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Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Jun 2024   #121
I don't even like Cargo but gossiping about him isn't good. Jon.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
8 Jun 2024   #122
I have to agree.JR Jim and Jon need to back off and leave him alone.

And I hate the guy.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Jun 2024   #123
Hey Milo ...<waves>

Yes stop it guys . He is not here and you are talking about addiction and mental health issues. That's not nice.

A woman on the bus the other day started telling me salacious gossip about some couple I don't even know ....ffs
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
8 Jun 2024   #124
Hey Milo ...<waves>

Hey Roz <Waves back>

Nice to see you on here whenever you decide to appear, you are always a forceful voice of reason.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2024   #125
I disagree, I think that PF and particularly you are part of his problem.

I disagree, if anyone here is the problem it is you.
Your ranting threats to him when you found his picture in your wife's purse and under her pillow were very real.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2024   #126
gossiping about him isn't good. Jon.

jon would be lost if he didn't have someone to stalk so he could diminish and shame them with his gossip.
Take the fictious "Jim" character for an example that he tried to tag me with or about Cargo's ordeal.
Anyone that jon doesn't like he stalks, digs into their personal life so he can diminish and shame them.
Its been going on since day one here and I still say that jon is the owner of this forum for it to continue.
If not, he should have been permanently banned years ago along with his worthless side kick.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #127

This from you!

It's not 'gossip', it's cold hard fact. There was even something from his wife posted here, giving his current address for anyone who may wish to write to him.

If anyone deserves not to be cut any slack, it's him. He is a wretch..

And you. You should know why, given what you tried to do.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #128
What on earth are you wibbling on about Jon?
What did I "try to do"? Are you actually insane?

Mate you're a spiteful gossip.

His wife is allowed to pass on news.
You don't need to repeat it in your nasty little way.

This actually your life isn't it?

Sad. Very sad.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #129
What on earth

You know perfectly well.

You don't need to repeat it

Why not?

Interesting that you suddenly care so much about the appalling human being that is Deepak yet say nothing when he gets abusive to others or tries to wreck their real lives. You even helped him. I forgave you since I figured it out right away and gave you false information; the emails from him to the address I made and gave you on PM still arrived though. Trying to wreck the careers of others may seem gratifying to someone like yourself who's never had one, however behaviour like that when it affects people who came up the hard way is a whole other level of cúntishness.

You would do well to hold your tongue on this matter.

This actually your life isn't it?

No, it's just a mild diversion while waiting for things in real life to happen.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #130
Jon mate I have no idea what you are on about. Nor do you I suspect .

If you are waiting for real life to's been a long time now hasn't it?

I don't particularly care about Deepak on a personal level tbh. I just don't want to hear your nasty spiteful little gossip.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #131
If you are waiting for real life to's been a long time now hasn't it?

It happens, and I have a lot of downtime waiting for stuff. Sometimes it's better to be online than doing crosswords.

I just don't want to hear your

So don't read it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #132
As previously stated lol.
You sad little man.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #133
You sad little man.

You drug addled overprivileged underachiever.

Trying to fish for contact information on behalf of someone who wants to wreck someone's career and life is the lowest of the low.

Fortunately it didn't work. Fortunately for you.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #134
I really have no idea what you are on about Jon.

You sound angry. Maybe take a break from peering at your screen.

Get help you obviously need it.

Do we get to hear your gritty northern tale of you fighting your way out of a paper bag to reach the giddy heights of...teaching Poland?

jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #135
I really have no idea

You really ought to.

You sound angry

If anything, Roz, you're the one here who's sounding angry....

teaching Poland?

You're about 20 years out of date with that.

I'd suggest going for a walk and maybe smoking a j.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #136
And I suggest you have a little snifter Jon. Sounds like you need it. Are your hands shaking yet?

Yes I suppose coming from London and not some Northern shythole was a privilege.

Northerners are so chippy.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #137
Oooh, you are angry today.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2024   #138
It's not 'gossip', it's cold hard fact.

It most certainly is moron.
Cold hard facts can be gossip too, especially how you decorate them with your personal spiteful spice.

Why not?

Because it is none of your business, that's why not, dick mouth.

Trying to fish for contact information on behalf of someone who wants to wreck someone's career and life is the lowest of the low.

