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Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2

johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 May 2024   #1
Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.
Members have abused them to no end for too long now.
Here they are so read them and take heed.

Start practicing now because we have a new Mod. that has a very low tolerance level for being ignored.
If you are unable to show respect for this forum, it's Moderating, and it's members then move on, please.
Thank you in advance
Feniks  2 | 857
22 May 2024   #2
Who are you to open a thread like this? You are one of the worst abusers of the rules.

You have trashed both music threads to the extent that I won't be posting on them. You are incapable of keeping on topic on most threads although you are very fond of telling others to do the same. You abuse the copy/paste rule constantly because you don't know anything about Poland and are incapable of any independent thought.

we have a new Mod. that has a very low tolerance level for being ignored.

I don't think Vincent was replaced but here you go again with your obsession about moderators.

respect for this forum, it's Moderating, and it's members

This has got to be some sort of joke. You are obviously stalking members as demonstrated by your posting of a photo of who you think Jon and his partner are. Then you tried to find Atch's book in the hope of trying to identify her in real life. For those things alone you should have been permanently banned.

This is how you speak to members:

Go play with your pussy.

Foulest mouth on the forum.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 May 2024   #3
Who are you to open a thread like this?

You are about to find out, Love.
I threw the bait out there, you swallowed it like a good girl, and everyone is now laughing at you. HooT !
You must stop your cyberstalking me or your tremors will never go away and your blood pressure will eventually cause you to have a stroke.

Oh, Pam, you Brits are just way too easy.
Or as Cargo would say, "Wind them up !" 😋
Feniks  2 | 857
22 May 2024   #4
I threw the bait out there

I'm not that stupid that I couldn't see what you were doing.

As far as I'm concerned any opportunity to show you up for the absolute cockroach that you are shouldn't be wasted.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 May 2024   #5
I'm not that stupid

Sure you are or should I say gullible.
I did a Pavlov's classical conditioning on you and you couldn't resist the temptation.
You are so much entertainment for the house here.

any opportunity to show you up

It has become a fetish with you, Karen, and that is why you are so easy to wind up.

As far as I'm concerned any opportunity

Hey **, being shameless has it's advantages so knock yourself out trying to diminish and shame me.
You will be talking to yourself in your sleep about it soon if you aren't already.
I can just picture you with that big vein popping out of your forehead and your tremors out of control.
AND.....And you do it to yourself over and over again expecting different results so yes, yes you are insane. ðŸĪŠ
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 May 2024   #6
Hey guys, remember when this skank used to suspend and ban us for as much as using the word teacher with her iron grip on the moderating board.

Now that she is no longer a Mod and she doesn't have any control over us we finally get to gob smack her in the face and tell her what we always wanted to tell her.

She is on her fourth board name now trying to hide from the people she pissed off.
And notice that all the Wenches posts have been deleted from that era. lol
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see the look on her face when I told her to go play with herself Hoot !

Now remember guys, all this long over due freedom ends June 1st so get your punches in now.
Joker  2 | 2447
23 May 2024   #7
everyone is now laughing at you.

No theyre not!

We are laughing at the whiney baby who created another grievance thread.

If you dont like it around here, just leave? You wont bc you dont have anything else better to do with your pathetic life! Hahahahahahaha

Who are you to open a thread like this? You are one of the worst abusers of the rules.

His hypocrisy hasnt any bounds.. Hes always complaining about the mods and dreams of being one, but it will never happen.

when I told her to go play with herself Hoot !

This is something a 12 year old would say..HooT! Idiot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 May 2024   #8
I live in your head rent free. 😎
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 May 2024   #9
any opportunity to show you up for the absolute cockroach that you are shouldn't be wasted.

Jim the rapist will soon be back in prison, where he was for five months last year on remand, so take those opportunities while he's still able to use the Internet.

you should have been permanently banned.

He should, but admin knows that Jim could and would come knocking on his door shotgun in hand if a permanent ban was given. This place is literally all Jim the rapist has, he's here from early morning to late at night every single day of the week and every week of the year. Apart from the weeks last year when he was in prison of course.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 May 2024   #10
Christian ole boy you have quite an imagination and very poor cyber stalking skills.
Is that why you never post any sources to your lies ?
This is how Hairy became Lazarus.
Harry went to prison for 18 months.
The rumor was he had died from alcohol poisoning and bleeding ulcers from suffering from being an alcoholic.
So he came back as Lazarus after being released from prison, rising from the dead.
See here is the gap in his posting for 18 months.

This was his last post before he was sentence to prison for 18 months
Lazarus 27 Jul 2022
#1865112 - Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk [799]

This was his first post back
Lazarus 4 Feb 2024
#1951750 - Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 8 [1573]
Can you explain your 18-month absence from here after your violent divorce after being caught in a compromising position with your 14-year-old stepdaughter for us ? ðŸ˜Ū
jon357  72 | 23654
24 May 2024   #11
Bluster all you like; people can decide for themselves
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 May 2024   #12
you should have been permanently banned.

Bluster all you like

Bluster is all Jim the rapist can do now he's become Jim the impotent rapist.
Maybe we should let him bluster: soon he'll be in prison and have no access to PF, just like for five months last year.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 May 2024   #13
Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.


