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God and Religion Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #151
I never told you can't post about your Faith.

Excuse me !
What's in your head is yours. Keep it that way - private and secret

I can't make it any simpler.

At this time Father I would ask in Your precious name that You may soften Novi's hateful heart before he dies a lonesome old man. Amen
pawian  226 | 27583
24 Jan 2025   #152
"Is God Anti-Gay ?

First of all, why this question to start a debate about Goddess??? Is Gayism such a crucial matter to you?

Ephesians 4:14-15

Secondly, why are you using texts which are not based on real Gospel, by a man who wasn`t a true disciple of Jesus aka one of 12 Apostles???
Paul`s text is his own private interpretation which doesn`t have any impact on us. You could easily use another text by a contemporary preacher, e.,g Martin Luther King and the effect would be the same.
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #153
Then why to you judge Trump and diminish him as sinner ?

An odd question. He is a public figure and therefore open to criticism. Nobody 'diminishes' the rapist, however millions call him out.

Sin is an immoral act considered to be a transgression

Morality is subjective, and religious texts are not inerrant.

Sin is not always about morality.

Here's a question. Can sex between a wife and husband be sinful?
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #154
Excuse me...Is this:

Keep it that way - private and secret - and nobody will say that you are wrong.

...the same as this?

"Keep it that way - private and secret..."


Can sex between a wife and husband be sinful?

Yes! If the husband fvcked an azfvcker with AIDS and then gave AIDS to his unsuspecting wife.

On my island, she would have every right to shoot him dead. No trial. Just pull the trigger when he is asleep. Done.

Also...A man who pretends he is a woman and competes with women in women's swimming...Immediate castration so he won't have to pretend. Now he is a woman.
pawian  226 | 27583
24 Jan 2025   #155
No trial.

Be careful coz your own wife might accuse you of various misdemeanors and she will shoot you without a trial.
She knows under which pillows you keep your guns. Ha!!
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #156
the husband fvcked

Remind us about your younger daughter's path to becoming a 'dancer' in a topless bar...
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #157
At this time Father I would ask in Your precious name ... remind JR that this is a public forum where all can comment subject to the Federal and State laws and the forum rules.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #158
Is Gayism such a crucial matter to you?

Not crucial, just replying what scripture has to say about it.

a man who wasn`t a true disciple of Jesus

We have already debated this six times now.
While Paul may not have been one of the twelve he definitely was a disciple of Jesus Christ and was also an apostle.
Paul was also a missionary who spread Jesus's teachings.
Did ya get it that time my friend.
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #159
A gay man is never a problem if he marries a woman, has 2.5 kids with her, and makes importing foreign garbage unnecessary to keep the tribe headcount where it should be.

Then I don't care if he is gay or miserable.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #160
He is a public figure and therefore open to criticism.

So since Trump is a public figure he can be judged but since you are not a public figure, you shouldn't be judged ? That's odd
Morality is subjective,

You keep repeating that however it is not subjective in Christianity.
Sin is not always about morality.

I couldn't agree more
Here's a question. Can sex between a wife and husband be sinful?

If you use sex to shame your spouse or if you selfishly demand sex or if you withhold sex as a punishment.
What is your opinion on the matter, jon357 ?
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #161
scripture has to say

It has a lot to say about many things, and a great deal of smiting, incest, infanticide and talking donkeys.

The obsession that Protestant evangelicals have is about them, not faith. It goes with a general reactionary mindset that they'd have regardless of whether they're religious or not
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #162
That's an odd way of looking at it.
Being you don't believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and died for our sins so we could inherit the Kingdom of heaven it makes perfect sense why you are so confused about Christianity.
And what denomination do you call yourself jon357 ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #163
Excuse me...

No, there is no excuse for you besides you being bi-polar and can't shut up or stay on - topic
Then I don't care if he is gay or miserable.

Nobody cares what you think Mr. I I I I Me Me Me Me I I I - la t doe
PLEEEEZ get the hell out of this thread you ass hole.
You are unwanted here, really, buzz off
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #164
You are unwanted here, really, buzz off

This thread is not a private JR's church. Want to preach? Get ready for comments.
Jesus Christ is the son of God

No. Jesus was the son of a man and a woman.

She had an intercourse with the man and nine months later delivered a very happy and healthy baby who later became a preacher - no better or worse than MLK.

Both have federal holidays.
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #165
That's an odd way of looking at it.

It's the mainstream Christian viewpoint shared by most of the world's believers.
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #166
Christian viewpoint shared by most of the world's believers.

The most ridiculous thing is that we debate their viewpoints and beliefs with the seriousness greater that what Greek myths and Flat Earth societies deserve.

They just can't accept that there are as many Gods as there are people. Each one of can have his own God or be one himself.

I, for one, created Pluto. I was planning to do Saturn but somebody beat me to it.

Was it you?
pawian  226 | 27583
24 Jan 2025   #167
Not crucial, just replying what scripture has to say about it

Yes, but you made it the OP post for your thread, which means it plays a matter to you coz there are hundreds of topics which are equally controversial for christians.

he definitely was a disciple of Jesus Christ .

Anybody who believes in and follows Jesus` teachings is his disciple.
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #168
Was it you?

