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God and Religion Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
13 Jan 2025   #31
The problem with miracles is that the Church presents them as facts, not just befiefs.

What church is that ?
I have never heard anything so dumb in my life.
That is just not true and one more reason to attend church and educate yourself about how miracles are used as parables to teach the word.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
13 Jan 2025   #32
So how deep was that water?

About as deep as this thread which is over your head.
Novichok  4 | 9051
14 Jan 2025   #33
What church is that ?

The only one I know: Catholic Church.
About as deep as this thread which is over your head.

Just say that you don't know.

I know that it was about a foot deep.
jon357  72 | 23565
14 Jan 2025   #34
I have never heard anything so dumb in my life.
That is just not true

You are correct. The RCC believes that miracles are a matter of faith and discernment. They never say that something was 100% a miracle, only that it appears miraculous and they believe that it is such after prayer and reflection.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
14 Jan 2025   #35
" Like walking on water. Three-inch-deep water qualifies as "walking on water..

So how deep was that water?

I know that it was about a foot deep.

I tend to disagree as the disciples were in the middle of the lake in a storm.
Refresh your memory by reading Mathew 14:22-35
What kind of boat that is capable of carrying several men and only has a draft in water of 12 inches ?
Rich, you just flunked Catechism class again.

Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison ?
Novichok  4 | 9051
14 Jan 2025   #36
only that it appears miraculous and they believe that it is such after prayer and reflection.

BS. Every time a miracle is mentioned it's always as absolute certainty.

Such as: Jesus did such and such...No "allegedly", "maybe", or "probably"... to eliminate all doubt and debates.
What kind of boat that is capable of carrying several men and only has a draft in water of 12 inches ?

I walked on water that was 24-inch deep. I even saw cars driving on water that deep.
Novichok  4 | 9051
14 Jan 2025   #37
Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison ?

They can read it anywhere and anytime when they are not doing something else. Like paying attention to the teacher...

How many religions are there? The answer:

There are approximately 10,000 distinct religions in the world.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
14 Jan 2025   #38
Every time a miracle is mentioned it's always as absolute certainty.

Not true, you need to keep reading at the bottom of the page of the Bible where it explains the parable
I walked - I even

I, I, I again. lol
You claimed the water was on 12 inches so I politely corrected you to your mistake.
So you start your infamous deflection again.
You just lost another debate, Ricky.
They can read it anywhere and anytime when they are not doing something else.

Nope, another lie by Mr. Know It All.
This is one thread you really shouldn't post in Rick as your Satanic ignorance and lies will get either chewed up and spit out or better yet, just ignored.
You changing the subject with a deflect to avoid admitting to be wrong is getting old.

Next question of the day.
Why do I have to swear on the Bible in court when the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed outside ?
jon357  72 | 23565
14 Jan 2025   #39
BS. Every time a miracle is mentioned it's always as absolute certainty.

Don't be daft.

You're confusing the language of a 1900 year old religious text with the Church's relation to miracles.

Stick to things you know about.

Why do I have to swear on the Bible in court when the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed outside ?

In Poland people don't swear on religious texts in court. In the U.K. you can choose not to. I'm sure it's the same where you are since some Christian denominations refuse to swear oaths on the bible.

Displaying religious texts on public property is controversial and in your country potentially compromises the constitutional separation of religion and state,
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
14 Jan 2025   #40
Our country was founded on Christianity, remember.
Remember all those people who escaped Europe and came here so they could worship freely.
jon357  72 | 23565
14 Jan 2025   #41
founded on Christianity

And those Christian founders took great care to separate religion and public life.

escaped Europe and came here so they could worship freely.

Mostof the early ones from the UK didn't 'escape' and worship freely at home. Some of them were appalling fanatics though, more like the Taliban in religious outlook than any major denomination active today. They left after Cromwell's extremists had been defeated and could no longer impose their bleak religious view (including banning Christmas, dancing and theatre) on others.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
14 Jan 2025   #42
G-d loves ALL His creatures! It's man who perverts His word.
Novichok  4 | 9051
14 Jan 2025   #43
I hope He hates my guts and dumps my ass into Hell where I will finally have a chance to talk to the worst scum and ask why, azholes...What was the upside?

Like: Hey, moron, did you really think you could win against the USSR and the US combined? Really...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
15 Jan 2025   #44
to separate religion and public life.

