I am keeping it on life support...

You do no such thing, you just like to hear yourself talk.
I me I me I me - I know - I did - I am - I was - I me I me me

But as soon as your group is back...I am out.

You've never been in.
All you do is rattle because you are bi polar and your brain can't shut down if it wanted to.
Thats why you are here 18 hours a day like going to work at a job.
You have been told you are not invited in this thread, to stay out of this thread, get lost, go away and you still barge in like, "Here I am you lucky people !"
"Like it or not !"
Why you don't go get some professional help and get on some anti depressant and anti anxiety meds shows how sick you really are.
You must be living in a real hell not having any friends or social life.
Have you ever wondered why ?
I've known a lot of stubborn Pollacks but you take the cake.
Novichok  4 | 9051
27 Jan 2025   #225
You've never been in.

If I haven't been in this thread then what the fvck are complaining about?

When is your group coming back?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
27 Jan 2025   #226
If I haven't been in this thread

Figuratively stupid.

When is your group coming back?

I didn't know that I had a group.
Is that something else that you have created for your convenience ?
Tell us more about "my group."
At any rate don't fret over it and just tune.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
29 Jan 2025   #227
There are many gods so I can be one of them..

Some of the biggest cases of mistaken identity are among intellectuals who have trouble remembering that they are not God.

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