Why this eternal discussion about sin and gays? Let everyone take care of their own sins rather than of somone else's sins. Isn't it that simple?
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johnny reb 49 | 7942
9 Jun 2022 #212
Why this eternal discussion about sin and gays?
Because they go hand in hand Z.
It is very offensive to normal people with morals.
We are tired of seeing this filth posted here to dumb people down with their sick propaganda to instill that being gay is normal and we must accept it.
Bullsh!t !
I shouldn't have to accept it or listen to it or see it and I won't.
They can keep their perversions to themselves.
Like Rich posted......LGBTFU !
This all started back with delph posting how anal sex from another man was the ultimate joy of life while targeting young men for some fresh meat.
I puked when I read that thinking what a sick puppy he was.
Now he is back alive and well, singing the passive song.
Why this eternal discussion about sin and gays?
Because they parade their gayness. We don't parade our normalcy.
Because they are proud of their mental disorders. We treat our mental disorders.
Because they are not self-sustaining. We are self-sustaining.
Because we are not spreading deadly diseases. They do.
Sin is simply another word for the actions that are a threat to the tribe.
Why this eternal discussion about sin and gays? Let e
Because the pair of them are mental
The one who pretends to be religious even tried to start an argument about the Bible and lost badly...
johnny reb 49 | 7942
9 Jun 2022 #215
tried to start an argument about the Bible
Your trolling is most laughable.
What I started was words straight from the Bible which says that homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
You being a homo can't deal with that and that is why you post such nasty remarks about Christianity and want nothing to do with it.
Sin is simply another word for the actions that are a threat to the tribe.
You nailed it Novi.
If they are not clamoring about LBGTFU they are clamoring about pedophiles.
Perverted sex seems to be their highlight in their mentally unstable life.
They post about men on men to sticking their dicks in fish.
Sick people, very sick.
Sick people, very sick.
...and parasites who never, ever answer two questions:
1. How many are too many?
2. Is there a perversion so perverse that they would be for criminalizing it?
Parasite - a person who contributes nothing. Super parasite - a parasite who spreads diseases that are a threat to the tribe.
Average gay - a net liability to the tribe. Average hetero - a net asset to the tribe.
Gays - the fewer the better. Heteros - the more the better.
Sick tribe - 100% gay. Healthy tribe - 100% hetero.
Did I leave anything out?
Oh, yeah...Would San Fran let me organize an "I Am Not Gay and Proud Of It" parade?
We are tired of seeing this filth posted here to dumb people down with their sick propaganda to instill that being gay is normal
You do realize that there are only three people on this forum who are ready to talk incessantly about gayness, gay parades and anal sex acts between men. In contrast to that, I suppose 99,9% straight men think about such stuff for 2 to 3 minutes per year at the most.
Johnny, what makes you be included in the remaining 0,1%? It seems that the life of the three of you is just being centered around gay sex and gayness in general.
Bye, I am leaving you to discuss this subject further on.
It seems that the life of the three of you is just being centered around gay sex and gayness in general.
They are absolutely obsessed.
Very weird individuals.
Gertrude Stein, once wrote that: "There never will be anything more interesting than that American Civil War."
Clearly she was wrong. The most interesting subject in the world is anal. Even 10,000,000 years from now, when people will have evolved into furry, seal-like creatures - it will still be considered funny by their shrunken brains for one to place his penis in another's butt.
Clearly she was wrong. The most interesting subject in the world is anal. Even 10,000,000 years from now, when people will have evolved into furry, seal-like creatures - it will still be considered funny by their shrunken brains for one to place his penis in another's butt.
He just pretends to be a follower.
Even trying to start an argument about it and losing badly.
And then uses a copy and paste from some evangelical source which is full of supposition.
Jon have you read Galapagos, by Vonnegut?
Jon have you read Galapagos, by Vonnegut?
No. Science fiction isn't really my thing although recently I've read a little and once read some Azimov and Lessing.
Vonnegut seems to have been a big name. Is it good?
Vonnegut seems to have been a big name. Is it good?
