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I am a polish communist.

commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #1
I am a polish marxist, very happy to debate/discuss my beliefs.

ps: Kamala is unfortunately not a communist.
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Aug 2024   #2
polish communist

So you are a political dinosaur.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #3
How precisely?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #4
I am a polish communist.

According to Polish law this sentence is equal to "I am a Polish nazi". Both criminal genocidal ideologies, nazism and communism, are illegal in Poland and promoting them can result in a jail sentence for a sickf*ck doing that.

PolishForums, however, is an American board, so probably paedophilia, communism and nazism can be freely promoted here. If not, this thread should be deleted and the user banned.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #5
No, I am not promoting it.

I am stating a statement.

I have not said 'join the party' or 'read marx'.

Nothing here can be reasonably seen as promoting communism.

Also, there is a space between 'sick' and '****'.

I am not sure how pedophilia is comparable to a political ideology.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #6
Nothing here can be reasonably seen as promoting communism.

I'll be watching you.

Also, there is a space between 'sick' and '****'.


I am not sure how pedophilia is comparable to a political ideology.

Both are equally sick and vomit-inducing. The difference might lay in the number of victims - paedophiles probably didn't murder 94 million people.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #7
I'll be watching you.

I live in the United Kingdom, here we don't have laws that restrict 'promotion of communism' whatever that may be.

I'm not sure how comparing pedophiles to communists makes any sense. That's like comparing a car to a staircase.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #8
we don't have laws that restrict 'promotion of communism'

It's a mistake on the part of your government. Promotion of all genocidal ideologies should be legally restricted.

I'm not sure how comparing pedophiles to communists makes any sense.

Both the groups provoke similar reactions in decent people (disgust, contempt, vomit reflex).
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #9
Surely you cannot blame a cookbook for a kitchen fire!

Both the groups provoke similar reactions in decent people (disgust, contempt, vomit reflex).

I can't imagine anyone vomiting upon seeing a communist.

I must clearly be indecent, since only pedophilia disgusts me.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #10
Surely you cannot blame a cookbook for a kitchen fire!

Ha ha ha - typical :D Yes, yes - we know, it wasn't real communism. Not in Russia, not in China, not in Cambodia, North Korea, Latin America or anywhere else in the world where this sick ideology was implemented.

I can't imagine anyone vomiting upon seeing a communist.

Not upon seeing perhaps but definitely upon learning about his views.

I must clearly be indecent


Now, if you excuse me - I have interacted with you long enough, I have to go vomit.

*goes to the bathroom to vomit violently*
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #11
Not upon seeing perhaps but definitely upon learning about his views.

first of all - don't assume my sex.

I'm a woman.

Second of all, I now understand I am being 'trolled'.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #12
any decent person feels like vomiting after seeing that!

*rushes off to vomit*
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #13
^^ can someone, please, ban this troll?

Not only is she bragging about being a follower of a sick genocidal ideology but she also spams my photo thread.

Scandalous behaviour.
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Aug 2024   #14
, for I have sinned

I didn't know that ZOMO also went to confession.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #15
Where do you see ZOMO there, Alien? But sure - they went to confession as well. ZOMO, MO, SB, ORMO etc. - they were all recruited from Polish people, and Polish people back then were 95% Catholics. :)

Even the high rank PZPR members sent their children to First Communion (to a far away parish, preferably, if they were very high rank). :)
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #16
^^ can someone, please, ban this troll?

ban me, whatever. it'll be a source of pride at this point.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #17
a source of pride

Aaaah, yes, pride - Satan's favourite sin. No wonder a commie sick f*ck wants to wallow in it.

No, I changed my mind - don't ban her, let her stay and suffer the disgust and contempt that she deserves.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #18
Opiate for the masses is better than gulag for the masses. :)

Somehow your beloved communists, who are supposed to defend the working people, always end up using bullets and tanks against working people, mass murdering them (94 million all over the world!), a recurring pattern.

I'll take a bit of religious opiate over being murdered or sent to a gulag any day!
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Aug 2024   #19
I am a polish marxist, very happy to debate/discuss my beliefs.

What is there to discuss, if you haven't said anything remotely interesting?

As is - you seem to be a simple idiot, or a rather weak troll.

What might be an interesting topic, for example... is do modern technological breakthroughs make a centrally planned economy a more feasible goal than in the past?

