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EURO 2024 (Po-Polska)

OP AntV 5 | 826
23 Jun 2024 #31
Germans in proper kits today :)

Much better!

Both teams playing like teams that have already advanced.
Paulina 16 | 4520
23 Jun 2024 #32
Wow... What is going on... Even I started watching...
OP AntV 5 | 826
23 Jun 2024 #33
Oooooooo! Love this tourney.
Paulina 16 | 4520
23 Jun 2024 #34
OK... Back to normal ;) Phew, that was close! I hope BB won't get a heart attack xD
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
23 Jun 2024 #35
Fullkrüg to the rescue

Germany won't go down easily in its own house
OP AntV 5 | 826
23 Jun 2024 #36
BB's heart attacks start next week. 😀
Paulina 16 | 4520
23 Jun 2024 #37
@AntV, true ;D

Btw, BB, why did they change their outfits? :D
Miloslaw 20 | 4980
23 Jun 2024 #38
And what what ?

You don't understand PROPER football so just shut up!

Both teams playing like teams that have already advanced

Which they have!

Wow... What is going on... Even I started watching...
@ Paulina


Yeah, some of the games so far have been pretty close, that says to me that all the teams that get through to the next stage will be pretty good, but so far,I can't see one team that is outstanding, so it remains pretty open.
Paulina 16 | 4520
24 Jun 2024 #39
Oh wow... Another thriller match! Italians scored a goal in literally the last minute ;O I feel for the Croats, they were great in this match, left their heart on that football pitch and now they're out of the tournament :/
Miloslaw 20 | 4980
24 Jun 2024 #40
O I feel for the Croats

So do I, they deserved to win.
johnny reb 48 | 7425
25 Jun 2024 #41
that says to me that all the teams that get through to the next stage will be pretty good,

How did you ever come up with such an astonishing conclusion ? lol

Today at noon with France !
wslipach 8 | 107
25 Jun 2024 #42
Wow... What is going on... Even I started watching...
@ Paulina

Poland is out so you started watching...I am not surpsised at all.
wslipach 8 | 107
25 Jun 2024 #44

Jak Polska odpadla to sie zainteresowala, zalosc dupe sciska jak sie czyta co Ty pitolisz tutaj czasami, w wiekszosci , w sumie zawsze

Yeah, I am interrested in soccer now hey! Do you know anything about soccer or Tusk's grandpa juggling skills inspired you? Seriously, why you watch something you are not interrested in?
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #45
Btw, BB, why did they change their outfits? :D

Every team has two for home games and one for those perceived outwards, where they play as guests....the home team has the right to chose.
(That was needed in earlier black/white fernie times, so that the observer on the tellies at home could better differentiate between the teams...hence outfits to similiar to each other had to be avoided....which led us to a pussy-pink german team which nobody in the world can no)!

Why the hell are we now here? Do we really need two threads???
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #46
Do we really need two threads???

Mods should close the other one because we already know how Poland did. No point sprinkling salt on fresh wounds.
Paulina 16 | 4520
25 Jun 2024 #47
Jak Polska odpadla to sie zainteresowala

Obejrzałam z całego dotychczasowego turnieju ledwie końcówki dwóch meczy, głupi ćwoku :D

Do you know anything about soccer

It's football, you moron. Are you even Polish? o_O
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #48
....and I sat there wondering where you all were!!!!
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #49
and now they're out of the tournament

Karma is kurva
Paulina 16 | 4520
25 Jun 2024 #50
@Crow, you can tell that to RuSSians :D
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #51
I telling this to all when need be. I am Serbian. I am not programmed.
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #52
I am Serbian

Get the {bleep} out of Dodge! No {bleeping} way you're Serbian! I thought you were Burmese. 😀
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #53
Very funny. To pis oneself from the fun.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #54
Germany hopes for offense, Crowie, its just they feel right for the next round....for us, that is.....
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #55
One white player (two if you count Hernandez) in the French starting 11... 0_0

F*cking global warming.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #56
...I would complain about lacking diversity! They need white-quotas...;)
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #57
F*cking global warming.


Hopefully Polamd plays with purpose today: dislocating Mbappe's right knee.
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #58
Germany hopes for offense, Crowie, its just they feel right for the next round....for us, that is.....

No problem. Denmark is also ours.

Serbians are Sarmatians reclaimers and Denmarkers are fallen Sarmatians. This will be metaphysical battle today. Of some other realm. Kind of Mortal Kombat. What we see in our reality, will be entirely something else in spiritual world. You can`t imagine. Its the world of eternal energy of life force.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
25 Jun 2024 #59
In this dog I have more confidence than in the Serbia coach
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #60
If Piksi isn`t drunk today, maybe we succeed. Our fashion models and fuc*ers needs guidance.

Let them fu*k Denmarkers today. In the name of all-father Svetovid and glorious ancestors!

As it is said. `Let it be what cannot be! Let it be never-ending battle!`

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