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East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread)

GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #1
Here we see some rare photos of a humanoid species commonly known as Banderopithecs...

... they can be observed in their natural habitat on Eastern European Plain but also on other continents (mainly in Canada).
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #2
And here are Polish humanoids from the same species:

Radical nationalist movement - the guy in the centre is even a PhD who applied for the position of the chairman of the National Memory Institute under PiS:

  • 1.jpg
Alien  25 | 6316
3 Dec 2022   #3
Let's quickly turn fauna into flora. 🎃
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #4

They are even worse than Banderopithecs, because they had the privilege and luck of being born Polish but rejected their heritage by joining the ranks of nazi humanoids.
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #5
but rejected their heritage by joining the ranks of nazi humanoids.

You see, each nation has their own fascist scum. Ukraine has banderists, Poland has Radical Nationalists, the USA has FFF, etc.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #6
Ukraine has banderists

... in their government unfortunately (this Melnyk guy is a typical Bandera apologist). They also have streets and stadiums named after them as well as monuments all over Ukraine. I know they are a minority, but unfortunately a very vocal minority that is not only tolerated but also cherished on a political state level. That's the problem.
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #7
They also have streets and stadiums named after them

The same in Poland. Cursed nationalist soldiers who murdered Jews and foreign civilians also have their monuments and streets in Poland.

That's the problem.

OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #8
Cursed soldiers who murdered Jews and foreign civilians

... and even, on many occasions, Polish civilians. They didn't, however, conduct a mass scale genocide on civilian population, that's the difference.
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #9
conduct a mass scale genocide on civilian population

Banderists killed a few dozen thousands people. Polish nationalist cursed soldiers killed a few hundred.
Do you really think the difference in numbers plays a role??
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #10
Do you really think the difference in numbers plays a role?

It's not merely a difference in scale but also of politics.

The genocide of Poles was a political decision of ethnic cleansing, made by Ukrainian leaders and conducted ruthlessly and systematically on civilian population, whilst criminal acts of "cursed soldiers" were individual decisions of particular unit commanders - they weren't under Home Army command any more; as you surely remember, Home Army was dissolved on 19th January 1945 by the order of general Leopold Okulicki and any units who disobeyed the order and commited crimes against civilians after that date brought the disgrace and shame only on themselves.
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #11
made by Ukrainian leaders

Leaders chosen by who?? Also, exactly what percentage of the Ukrainian nation did they represent???
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #12
Leaders chosen by who?

By eskimos or aliens from outer space, I suppose. :-/

Also, exactly what percentage of the Ukrainian nation did they represent???

It's irrelevant. UPA leadership made the decision to conduct ethnic cleansing of Poles and units under their command conducted the genocide. I already explained the difference between this action and "cursed soldiers" crimes in my previous post.
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #13
By eskimos or aliens from outer space, I suppose. :-/

You see? Self nominated leaders are not the same as chosen or elected leaders. Similarly, you could accuse the whole Polish nation for the crimes committed by Polish communists, for example for expelling Jews in 1968 or suppressing Prague Spring, also in 1968.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
3 Dec 2022   #14
But I'm not accusing the whole Ukrainian nation of anything - merely pointing out the difference (not only in scale) between the actions of UPA as a whole, and actions of particular "cursed soldiers" units who weren't under Home Army command.
pawian  223 | 26971
3 Dec 2022   #15
the difference (not only in scale) between the actions of UPA as a whole, and actions of particular "cursed soldiers"

The difference is substantial when it comes to numbers and minute when it comes to their nationalist ideology - all of them commited genocide to make their nations great. Simple.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1428
4 Dec 2022   #16
The most common definition of genocide is "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group". Hence, "cursed soldiers", as opposed to UPA, cannot be accused of genocide. They never aimed at destroying an entire nation or ethnic group in a given area whilst UPA did exactly that - they conducted orderly and regular ethnic cleansing, acting on orders of their leadership.
jon357  72 | 23400
4 Dec 2022   #17
the deliberate killing

Broader than that now. It includes cultural genocide.

whole Polish nation for the crimes

And cultural genocide around Lwów by Pilsudzki's legions. Of course one can no more blame the whole of Poland for that any more than you can blame the whole of Ukraine for things that happened during the worst part of their history.
pawian  223 | 26971
6 Dec 2022   #18
they conducted orderly and regular ethnic cleansing, acting on orders of their leadership.

Yes. Now tell us why they were so cruel.

Broader than that now. It includes cultural genocide.

You mean burning and demolishing Ukrainian churches by Polish police before the war???

  • 13.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
6 Dec 2022   #19
You mean burning and demolishing Ukrainian churches by Polish police before the war???

You are the same as the leftists in the UK and the USA.

You are ashamed of your cultural history.

You are a leftard moron with no sense of balance, reason or history.
The way our ancestors behaved was not in a manner acceptable by many now.
But why should historical figures be judged by the woke morals of today?
pawian  223 | 26971
6 Dec 2022   #20
your cultural history.

Darling, are you proud that Poles once burnt Ukrainian churches and chastised Ukrainians who didn`t want to be Poles??? You are a sick sadist, then. Get a treatment, you pervert.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Dec 2022   #21
And cultural genocide around Lwów by Pilsudzki's legions.

What kind of nonsene you are writing here.?
Those are Polish lands and always had been. Seems like we lost them to Stalin and Ukrianie has it but it doesn't warrant history to be rewritten to fit today reality.

In the same way you equal genocide with some BS tounge twister. No wonder with this level of honesty that the west is F ed! Full of nasty hypocrites and ******.

As we can see that socipath and a loon pawian is overactive again with his hate of everything Polish.
pawian  223 | 26971
11 Dec 2022   #22
Those are Polish lands

Stop that nazionalistische drivel. Those WERE the lands which once belonged to Polish Lithuanian state. Were they really Polish? Check the population numbers. Poles were always the minority. Similarly, Germans could claim that Poznań is German coz once they controlled it.
pawian  223 | 26971
30 Mar 2024   #23
I am not into birds coz they don`t have fluffy furs. But still seeing them at a close distance is an interesting experience.
Chickadee and pheasant:

  • DSCN6556Kopiowanie.jpg

  • DSCN6536Kopiowanie.jpg
Alien  25 | 6316
13 Sep 2024   #24
I am not into birds

As descendants of dinosaurs, they're doing quite well.

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