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Ironside  50 | 12955
19 Dec 2024   #151
Feliz navidad prospero ano nuevo y felicidades..
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Dec 2024   #152
I still have reserves in my own forum which hasn`t closed down and can be revived any minute.

Bonobo or Jerzy? Ive heard your forums are dead as a door nail. Ill get the url and check.

. You can`t shut me down.

You can always buy PF! Go in 1/2 with pan bogaty from Michigan and you 2 can switch off moderating and gathering person info.

Its a dream come true for Jimmy. I dont know why he hasnt jumped on it

Maybe for Xmas old scrooge might open his wallet and let some of the moths out?
johnny reb  49 | 7993
20 Dec 2024   #153
Ive heard your forums are dead as a door nail.

Really ?
How are your forums doing ? Hoot !
I dont know why he hasnt jumped on it yet...

You sure seem to be concerned about how Jimmy runs his life.
Almost like you want to run it for him like a Polish aunt with her nose in everyone's business.
You can always buy PF! Go in 1/2 with pan bogaty from Michigan

Or you the Snitch could buy it with your buddy the Problematic Poster and harass and diminish everyone to no end. lol
Maybe for Xmas old scrooge might open his wallet

Worrying about Jimmy's money again are you.
Money is always a big issue with people that don't have any like you.
Nobody believes you have six houses and three Tesla anyways. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Dec 2024   #154
Worrying about Jimmy's money again are you.

Thats because youre the forum braggart that never backed up anything you claim and the fictions stories about yourself are never ending. The jig is up everyone knows youre nothing but a Bullshitter.

Nobody believes you have six houses and three Tesla anyways. Hoot !

You made up the entire story. I never said that I owned 6 houses, you did, or 3 Teslas. You embellish ( lied) to fulfill your childish attacks.

Why would I tell an Ahole like you how many properties I own anyhow? I dont boast like you do, especially about things I dont have, Mr. Learjet!😆😆😆😆😆

Arre you looking to rent something nicer than your shack? You will have to pass a background, credit check and 2 months security deposit before I rent to you.
johnny reb  49 | 7993
20 Dec 2024   #155
The jig is up everyone knows youre nothing but a Bullshitter.

I resemble that remark, thank you.
Then why do I keep winding you up like a $2 dollar toy until you have another meltdown like the one you just had ? Hoot !
I never said that I owned 6 houses, you did, or 3 Teslas.

Sure you did.
Go search for that post in archives to find it.
It is there some place.
Arre you looking to rent something nicer than your shack?

It is spelled are, not Arre.
It would be very hard to find someplace nicer than what I have now.
Peace and tranquility that can't be beat.
I even miss my snowmobiling out my front door but these trade winds at night with a rum bobber is the trade off for ten days. :-)
before I rent to you.

Just what I want to do is move to Shitcago to live with Honkey White Trash bigots that don't know the Lord.
No thanks, I like having some elbow room in the country where there is complete silence besides the wild life who I share it with.
They are much more respectful being Gods creatures than Shitcago's Satan creatures. (Sewer rats and lice)
Its all yours buddy, as you fit in perfectly there and only wish you could afford to live up here in Gods country.
Who are you going to troll, stalk and harass when the forum goes belly up ? Hoot !
pawian  226 | 27572
20 Dec 2024   #156
Bonobo or Jerzy?

Both. hahahaha

  • aa


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