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desks that look like this

22 Jan 2024 #1

ok im going to go ahead and just state the obvious first...this desk is a giant piece of ****. its the exact color of ****, the wood on the top looks clunky and weirdly medieval and consumes an unnecessarily large amount of space, and the wood holding it up is probably cheap scraps from the ikea factory that got blended up and glued together in slabs with elmers glue or ****** primer or something. but the most EGREGIOUS thing about this desk is that stupid piece of wood running down the middle that is acting as something i can only really think to describe as a kickplate for the desk user. what purpose does it serve? absolutely no legitimate purpose unless you are some high level management creep who threatens the secretaries with their' jobs if they dont blow you under the desk or so they can rack up lines of cocaine behind it or something. just imagining sitting at a desk like that where my feet are for some stupid reason unnecessarily constrained by a giant **** colored wooden plank that i keep stubbing my toes on irritates me so much that i want to go out and light a bank on fire. and not only that, the makers of the desk have the 'gall to destroy the environment just a little faster just to have that unnecessary plank there to irritate you. so its like not only are they saying "**** you" theyre saying "**** you" AND "**** the environment/your children/any future generations and the earth AND were going to go out of our way to do more work and accumulate more production and shipping costs so that you KNOW we meant it."

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