Youre just making up more lies and drama as usual. Nothing is going to change on June 1, 2024

We will expect more of your bellyaching and complaining as usual,

This place is literally all Jim the rapist has,

Who else would create such a stupid thread?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2024   #14
people can decide for themselves

People don't even read this **** jon ruining your own forum moron.

Jim the impotent

I believe it is, Harry the blank shooter if I were to dig into my archives to retrieve those old posts. Hahahahaha ! Hoot !
Thats unnecessary though as everyone remembers how Cargo humiliated you about the priests castrating you as a boy so you could keep that treble boy soprano's altos voice to sing in the church choir when you were put in that orphanage when your parents were sent to that penal colony in Australia for their criminal activities in the U.K.

The walls are talking now ain't that Blank Shooter. ðŸ˜Ū
(Harry the Blank Shooter) Hahahahaha ! ðŸĪĢ

soon he'll be in prison and have no access to PF,

Do tell Harry, have any sources to back that up or are you just trolling again Bla bla bla

Who else would create such a stupid thread?

Certainly not you as you have only started THREE threads in the past 16 years here you worthless piece of shut.
(Compared to the Reb's 50 threads in the past ten years) Hoot ! 😂
You have no Polish ancestry and contribute NOTHING to this Forum besides copy and paste American political cartoons and trolling threads with your diminishing remarks so basically you suck and should stfu for once. ðŸ‘đ

Nothing is going to change on June 1, 2024

It will if I have anything to say about it.
You've been warned.
jon357  72 | 23654
25 May 2024   #15
Another meltdown!
Joker  2 | 2447
25 May 2024   #16
Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

Hopefully, they realize what a cvnt and lying SNITCH you are and get sick and tired of your stupid grievance threads.

You've been warned.

Bring it on fat boy. Youre nothing but a clown

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2024   #17
Another meltdown!

Am I embarrassing you guys ? 😋
jon357  72 | 23654
25 May 2024   #18
Am I embarrassing

You are the most embarrassing individual here. And by far the seediest.

It will if I have anything to say about it.

You won't.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2024   #19
And by far the seediest.

Oh jon, I could never take that honors away from you and your passion for skate's.

You won't.

Hey, if you are the owner of the Forum like has been expected for years by many you are probably right on that one. Hoot !

You've been told.
jon357  72 | 23654
25 May 2024   #20
You've been told.

You've been rumbled.

You should probably hold your tongue given your forthcoming court hearing.
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 May 2024   #21
your passion for skate's.

No, no, you're confused! It's YOU that enjoys sexual relations with fish - I definitely remember this.

It's how I tell you guys apart: Strelecz likes to have sex with children, and JR with fish.

Not just fish, but specifically skates.

Are you trying to pull a fast one here? Say Jon likes to get intimate with fish, when it's actually you? Very sneaky!

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2024   #22
Is that a center fold picture from your monthly Russian p0rn magazine ?
You are sick Bumhole

Jon likes to get intimate with fish, when it's actually you?

No, it's jon alright, remember when you first introduce him to your Russian "skating" bestiality sport that you seem to enjoy so much.
Well here, lets go back to where you first brought it up and I replied back.

When Trump gets re elect you illegal Russian spies will be the first ones to get deported.
Start packing now Bubko. 👀 Bye bye ðŸĪ—
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 May 2024   #23
Start packing now Bubko

You too buddy...

Michigan Penal Code (Act 328 of 1931) under section 750.158 specifies that a person who commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature either with mankind or with any animal is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than 15 years, or if the other person is under 16 years of age, not more than 25 years.

You could be further prosecuted under several other animal protection statutes - some of them federal.

Federal means no possibility of parole, bro.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2024   #24
I see you are up on our laws about your Russian Skating.
I wonder how you could have replied that back in less than 5 minutes if you hadn't already researched those laws for yourself.
You just gave yourself away as a Russian Skate Boy.
You sick son of a b!tch get out of my country and quit hiding here you draft dodger and go fight for yours in Russia.
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 May 2024   #25
I wonder how you could have replied that back in less then 5 minutes if you hadn't already researched that.

I have a sharp legal mind, photographic memory, and infinite love for our fellow aquatic creatures.

Now, I must tell you that ignorantia juris non excusat.

You have committed grave crimes against skates and other marine wildlife. The time has come to pay.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 May 2024   #26
Now, I must tell you that ignorantia juris non excusat.

How many languages are you fluent in?

I am in two. Still trying to get it down to one but my prayers are not working.
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 May 2024   #27
How many languages are you fluent in?

English, Russian, Italian, and a little bit of Ancient Greek and Latin. I can understand people also in Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Uzbek, Azeri, Turkish. Can read and write Polish and Ukrainian.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 May 2024   #28
God knows only one.

You are either the most amazing person ever or the funniest.
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 May 2024   #29
God knows only one.

Once upon a time, we all spoke one language, and then decided to build a tower reaching to the heavens.

Johnny can tell you more about this.
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 May 2024   #30
Once upon a time, we all spoke one language,

...and the first sentence ever spoken in it was:
Hey, Eve, you wanna fvck?
Eve: Got twenty?

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