Nonsense, why do you make such personal remarks to your liking up and state them as the truth ?
Like: Hey, moron, did you really think you could win

Hey moron, worldly matters will be of no essence or matter in the Kingdom.
People like you that live for worldly desires are living Satan's biggest lie.
So the questions goes back to you, "Do you really think you are smarter than God and could win doing it your way ?"
jon357  72 | 23565
15 Jan 2025   #45
Nonsense, why do you make such personal

Are you suggesting that there isn't a constitutional separation between church and state?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
15 Jan 2025   #46
Are you suggesting

No, you were suggesting that they separated religion from public life.
Big difference than separating it from church and State.
The United States was founded on Christianity as bad as you don't want to accept that.
What was your country founded on ?
jon357  72 | 23565
15 Jan 2025   #47
So it's exactly as I say..

Courthouses are an inappropriate place to display religious texts or promote any single religion

What was your country founded on ?

Did you think it was "founded".
Novichok  4 | 9051
15 Jan 2025   #48
"Do you really think you are smarter than God

My 11-year-old gd is smarter than God.

When I ask her a question, she responds. When I ask God a question, he never does. In this sense, God is as smart as my cat.
Alien  25 | 6415
15 Jan 2025   #49
God is as smart as my cat.

Well, a cat is also a creature of God.
jon357  72 | 23565
15 Jan 2025   #50
Well, a cat is also a creature of God.

As is all life and the universe(s)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
16 Jan 2025   #51
Courthouses are an inappropriate place to display religious texts or promote any single religion

Not true jon, we even have such text on our currency, "In God We Trust."
Our country was "founded' on Christianity as much as you try to deny it.
Why is it even an issue with you to what my country does ?
When I ask God a question, he never does.

Sure he does, you just aren't listening because you think you are in charge of things. lol
(hint: you are not)
God always answers prayers, sometimes yes, sometimes no and sometimes wait as it is all at God's speed, not yours.
Like jon told you Novi, you should stick to threads that you actually know something about.
Novichok  4 | 9051
16 Jan 2025   #52
Sure he does,

I never got an email from God. Or a text. Or a phonecall...

What's up with that?

Or do I have to get drunk and hear voices?

Religious people are just as bad as transgender freaks. They see and hear things that don't exit. A trans woman with hairy balls looks at the mirror and sees a woman.
jon357  72 | 23565
16 Jan 2025   #53
Not true jon, we even have such text on our currency, "In God We Trust."

Not relevant, Jim since one lapse doesn't justify a greater one.

Why is it even an issue with you to what my country does ?

Because we're discussing it.

I never got an email from God. Or a text. Or a phonecall

Maybe He hates you.
Alien  25 | 6415
16 Jan 2025   #54
I never got an email from God. Or a text. Or a phonecall

Give him your address and he'll send it to you. Just like Santa Claus. 🎅
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
16 Jan 2025   #55
I never got an email from God. Or a text. Or a phonecall...

because you don't listen anyways.
Remember when you got cancer to get your attention to let you know that you are not invincible.
That was a wake up call stupid.
But no, you didn't hear a word he was saying to you even though He loves you so much that He cured you and gave you another chance only to have you spit in His face again.
People like you will be told on Judgement Day, "You never knew Me so I don't know you.
Go spend eternity with your master Satan." 😈
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
16 Jan 2025   #56
Not relevant,

Very relevant in showing you that America was founded on religion.
You denying that fact, jon, chances nothing.
Go read the words in our pledge of allegiance to our flag.....
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God, indivisible , with liberty and Justice for all."
And yes, it was written by a Baptist minister.
Who founded your country, jon, the U.K. ?
Because we're discussing it.

No, you are arguing it with your diminishments.
As is all life and the universe(s)

Which God created and if He didn't, who did ?
Novichok  4 | 9051
16 Jan 2025   #57
Give him your address and he'll send it to you.

He is all-knowing so he knows it already.
That was a wake up call stupid.

Yes, moron, that's why some kids get leukemia - to wake them up...

What an idiot...

Assume they are orphans and don't give me any crap about waking up the parents.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
16 Jan 2025   #58
that's why some kids get leukemia - to wake them up...

We don't always know why as we are not the ones in charge, contrary to your personal belief.
What an idiot....
don't give me any crap

What you gonna do about it tuff guy......beat me up ? Hoot !
Novichok  4 | 9051
17 Jan 2025   #59
We don't always know why

Then you don't know why I got cancer, either.

That was a wake-up call stupid.

I Googled the causes of prostate cancer and God was not on the list so stop spreading misinformation.

In fact, God was not mentioned as causing anything. He is either not willing or able to intervene anywhere - kids dying from cancer included.

Or in Auschwitz...It was the communist and possibly atheist Red Army that put a stop to gassing kids there, not God.
jon357  72 | 23565
17 Jan 2025   #60
Go read the words in our pledge of allegiance to our flag

I gather that part is optional and in any case it has no relevance to having religious texts displayed on the public estate.

It was the communist and possibly atheist Red Army that put a stop to gassing kids there, not God

He was there already and is no stranger to suffering a horrible death.

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