In the Soviet Union, there was an entire field dedicated to the study of applications of cybernetics in economics.

At the time, it seemed too far fetched to ever be feasible. A fire at a ball bearing plant in Siberia, could create a "Butterfly Effect" type cascade of consequences, that no model could account for - rendering many aspects of planning useless or even harmful.

However, artificial general intelligence, could potentially plan in a way that the Soviet GosPlan could never dream of.

Perhaps Communism's time came too soon, and it will only really take off in the 22nd or 23rd century.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #20
Perhaps Communism's time came too soon, and it will only really take off in the 22nd or 23rd century.

Yes, I suppose in the 22nd or 23rd century people will enjoy being murdered, sent to gulags and starved to death. *rolls eyes*
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Aug 2024   #21

It would be the AI sending you to the gulag, or maybe using your body to generate electricity in large "farms".
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #22
It would be the AI

Oh, that's a consolation... I suppose.
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Aug 2024   #23
Ivan the Terrible killed untold numbers of innocents to consolidate power over other Russian princes, in the process giving Russia much of its modern territory.

Then, Peter the Great used savage methods to drag the nobility and the people closer towards Europe. They kicked and they screamed, and thought Peter was the Antichrist - but it was probably what Russia needed.

Stalin raped the country, but in twenty years transformed it from a backwards agrarian country into an industrial superpower.

Mao broke China, but reforged it into the powerhouse it is today.

What I'm trying to say is... perhaps this has less to do with Communism, and more with totalitarians on a mission that has no space for consideration of humans.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #24
Ivan the Terrible (...) Peter the Great

I hope we moved on a little bit since the times of Ivan and Peter.

transformed it from a backwards agrarian country into an industrial superpower

Countries all over the world transformed from agrarian to industrial economies, most of them without the use of mass executions, gulags and starvation.

reforged it into the powerhouse it is today

It wouldn't be remotely close to what it is today if their progress wasn't facilitated, or rather made possible, by the idiocy of the modern West.

totalitarians on a mission that has no space for consideration of humans

God save us from all "totalitarians on a mission".
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Aug 2024   #25
Countries all over the world transformed from agrarian to industrial economies

Exceedingly few outside of Western Europe and North America managed it without an autocratic hand.

South Korea did it under their military dictators. Japan under the Emperor. Taiwan under the Kuomintang. Singapore under the Lee family. Chile under Pinochet. And so on, and so forth.

The non-Western "stable democracies" like India did not do so well.

To get the peasants to leave their lands, and herd them into suffocating factories... a lot is required.

God save us from all "totalitarians on a mission".

Also we must be saved from sons of rich men that travel abroad to study, and then come back home with all sorts of strange ideas. That's one thing in common between folks like Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Lenin, Zhou Enlai and so on.

Rich kids, studying abroad, and coming back and staging experiments on the population.
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Aug 2024   #26
I'll take a bit of religious opiate over being murdered or sent to a gulag any day!

Religion did their bit of killing as well.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #27
And so on, and so forth.

Australia, New Zealand, Iran, Turkey and South Africa managed too. Even Poland had a rather strong industry able to produce modern ships, cars, tanks and planes before the advent of communism. So, economic transition doesn't necessarily require a totalitarian government but perhaps in some cases the changes were accelerated by totalitarians.

Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Lenin, Zhou Enlai

How about Sayyid Qutb? An interesting case as well. The couple of years he spent in the USA filled him with such disgust for the American culture that it turned him into an islamist extremist!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #28
their bit of killing

Oh, a lot of bad things happened centuries ago, but we have moved on a little bit since then (unless you mean Islam, but that's no my kind of opiate), haven't we? Communism, on the other hand, is a real threat and still around in many places all over the world.
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Aug 2024   #29

Basically, smart people are dangerous.

It's why one of the first things Mao and Pol Pot did was kill the remaining smart people.

So you should be happy with people like Duda, for example. The amount of damage they can do is limited.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #30
Basically, smart people are dangerous.

I'm not so sure. Hitler was never the smartest cookie in the basket and the amount of damage he did was not negligible.

you should be happy with people like Duda (...) The amount of damage they can do is limited.

Hmm... we've had so many stupid politicians that we should be the richest country on Earth by now. Unfortunately it doesn't work this way. :-/

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