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Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2

jon357  73 | 22695
25 May 2024   #31
trumpet gets re elect you illegal Russian spies

If trumpet got "re elect", he could try to sign a decree about that from the Oval Cell (or the Lincoln Exercise Yard) and the whole world would see the pictures of him in that hotel in Moscow with the prostitutes making siu siu on his face.

infinite love for our fellow aquatic creatures.

Skate wings are quite nice the way the French do them in black butter.
Joker  2 | 2173
26 May 2024   #32
You have TDS on steroids.
It's been a lot of fun watching the Dems meltdown over Trumps rally in the Bronx. It was awesome..
MAGA 24!
Novichok  4 | 7522
26 May 2024   #33
You have TDS

TDS is a mental disorder and excusable. Being an idiot is not.
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #34

A made up term for people who think that guy is a rapist and a jerk.

Anyway, his fate is in the hands of the courts now.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
26 May 2024   #35
TDS is a mental disorder

A made up term

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real mental disorder jon753.
Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term, usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States president Trump that are perceived to be irrational and to have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.

Do you think you suffer with TDS jon ?
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #36
negative reactions to former

Why would there be any other sort.


Far from 'irrational'. The guy's a cvnt.
Joker  2 | 2173
26 May 2024   #37
A made up term for people who think that guy is a rapist and a jerk.

A mental disorder that you seem to be suffering from as well.

Do you think you suffer with TDS jon ?

He could be in denial.. He believes Stormy Daniels and Cohen, the old wh0re and pathological liar .. Didnt she have to pay Trump for the last court case.... Hahaha

Judge orders Stormy Daniels to pay Donald Trump another $120,000 in legal fees

Have you noticed how these ppl inflicted with TDS havent any proof, its only innuendo and BS.
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #38
I wonder what the jury's verdict will be.

For the current trial and the others...
Novichok  4 | 7522
26 May 2024   #39
Have you noticed how these ppl inflicted with TDS havent any proof, its only innuendo and B

TDS caused that stupid jury to award 80 million bucks to the broad that is now collecting SS. This should trigger a debate how to muzzle stupid juries and their idiotic awards.

For that kind of dough, I would be happy to be defamed and insulted 24 times a day every day...
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #40
jury to award 80 million bucks

Good news.
Joker  2 | 2173
26 May 2024   #41
I wonder what the jury's verdict will be.

The kangaroo court verdict will be overturned by the appellate court if convicted... Its a nothing burger, making Trump surge in the polls as Biden is tanking! Hahahaha

Novichok  4 | 7522
26 May 2024   #42
The kangaroo court verdict will be overturned by the appellate court if convicted...

The sobs know it. All they want is the spectacle of Trump in prison and to prevent his election.
Joker  2 | 2173
26 May 2024   #43
All they want is the spectacle of Trump in prison and to prevent his election.

Its having the opposite effect and the Dems are having a huge meltdown.... Its so much fun watching:)

Bidens base is deteriorating and the forthcoming riots in chicago should be the nail in his campaign.

jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #44
trumpet in prison

A joy to see.

It's exactly what it deserves.
Novichok  4 | 7522
26 May 2024   #45
Its having the opposite effect

Please keep in mind that he is charged with 34 counts. If they find him guilty on only one count, he could be immediately arrested and cuffed right there in the courtroom and taken to prison.

What I would enjoy more than anything is if the Secret Service guys had a shootout with the court deputies and in the process killed the DA and the judge. That would make a great movie...

It's exactly what it deserves.

Go where faggots thrive. It is not here.
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #46
he could be immediately arrested and cuffed right there in the courtroom and taken to prison.

Let's hope. Will they rename the truck they take him there in as "prison van one"?


You're obsessed.
Novichok  4 | 7522
26 May 2024   #47
You're obsessed.

The day after you die I won't be.
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #48
I'll send a dumper truck full of manure to your funeral.
Novichok  4 | 7522
26 May 2024   #49
They will dump you into a biohazard bin.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
26 May 2024   #50
The guy's a cvnt.

jon, please refrain from using the C word here as we are trying to clean this low ife speak up and make this place credible again

We have other ladies besides just you posting here.

I wonder what the jury's verdict will be.

Americans really don't care so why would a foreigner care so much as you do ?

It's exactly what it deserves.

Possibly but no more than Crooked Hillary, Crooked obama and Crooked biden.
Once Trump wins he will just pardon himself so don't be getting a woody on just quite yet.
jon357  73 | 22695
26 May 2024   #51
the C word h

You mean cĂșnt?

Who's "we"?

Americans really don't care

Which it's why it's the main item on their news

pardon himself

He can do that for his federal rap sheet. Not from state courts.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
26 May 2024   #52
Who's "we"?

The civilized members here that have morals and show respect for others.
Grow up and quit being so seedy, jon

Which it's why it's the main item on their news

No jon, the reason it is on the Liberal news stations is purely political.
I guess you haven't heard.
The main issue on the street are our border and inflation.
But you are a Liberal and are blinded with TDS plus you don't live here so you only see what is on the bias Liberal news media's

It's no wonder

Not from state courts.

Those will all be over turned on appeal.
Just ask TheOther......I mean Bobko.
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
26 May 2024   #53
The civilized members here that have morals and show respect for others.

So that counts you out then!
Joker  2 | 2173
26 May 2024   #54
Americans really don't care so why would a foreigner care so much as you do ?

His TDS affliction is a very extreme case for sure.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
27 May 2024   #55
So that counts you out then!

No but it does you.
I only defend myself from dirtballs that attack me.
jon357  73 | 22695
27 May 2024   #56
purely political

Or it's a former president heading for jail.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
27 May 2024   #57
@Seedy jon

Or it's a former president heading for jail.

One more time just for you jon002

the reason it is on the Liberal news stations is purely political.

jon357  73 | 22695
27 May 2024   #58
Twaddle, and typical of your low intellect and equally low socioeconomic status
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
27 May 2024   #59
I have been called worse jon 316.
Twaddle is almost a compliment. Hoot !.
jon357  73 | 22695
27 May 2024   #60
You will doubtless be called far worse by the judge.

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