No. I did Uranus...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #170
but you made it the OP post for your thread,

Actually it was the Mod who started this thread as I most certainly did not.
My guess would be jon357 as he gets all excited challenging Christianity like the Pharisees and scribes did.

Anybody who believes in and follows Jesus` teachings is his disciple.

I think you finally got it except we are not all apostles are we.
Your Catechism classes failed you.

Mathew 4:19 "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

They just can't accept that there are as many Gods

Wrong again, you are the one that can't accept that there is only one God spelled with a capital G, all the rest of the gods you speak of are spelled with a small g.
You are stuck on stupid again even though you are convinced that you are the smartest guy in the room. Pffffft!
Now GIT you horses ass !
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #171
Maybe it appeared in a burning bush or imprinted on a shroud.

Or pthe forum's owner started it........
pawian  226 | 27583
24 Jan 2025   #172
we are not all apostles are we.
Mathew 4:19 "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

Exactly!!! A Paul from nowhere wasn`t the chosen one to do the fishing. He made himself one afterwards. That is blatant imposture and we don`t need to kneel down before his texts. Do you kneel down before the texts and portrait of Martin Luther King???
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #173
You are stuck on stupid again even though you are convinced that you are the smartest guy in the room.

Not the smartest.

Just smart enough to detect mental defects in humans, including myself.

One of them is a desire to have a heavenly father figure that is invisible, odorless, tasteless, weightless, speechless, impotent, passive, and 100% indifferent to the suffering of the humans who are too young to sin beyond shltting a lot (those damn diapers aren't cheap) and keeping parents awake all night when in pain, hungry, or wet.

Jesus did all of the above to drive Mary nuts.
pawian  226 | 27583
24 Jan 2025   #174
mental defects in humans, including myself

BS!! You are a perfect genius!!!
Novichok  4 | 9051
24 Jan 2025   #175
One thing is a mystery that defies all common sense...

Why is it necessary to dehumanize Joseph, Mary, and Jesus?

In fact, the more human Jesus is, the greater the credit and achievement.

If one is God's own son and can snap fingers to perform the supernatural...what's the big deal?

Look at Joe's son...Hired at 100k a month, knowing shlt other than his dad's private phone number...Even Jesus couldn't do it...
pawian  226 | 27583
24 Jan 2025   #176
to dehumanize Joseph

Wrong! Joseph was never dehumanised. He went through a difficult situation as a father when he learnt that his wife bore a divine child instead of his. He coped with it like a mature male should when he loves his wife.
Tlum  12 | 309
24 Jan 2025   #177
Let me try another way ("YOU" = an atheist). Imagine you are a father and a dirty bloke rapes your young girl and cuts off her tits. She survived. The police tracked the guy down and he is now on trial. You, as a father, has been given a chance to talk to the rapist. Below is a conversation.

The question is - do you, as an atheist, find this conversation likely? If not, why not?

BTW - a priest raping a child is not a Christian; he is an atheist. True Christian would never rape a child. I hope we're finally on the same page.

YOU: Why did you rape my child, you piece of s*it !?
BLOKE: As an atheist, I create my own moral standards. I just like fuking young girls and hurt them extra. I don't see anything wrong with that.
YOU: Bulls*t! How could you do it to my innocent child?! I'm going to kill you muthefuker!
BLOKE: Chill out, moron. Don't you know that "no God = no sin"? We are in the same team.
YOU: But you raped my child!!!
BLOKE: So? I like raping children. I have no moral standards other than my own. What's your problem dude!
YOU: F*k you!
BLOKE: That's all you've got? Get real, motherfuker! We live by our own medicine. Don't you say you don't like that; are you a Christian now?
YOU: I swear to God I will kill you!
jon357  72 | 23564
24 Jan 2025   #178
not a Christian; he is an atheist

This is not a binary thing. Most people in the world are neither Christians nor atheists.

Nor are morality and ethics restricted to one source.

There are good people and bad people who are members of religions. There are good people and bad people who are atheist.
Lenka  5 | 3554
24 Jan 2025   #179
BTW - a priest raping a child is not a Christian; he is an atheist. True Christian would never rape a child. I hope we're finally on the same page.

We are not. Excluding people commiting atrocious acts from the group is whitewashing and any faith can do it.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Jan 2025   #180
Maybe it appeared in a burning bush or imprinted on a shroud.

Such diminishing remarks coming from the guilty.
Or pthe forum's owner started it......

And that would be you then as it is no secret anymore jon357.
A Paul from nowhere wasn`t the chosen one to do the fishing.

Wrong again Pawian as Jesus appointed Paul as an apostle, but not as a disciple.
Paul was student of Jesus and took notes and then went and spread the word from what Jesus had taught him.
The further you take this the sillier you are going to look.
Do you kneel down before the texts and portrait of

The Catholic "Doctrines" that were written by man ?
No, thats one more reason why I left the Catholic Church.
Most people in the world are neither Christians nor atheists.

jon stop with your lies.
Presently there are 2.4 billion Christions in the world making up over 30% of the global population.
Christianity is the largest religion in the world.
any faith can do it.

Thank you Lenka, as you are totally correct on that.
jon357 still hasn't told us what denomination he belongs to.

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