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Curious Books of PF

Atch  22 | 4299
19 Apr 2023   #31
I don't recall one paragraph in any book worth repeating.

And that would be because you've never read any book worth reading.

The last one I read was by Dr. Phil.

I rest my case.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Apr 2023   #32
And that would be because you've never read any book worth reading.

Because there are no books worth reading.
Name one that made you one dollar reacher.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
19 Apr 2023   #33
Name one that made you one dollar reacher.

How to grow and process Weed

And that would be because you've never read any book worth reading.

Have you ever read the book, Spots on the sheets by I Cumm Nightly
OP Bobko  27 | 2130
19 Apr 2023   #34
Name one that made you one dollar reacher.

I mean... come on... there's a ton of books that can make one richer.

Did you just wake up one day and start minting patents for currency counting machines? Did you not have to read some books on mechanical engineering?

In my life, I can point to hundreds of books that have made me money, but maybe this is specific to what I do.

In my line of work (present), I'm basically a glorified *****/courtesan. There are serious guys, in back offices; that actually know how to do all the actual work. Myself, I just flutter around like a butterfly, meeting random people, and exchanging sweet nothings. My main goal is for them to like me, and to believe in whatever idea our team is behind. For this, books help enormously. Because it turns out, that the guys on the other side are just like me, while their partners are busy doing the actual work in the background. So what do us idiots who have no useful skills do when we meet? Well, often it's talking about cultural things. Books among them.

Sometimes I bring my partners along that are "doers", but that don't read too many books, and they feel rather out of place.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Apr 2023   #35
How to grow and process Weed

How to assemble a bike is not a book. At least, others here don't see instruction manuals as such. They mean books of "wisdom" nobody can use in real life. In other words, bs.

but maybe this is specific to what I do.

I meant books for "wisdom" and pleasure, not the ones you must read to pass an exam or do a project. That category includes check and phone books. Also, penal code.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
19 Apr 2023   #36
They mean books of "wisdom" nobody can use in real life. In other words, bs.

You've never read, "How to satisfy a woman sexually" have you.
The instructions tell you what to do and how to do it and what not to do.
One is to never call a broad a broad.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Apr 2023   #37
Again, instruction manuals are not "books".
I just got a new smartwatch. It came with a 4-page manual I had to read. Did I read a book?
OP Bobko  27 | 2130
19 Apr 2023   #38

Ok, I don't think I'll get outted for this, so I'll share what I do.

I started in my early twenties as an entrepreneur. I did well enough off of my first venture (after eating glass for the better part of a decade), and was planning to do nothing at all for quite some time. Unfortunately, I'm now back to work - and a type of work I never expected to do. If you told me 5 years ago, that this is what I would be doing, I would have spat in your face.

What I am, is basically an investment banker (it's slightly different, but for simplicity's sake this works). For those unfamiliar with the banking industry - we are useless parasites. Traders make money buying and selling stocks. Compliance people make sure it's all legal. Accountants ensure that everything is correctly recorded. IT people make sure our infrastructure works. But IBankers, have no specialty and we're not good at anything. We just connect money with opportunities, and collect a fat fee for this, and this still happens largely in restaurants and hotel lobbies.

When I meet with someone, I probably spend 20-30% of the time discussing the minutiae of whatever deal is being worked on. The rest of the time is spent talking about what people's kids do, what shows they've seen, what exhibits they want to visit, and what books they have read.

If they had a good enough time with Bobko, that they prefer to work with me instead of the ******* from across the street - GREAT SUCCESS! What books I have read, has a big impact on how much people will enjoy spending time with me. And so I have to constantly keep reading. That's not to say I don't enjoy it.
Atch  22 | 4299
19 Apr 2023   #39
Poetry makes me literally sick

Ah my heart is weary all alone
And it sends a lonely cry
To the land that sings beyond my dreams
And the lonely Sundays pass me by
Agus och, och Éire 'lig is ó
Éire londubh is ó
Ah the quiet land of Erin

Btw you don't need to read a book if you want to lose weight. I can tell you how to do that in only four words - eat less, move more.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Apr 2023   #40
You've never read, "How to satisfy a woman sexually" have you

Three problems...

Problem 1: Happy women spend money happily. Your money.
Problem 2: When you fail to deliver, she will quickly find someone who will.
Problem 3. She will tell her friends and one of them will kill her out of jealousy.

eat less, move more.

That's exactly what I wrote in my review. The problem: you can't charge 20 bucks, or 5 bucks per word.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Apr 2023   #41
1: Happy women spend money happily. Your money.

Reality 101.
You haven't learned yet that pussy costs men either money or grief and sometimes both.

2: When you fail to deliver, she will quickly find someone who will.

Not as quickly as a man though

3. She will tell her friends and one of them will kill her out of jealousy.

He will tell his friends and they will take over where he left off to put a few more miles on it.
HELLO Rich, are that sheltered on what makes the world spin ?
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Apr 2023   #42
Back to books...

A book is like a balloon that has to be inflated to a size that assures the author of income or fame. Say, 300 pages. The same story on 30 pages will fail to achieve either objective.

Today, nobody reads books so it's impossible to make any money writing them unless you are Hillary or Michelle.
AntV  3 | 670
20 Apr 2023   #43
During lunch, I ducked into a great used book store in downtown of my fair city and came across this collection.

Question now is whether or not I'm willing to separate myself from hard earned cash in order for the bookstore to separate itself from said collection.

  • 37817427FF2C49EDB.jpeg

  • C0EEE3E4DCFC4AED9.jpeg
OP Bobko  27 | 2130
20 Apr 2023   #44

Do it!
AntV  3 | 670
20 Apr 2023   #45

You moved the neddle closer to purchasing. 😀

It may come down to whether or not I want to withstand Mrs AntV haranguing me over another bibliophilic (is that a word?) splurge.
OP Bobko  27 | 2130
20 Apr 2023   #46

The smell alone will be worth it. Look at those tattered covers. I'm sure the pages are also those that you have to cut open with a letter opener if no one browsed that section. The quality of the picture prints (lithography?), even on that page you pasted is amazing.

Reading books can be a great sensory experience, not just intellectual.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
20 Apr 2023   #47
Reading books can be a great sensory experience, not just intellectual.

So true!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Apr 2023   #48
Reading books can be a great sensory experience, not just intellectual.

I concur !
OP Bobko  27 | 2130
22 Jun 2023   #49
Here's a good one:

  • IMG_5926.jpeg

  • IMG_5924.jpeg

  • IMG_5925.jpeg
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Jun 2023   #50
Hey Orc,change ya bed cover,you had the same one on 14th April & today:))) Also the wooden floor in a rented flat needs polishing,ask ya landlord until he is giving you a break:))

Which library do you go to

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