Sort of odd for me to think of Vonnegut as an sci-fi writer, but I suppose it applies to some works - Galapagos specifically. But Slaughterhouse Five, for example, was autobiographical. I think you will really enjoy his stuff, based on what I know of you. Funniest man to write in the 20th century, imho, and I even read Jaroslaw Gasek and Mikhail Zoschenko.
Sort of odd for me to think of Vonnegut as an sci-fi writer, but I suppose it applies to some works - Galapagos specifically. But Slaughterhouse Five, for example, was autobiographical. I think you will really enjoy his stuff, based on what I know of you. Funniest man to write in the 20th century, imho, and I even read Jaroslaw Gasek and Mikhail Zoschenko.
They are absolutely obsessed.
Very weird individuals.
Very weird individuals.
Let me explain...When you are in a beautiful rose garden and you see a pile of smelly sh*it, which will get your attention?
The roses or the pile of sh*it?
johnny reb 49 | 7942
9 Jun 2022 #225
Bye, I am leaving you to discuss this subject further on.
Oh I am done too, Z.
It is waste of my time as how does it go, "Never try to teach a pig to sing.........joun just wants to argue.
Sort of odd for me to think of Vonnegut as an sci-fi writer,
I read his novel, "Breakfast of Champions" back when I was in college.
What a HooT !
I still have it in my library and going read it again just for shts and giggles.
roses or the pile of sh*it?
Is it better to be a rose or a pile of shıt?
You are no better.
Of course. I am a very sinful man. But I do not spy on others to see if they are bigger sinners. That`s what you seem to be doing with gays.
I will call it as I see it.
Yes, you see a straw in their eye and miss the beam in yours.
Nothing. Satisfaction that you scored a meltdown is enough for me. :):)
If you hoped for that, forget it. Teachers mustn`t slap students. :):)
johnny reb 49 | 7942
9 Jun 2022 #228
That`s what you seem to be doing with gays.
How stupid of you when I repeatedly have said I am tired of reading about their sexual preferences.
you see a straw in their eye and miss the beam in yours.
No, I see them promoting sin by peddling their sick propaganda
You however support this so you are supporting sin
you scored a meltdown is enough for me.
What I scored was telling the teacher to F.O.
Teachers mustn`t slap students
Doesn't mean the teacher doesn't deserve a good slap once in awhile by their authority
tired of reading about their sexual preferences
It pretends it is 'tired' of reading about it yet evidently it isn't tired of mentioning it three times daily here.
johnny reb 49 | 7942
10 Jun 2022 #230
evidently it isn't tired of mentioning it three times daily here.
And that is JUST responding to your homo sexual propaganda that you post three times a day.
Get use to it joun because every time you post your homo sexual ilk to promote it, I will respond, even if it is TEN Times a day.
(hint) It would be so much easier to take your vomit inducing Homo sex fantasies someplace else.
you post three times a day.
All we see is you obsessing on the subject.
It must remind you of the prison showers.
johnny reb 49 | 7942
10 Jun 2022 #232
Just remember what I told you.
Yes, you are obsessed.
A fake Christian too.
A fake Christian too.
A fake Christian
What makes one a fake Christian? I hear that term thrown around a lot (ironically, oftentimes by non-practicing Christians), and I'm not really sure what is meant by it.
johnny reb 49 | 7942
10 Jun 2022 #235
I'm not really sure what is meant by it.
It is used by the ignorant Pagans to diminish Christians.
See, they think that a Christian must walk a perfect walk to be a Christian.
I have explained to them a hundred times that every man that walks the earth is a sinner, including Christians.
So in essence, they use the term to diminish Christians.
What makes one a fake Christian?
Getting communion in the morning and voting for a pro-abortion pos in the afternoon. Google: Pelosi, Biden.
johnny reb 49 | 7942
10 Jun 2022 #237
Very good Novi.
Those that talk the talk but don't walk the talk.
Internet forums for entertainment don't count. Hoot !
Those that talk the talk but don't walk the talk.
Internet forums for entertainment don't count. Hoot !
I hear that term thrown around a
Do you? I only hear it rarely and used with great care.
Yes, I do. That's why I said it
My question was, though, what do you mean by a fake Christian?
Yes, I do. That's why I said it
My question was, though, what do you mean by a fake Christian?
Communion in the morning. Gay pride parade in the afternoon.
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