Are you fvcking joking !
You can't be talking about Adrian or Jim Werden or Jim's roommate or PolAm or myself or the rest of the Americans here that you have access to the public records here in the U.S.A. that you don't have in Europe about Europeans.

YOU are the grand master of fishing for personal information jon or as in your own words, "is lowest of the low".
And you do it to diminish and shame people because of your failures in life.

jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #139
Behave, and don't add fuel to fires that are not yours.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2024   #140
Practice what you preach jon
It is my business because Cargo is my friend and you have fished for my personal information too.

to reach the giddy heights of...teaching Poland?

And he failed at that if the truth be known

You're about 20 years out of date with that.

LOL - Jim Werdan's scrape with the law was twenty years ago but you keep right on posting as if he was still being prosecuted and sentencing for it when his case was all settled years ago.

jon, you crossed the line and have pis sed the wrong people off just like delph did.
And you keep doubling down just like delph did.
Like they say here in the U.S.A., you can run but you can't hide
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Jun 2024   #141
]Cargo is my friend

You've never met him.

You seem to be repeating the same posts between threads. And it's still 7am where you are...
wslipach  8 | 96
9 Jun 2024   #142
there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

Fak u and fak your cocksucking fat ass you asslicker , this better be Prima Aprilis you shithead from motherfaking ******* land , you are trying to do what? NIE STRASZ NIE STRASZ BO SIE ZESRASZ you faking cant

The above was my original message to this nice kind man Johnny Reb , but afterwards I have been warned and punished for my explicit language and arrogant attitude and most of all for my disobedience, I am trully sorry and scared of the new moderator. I read the rules, my mum read them, may grandma did so, my skinhead friends sort of read them , they cant read well, my lawyer also read them, From now on me and my crew will be selectively nice and politically correct. I see now that I should be scared and never abuse the wrong people. Please accept my apologies
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2024   #143
but afterwards I have been warned and punished for my explicit language and arrogant attitude and most of all for my disobedience,

Hats off to her ! 🤩
Excellent to see our new Mod doing her job with diligence.

You seem to be repeating the same posts between threads. And it's still 7am where you are...

More diminishing and shaming from jon. 😴
wslipach  8 | 96
9 Jun 2024   #144
Hats off to her ! 🤩
Excellent to see our new Mod doing her job with diligence.

Yes indeed, and I feel so ugly., No, hats off to you for two good jokes. I like it.
wslipach  8 | 96
9 Jun 2024   #145
Jim the rapist will soon be back in prison, where he was for five months last year on remand, so take those opportunities while he's still able to use the Internet.

Hahahah, this is faking hilarious stuff, this thread is the best of all! Great job Johnny Reb!

it is, Harry ! Hoot !

Hahahahahahah, this is even better, that Cargo guy ...fantastic heheh Great! Yeah bring that ******* back!

No, no, you're confused! It's YOU that enjoys sexual relations with fish - I definitely remember this.

Ohhh faaak , this is well enjoyable , you motherfakers made this thread excellent! Moderator has to do something with that out of control fish molesting JR

No, it's jon alright, remember when you first introduce him to your Russian "skating" bestiality sport that you seem to enjoy so much.

Hahaha, yeah its bestial Jon dont go anywhere near it , stay with table tennis

I have to tell moderator tonight what you all up to, we crack up together , it turns her on , it turns me on when shes turned on so keep it up dudes , good stuff, nice job Reb being snitch , moderator tells me she loves you for it.
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Jun 2024   #146
this is even better, that Cargo guy ...fantastic heheh Great! Yeah bring that ******* back!

Hey, Cargo, I am glad you are back. I need more white socks jokes...
Lazarus  3 | 364
10 Jun 2024   #147
Yes I suppose coming from London and not some Northern shythole was a privilege.

Not meeting Jim the rapist in person is a privilege that many women wish they'd had, especially the ones he raped. Or did you miss Jim the rapist trying to make himself seem macho by claiming to be a serial rapist?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Jun 2024   #148
Does this man (Lazarus/Harry) have OCD or what.
Yes, the same man that got divorced and left Wasaw owing a lot of money.
His little flat was repossessed by the owner.
Rumor is that domestic violence was the reason for the divorce amongst other things.
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Jun 2024   #149
He kind of looks like Trump
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Jun 2024   #150
A mentally ill full-blown alcoholic that beat his ex-wife and abused his step-daughter.

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